February 12, 2025
The Birth of Hatred多恨生(Duo Hen Sheng) The Untamed OST By J.zen Zhu Xingjie朱星杰

The Birth of Hatred多恨生(Duo Hen Sheng) The Untamed OST By J.zen Zhu Xingjie朱星杰

Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of The Birth of Hatred多恨生(Duo Hen Sheng) The Untamed OST By J.zen Zhu Xingjie朱星杰

Info/About “The Birth of Hatred”

Song NameThe Birth of Hatred多恨生(Duo Hen Sheng)
Artist J.zen Zhu Xingjie朱星杰
LyricistLuo Qihuai
ComposerYi Ming
Released 2019
Genre Pop/Soundtrack/Chinoiserie

Background Story of “The Birth of Hatred”

This song was a character theme song of the TV Series “The Untamed陈情令“, and it was released on July 8, 2019.

The Untamed陈情令

“The Untamed陈情令” Soundtrack Listing

The Untamed无羁 Sean Xiao Zhan肖战 & Wang Yibo王一博Theme Song
The Untamed无羁 Bibi Zhou周笔畅Theme Song
The Untamed无羁 Sean Xiao Zhan肖战Theme Song
The Untamed无羁 Wang Yibo王一博Theme Song
Song Ends曲尽陈情Sean Xiao Zhan肖战Character Theme Song
Won’t Forget不忘 Wang Yibo王一博Character Theme Song
Utter Innocence赤子Yu Bin于斌Character Theme Song
Hating Separation恨别Marius Wang Zhuocheng汪卓成Character Theme Song
Involuntary不由Liu Haikuan刘海宽Character Theme Song
Separation at Qing River清河诀Ayanga阿云嘎Character Theme Song
Whisper of the Woods疏林如有诉Gao Qiuzi高秋梓Character Theme Song
Passing By The Deserted City荒城渡Zhou Shen周深Character Theme Song
The Lonely City孤城 Krystal Chen Zhuoxuan陈卓璇 & Gary Sun Bolun孙伯纶Group Theme Song
Youth Especially Can’t Be Bullied最是少年不可欺Guo Cheng郭丞 & ShareYoung醉雪 & Qi Peixin漆培鑫 & Zheng Fanxing郑繁星Group Theme Song
Discontented意难平Rachel Yin Lin银临Interlude
Not in Vain不枉Naomi Wang Ju王菊Group Theme Song
Never See You Again永隔Lara Liang梁心颐 & Fabien Yang杨奇煜Character Theme Song
The Birth of Hatred多恨生J.zen Zhu Xingjie朱星杰Character Theme Song

Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “The Birth of Hatred”

yù qiān gōng yù huáng kǒng bú rěn chù pèng
愈 谦 恭 愈 惶 恐 不 忍 触 碰
The more you act humbly, the more terrified you feel, can’t bear to touch

jiāng wú qíng bīng dòng yǎn yì zhì dòng róng
将 无 情 冰 冻 演 绎 至 动 容
You froze your unfeeling heart and put on a moving act

yù shàn biàn yù cí qióng jiāo guàn kōng dòng
愈 善 辩 愈 词 穷 浇 灌 空 洞
The more eloquent you are, the more inarticulate you feel, they’re all to fill the vacantness in your heart

dào nǐ bā miàn líng lóng shuí zhī nǐ zhēn róng
道 你 八 面 玲 珑 谁 知 你 真 容
You try to be all things to all people, but who knows who you truly love

shuí zài zhòng rén qián zuò wú gū
谁 在 众 人 前 作 无 辜
Who’s acting innocent in front of everyone

shuí zài huǎng yán lǐ bàn hú tú
谁 在 谎 言 里 扮 糊 涂
Who’s acting dumb amongst the lies

shuí zài yòng wēn cún lái má mù ài yǔ hèn dōu sì háo dǔ
谁 在 用 温 存 来 麻 木 爱 与 恨 都 似 豪 赌
Who’s using love and kindness to numb all other feelings, love and hate all seem like a huge gamble

yī zhì gū zhù
一 掷 孤 注
A gamble that costs him everything he’s got

shuí jiāng míng lì chǎng huà zhì gù
谁 将 名 利 场 化 桎 梏
Who pursues fame and gain, which transform into shackles

shuí jiāng líng lóng xīn pái jù mù
谁 将 玲 珑 心 排 剧 目
Who directed the play with a delicate heart

shuí jiāng nà rén jiān yě lǐng wù shēng yǔ sè cì rù jī gǔ
谁 将 那 人 间 也 领 悟 声 与 色 刺 入 肌 骨
Who is it that perceived the true nature of the world, everything he sees and hears pierce into his skin and bone

dā jiàn chéng fǔ
搭 建 城 府
He hides them all in his heart

jiǎo yuè shèn tòu chū xīng hóng
皎 月 渗 透 出 猩 红
Red blood seeps from the pure white moon

