June 26, 2024
The Days Waiting For You Are Not Worth Mentioning等你的日子不值一提(Deng Ni De Ri Zi Bu Zhi Yi Ti) Over The Sea I Come To You OST By Mikey Jiao Maiqi焦迈奇

The Days Waiting For You Are Not Worth Mentioning等你的日子不值一提(Deng Ni De Ri Zi Bu Zhi Yi Ti) Over The Sea I Come To You OST By Mikey Jiao Maiqi焦迈奇

Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of The Days Waiting For You Are Not Worth Mentioning等你的日子不值一提(Deng Ni De Ri Zi Bu Zhi Yi Ti) Over The Sea I Come To You OST By Mikey Jiao Maiqi焦迈奇

Info/About “The Days Waiting For You Are Not Worth Mentioning”

Song NameThe Days Waiting For You Are Not Worth Mentioning等你的日子不值一提(Deng Ni De Ri Zi Bu Zhi Yi Ti)
Artist Mikey Jiao Maiqi焦迈奇
LyricistYu Xiangbei
ComposerMikey Jiao Maiqi
Released 2017
Genre Pop; Soundtrack

Background Story of “The Days Waiting For You Are Not Worth Mentioning”

This song was an interlude of the TV Series “Over The Sea I Come To You带着爸爸去留学“, and it was released on February 14, 2017.

Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “The Days Waiting For You Are Not Worth Mentioning”

liú xǐ zài yǎn lǐ de yú bǎi tuō le gū jì
流 徙 在 眼 里 的 鱼 摆 脱 了 孤 寂
The fish swimming in the eyes has got rid of loneliness

fàng zhú zài yáo yuǎn biān jìng de mǒu zuò dǎo yǔ
放 逐 在 遥 远 边 境 的 某 座 岛 屿
Exiled on an island far away at the border

quán suō zài jiǎo luò kū qì wú zhù de hái tí
蜷 缩 在 角 落 哭 泣 无 助 的 孩 啼
Crying in the corner, crying helplessly

nǐ gèng yuàn bǎ wǒ dāng zuò yǔn luò de gū xīng
你 更 愿 把 我 当 作 陨 落 的 孤 星
You are more willing to take me as a fallen lone star

xiǎng yōng bào yī chǎng dà yǔ zhī hòu de měi lì
想 拥 抱 一 场 大 雨 之 后 的 美 丽
I want to embrace the beauty after a heavy rain

qí shí kuáng huān bǐ níng jìng gèng xiǎn dé kōng xū
其 实 狂 欢 比 宁 静 更 显 得 空 虚
Actually a carnival feels more empty than being at peace

děng dài shì chén mò de shēn hū xī
等 待 是 沉 默 的 深 呼 吸
What’s being waited is a silent deep breath

yù jiàn shì tián měi de xīn qíng
遇 见 是 甜 美 的 心 情
What’s met is sweet mood

wǎn liú shì liàn liàn bú shě liàn liàn bú shě de yāo qǐng
挽 留 是 恋 恋 不 舍 恋 恋 不 舍 的 邀 请
What’s being saved is the lingering invitation

guò chéng wǒ dōu shè jì de měi lì
过 程 我 都 设 计 的 美 丽
I even designed the process beautifully

bái tiān huān xiào wǎn shàng kū qì
白 天 欢 笑 晚 上 哭 泣
Laugh during the day and cry at night

yuè liàng zǒng bú huì bèi tài yáng pāo qì
月 亮 总 不 会 被 太 阳 抛 弃
The moon will not be abandoned by the sun

suǒ yǐ děng nǐ de rì zǐ bú zhí dé yī tí
所 以 等 你 的 日 子 不 值 得 一 提
So the days waiting for you are not worth mentioning

wǒ tóu zhì de piāo liú píng piāo liú dào nán jí
我 投 掷 的 漂 流 瓶 漂 流 到 南 极
The drift bottle I tossed has drifted to the South Pole

nǐ shǒu zhōng de zhǐ fēi jī xiǎng bǎi tuō yǐn lì
你 手 中 的 纸 飞 机 想 摆 脱 引 力
The paper plane in your hand wants to get rid of the gravity

wú lùn tiān yá huò hǎi jiǎo shuō hǎo yī qǐ qù
无 论 天 涯 或 海 角 说 好 一 起 去
No matter if it’s the end of world, we promised to go there together

ǒu ěr chéng nuò bǐ méi guī gèng duō shuō fú lì
偶 尔 承 诺 比 玫 瑰 更 多 说 服 力
Occasional promise is more persuasive than roses

wǒ xiǎng yào yōng bào yī chǎng dà yǔ zhī hòu de měi lì
我 想 要 拥 抱 一 场 大 雨 之 后 的 美 丽
I want to embrace the beauty after a heavy rain

qí shí kuáng huān bǐ níng jìng gèng xiǎn dé kōng xū
其 实 狂 欢 比 宁 静 更 显 得 空 虚
Actually a carnival feels more empty than being at peace

děng dài shì chén mò de shēn hū xī
等 待 是 沉 默 的 深 呼 吸
What’s being waited is a silent deep breath

yù jiàn shì tián měi de xīn qíng
遇 见 是 甜 美 的 心 情
What’s met is sweet mood

wǎn liú shì liàn liàn bú shě liàn liàn bú shě de yāo qǐng
挽 留 是 恋 恋 不 舍 恋 恋 不 舍 的 邀 请
What’s being saved is the lingering invitation

guò chéng wǒ dōu shè jì de měi lì
过 程 我 都 设 计 的 美 丽
I even designed the process beautifully

bái tiān huān xiào wǎn shàng kū qì
白 天 欢 笑 晚 上 哭 泣
Laugh during the day and cry at night

yuè liàng zǒng bú huì bèi tài yáng pāo qì
月 亮 总 不 会 被 太 阳 抛 弃
The moon will not be abandoned by the sun

suǒ yǐ děng nǐ de rì zǐ bú zhí dé yī tí
所 以 等 你 的 日 子 不 值 得 一 提
So the days waiting for you are not worth mentioning

suǒ yǐ nǐ zài lù shàng bú bì zhe jí
所 以 你 在 路 上 不 必 着 急
So you don’t need to be in a hurry on the road


Covers & Versions of “The Days Waiting For You Are Not Worth Mentioning”

MV Version

Live performance version

Another live performance version

Fan Cover

Instrumental version

Chords of “The Days Waiting For You Are Not Worth Mentioning”


Download/MP3 of “The Days Waiting For You Are Not Worth Mentioning”

Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you

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