February 15, 2025
Take Everything You Want你要的全拿走(Ni Yao De Quan Na Zou) By Tiger Hu Yanbin胡彦斌

Take Everything You Want你要的全拿走(Ni Yao De Quan Na Zou) By Tiger Hu Yanbin胡彦斌

Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of Take Everything You Want你要的全拿走(Ni Yao De Quan Na Zou) By Tiger Hu Yanbin胡彦斌

Info/About “Take Everything You Want”

Song NameTake Everything You Want你要的全拿走(Ni Yao De Quan Na Zou)
Artist Tiger Hu Yanbin胡彦斌
LyricistTiger Hu Yanbin
ComposerTiger Hu Yanbin
Released 2018
Genre Pop

Background Story of “Take Everything You Want”

This song was written, composed and performed all by Tiger Hu himself, and included in his Album “Fiao Tei Hao覅忒好”.

Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “Take Everything You Want”

kāi tóu dōu shì nǐ zài wèn  jié guǒ zǒng shì wǒ zài děng
开 头 都 是 你 在 问  结 果 总 是 我 在 等
It was you who kept asking in the beginning, it was me who always wait in the end

shuō huà liú zhe fèn cùn  qì fēn què bú jiàn jiā wēn
说 话 留 着 分 寸  气 氛 却 不 见 加 温
We keep a polite distance in our speech, but the atmosphere isn’t warming up

ài méi yǒu le kù cún  nǐ shuō de zhè me rèn zhēn
爱 没 有 了 库 存  你 说 的 这 么 认 真
Our love is running out of stock, you’re saying this with such a serious tone

xiǎn dé wǒ cún xīn fū yǎn  zhè xiē tào lù de qíng jiē
显 得 我 存 心 敷 衍  这 些 套 路 的 情 节
As if I purposefully brush you off, this old plot, like patterned and insincere trickery

cāng bái de shàng le tái miàn  shì bú shì fèn kāi yī dìng yào liú liàn
苍 白 的 上 了 台 面  是 不 是 分 开 一 定 要 留 恋
Palely enter the stage, does separation require lingering affection

cái jiào dé bú nà me suí biàn  nǐ yào de quán ná zǒu
才 觉 得 不 那 么 随 便  你 要 的 全 拿 走
to avoid seeming too player-like, take everything you want

bǎ huí yì huà chéng kōng  bú yào zài hū gǎn shòu
把 回 忆 化 成 空  不 要 在 乎 感 受
Void all the memories, don’t care about feelings

tǐ miàn de yǒu suǒ bǎo liú  shuō guò de huà dāng zèng pǐn fù sòng
体 面 的 有 所 保 留  说 过 的 话 当 赠 品 附 送
It’s dignified and reserved, the words I said, they’re freebies that you can keep

wǒ bú bì zài wéi nǐ qiān jiù  shuō yī jù fèn shǒu jiè kǒu
我 不 必 再 为 你 迁 就  说 一 句 分 手 借 口
I don’t need to compromise for you any longer, saying an excuse for breakup

yī biàn liǎng biàn sān biàn  zuì hòu bǎi kǒu mò biàn
一 遍 两 遍 三 遍  最 后 百 口 莫 辩
Once, twice, three times, until the end, when nothing allows one to win the argument

qíng huà zhī shì ǒu ěr duì xiàn de huǎng yán  céng ài de tān dé wú yàn
情 话 只 是 偶 尔 兑 现 的 谎 言  曾 爱 的 贪 得 无 厌
Love words are just lies that we make good once in a while, we used to love in a greedy manner

yě yào wéi guò qù liú yī xiē zūn yán  sàn le wǒ men jiù gàn cuì yī diǎn
也 要 为 过 去 留 一 些 尊 严  散 了 我 们 就 干 脆 一 点
Now we need to leave the past some dignity, since we’ve decided to break up, let’s not do goodbye by death by a thousand cuts

nǐ yào de quán ná zǒu  shèng xià de wǒ chéng shòu
你 要 的 全 拿 走  剩 下 的 我 承 受
Take everything you want, I will deal with and bear the rest

liú xià wǒ men de gǒu  bié guǎn yǒu méi yǒu yòng
留 下 我 们 的 狗  别 管 有 没 有 用
Leave our dog with me, don’t ask if he makes a difference

wǒ pà tā yǐ hòu méi rén chǒng  nǎ pà tā bú dǒng wǒ de tòng
我 怕 它 以 后 没 人 宠  哪 怕 它 不 懂 我 的 痛
I would fear that in the future, he won’t have anyone to spoil him, even if he doesn’t understand my pain

wǒ bú bì zài wéi nǐ qiáng qiú  yī nián liǎng nián sān nián
我 不 必 再 为 你 强 求  一 年 两 年 三 年
I no longer need to bend over backwards for you, one year, two years, three years

yǐ jīng chén mò guǎ yán  hǎo jù hǎo sàn tīng zhe yě chǔ chǔ kě lián
已 经 沉 默 寡 言  好 聚 好 散 听 着 也 楚 楚 可 怜
Silence has already set in, “since we had a good first encounter, we should have a good goodbye too” sounds cute, doesn’t it

kàn jiàn de dōu zài xiāo qiǎn  tè jià mài chū bú guǎn tā guì jiàn
看 见 的 都 在 消 遣  特 价 卖 出 不 管 它 贵 贱
Everything you saw, you used for your amusement, selling on discount, no matter if it is valuable or not

yī gè jiē zhe yī gè  yī pái jiē zhe yī pái de qīng diǎn zài xiāo miè  
一 个 接 着 一 个  一 排 接 着 一 排 的 清 点 在 消 灭  
One after another, row after row, taking inventory, taking it away

guān le mén wǒ men liǎng bú xiàng qiàn
关 了 门 我 们 两 不 相 欠
After closing the door, we see that we owe each other nothing


Covers & Versions of “Take Everything You Want”

MV Version

Live performance version by Tiger Hu

Live performance version in 2021

Cover by Kelly Yu Wenwen于文文 & Summer Jike Junyi吉克隽逸 (Live) (R&B Style)

Cover by JJ Lin (with Tiger Hu) (Live)

Cover by Gail盖儿

Cover by Li Jiage李嘉格

Cover by Jane Zhang张靓颖

Cover by Zhang Junhao张峻豪 & Zhu Zhixin朱志鑫 (TF Family)


Compilation of covers by other singers

Chords of “Take Everything You Want”


Download/MP3 of “Take Everything You Want”

Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you

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