xuān xiāo zhī zhōng àn cáng xiōng yǒng
喧 嚣 之 中 暗 藏 汹 涌
Surging waves hide unnoticable amongst the clamour

jìng rú fēn fāng de měi mèng
竟 如 芬 芳 的 美 梦
But they all somehow seem like a fragrant dream to him

yù qiān gōng yù huáng kǒng bú rěn chù pèng
愈 谦 恭 愈 惶 恐 不 忍 触 碰
The more you act humbly, the more terrified you feel, can’t bear to touch

jiāng wú qíng bīng dòng yǎn yì zhì dòng róng
将 无 情 冰 冻 演 绎 至 动 容
You froze your unfeeling heart and put on a moving act

yù shàn biàn yù cí qióng jiāo guàn kōng dòng
愈 善 辩 愈 词 穷 浇 灌 空 洞
The more eloquent you are, the more inarticulate you feel, they’re all to fill the vacantness in your heart

dào nǐ bā miàn líng lóng shuí zhī nǐ zhēn róng
道 你 八 面 玲 珑 谁 知 你 真 容
You try to be all things to all people, but who knows who you truly love

shuí dǒng
谁 懂
Who knows

shuō shí me tiān shēng wéi xiǔ mù
说 什 么 天 生 为 朽 木
They say you’re fated with a life full of advensities

shuō shí me mìng dìng chéng jié shù
说 什 么 命 定 成 劫 数
They say that people walking this path often go different ways

shuō shí me cǐ dào duō shū tú bú rú zuò zì jǐ xìn tú
说 什 么 此 道 多 殊 途 不 如 做 自 己 信 徒
If so, you rather become your own follower

tiān dì bēn fù
天 地 奔 赴
Treading Heaven and Earth alone

nǐ jiāng míng lì chǎng huà zhì gù
你 将 名 利 场 化 桎 梏
You pursue fame and gain, which transform into shackles

nǐ jiāng líng lóng xīn pái jù mù
你 将 玲 珑 心 排 剧 目
You directed the play with a delicate heart

nǐ jiāng nà rén jiān yě lǐng wù shēng yǔ sè cì rù jī gǔ
你 将 那 人 间 也 领 悟 声 与 色 刺 入 肌 骨
You perceived the true nature of the world, everything he sees and hears pierce into his skin and bone

dā jiàn chéng fǔ
搭 建 城 府
He hides them all in his heart

jiǎo yuè shèn tòu chū xīng hóng
皎 月 渗 透 出 猩 红
Red blood seeps from the pure white moon

xuān xiāo zhī zhōng àn cáng xiōng yǒng
喧 嚣 之 中 暗 藏 汹 涌
Surging waves hide unnoticable amongst the clamour

jìng rú fēn fāng de měi mèng
竟 如 芬 芳 的 美 梦
But they all somehow seem like a fragrant dream to him

yù qiān gōng yù huáng kǒng bú rěn chù pèng
愈 谦 恭 愈 惶 恐 不 忍 触 碰
The more you act humbly, the more terrified you feel, can’t bear to touch

jiāng wú qíng bīng dòng yǎn yì zhì dòng róng
将 无 情 冰 冻 演 绎 至 动 容
You froze your unfeeling heart and put on a moving act

yù shàn biàn yù xiǎn cí qióng jiāo guàn kōng dòng
愈 善 辩 愈 显 词 穷 浇 灌 空 洞
The more eloquent you are, the more inarticulate you feel, they’re all to fill the vacantness in your heart

dào nǐ bā miàn líng lóng yī pài cóng róng
道 你 八 面 玲 珑 一 派 从 容
In everyone’s eyes you are all things to all people, always calm and unhurried

duō xì mì duō shēn zhòng fěn shì wú zhōng
多 细 密 多 深 重 粉 饰 无 衷
Complicated and deep, you whitewashed your heartlessness

jiāng píng shēng zuò yǒng nì míng hán dōng
将 平 生 作 俑 匿 名 寒 冬
Hiding everything you did in life, anonymously in the freezing winter

duō jiè yán duō zì cháo fěng tiān mìng cōng cōng
多 诫 言 多 自 嘲 讽 天 命 匆 匆
As if a warning and as if self-mockery. You lamented that life is destined to be short

yòu jǐ rén yuàn zhī nǐ zhēn miàn róng
又 几 人 愿 知 你 真 面 容
And how many people in your life are willing to know who you truly are

yuàn dǒng
愿 懂
Who knows

Covers & Versions of “The Birth of Hatred”

Lyrics Video

MV Version (with Eng sub)

Live performance in 2019

Thai sub version

Piano Cover

Chords of “The Birth of Hatred”


Download/MP3 of “The Birth of Hatred”

Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you

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