June 16, 2024
Standard of Love恋爱标准(Lian Ai Biao Zhun) Exploration Method of Love OST By Vivi Jiang Yingrong江映蓉

Standard of Love恋爱标准(Lian Ai Biao Zhun) Exploration Method of Love OST By Vivi Jiang Yingrong江映蓉

Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of Standard of Love恋爱标准(Lian Ai Biao Zhun) Exploration Method of Love OST By Vivi Jiang Yingrong江映蓉

Info/About “Standard of Love”

Song NameStandard of Love恋爱标准(Lian Ai Biao Zhun)
Artist Vivi Jiang Yingrong江映蓉
LyricistLin Qiao
ComposerGao Ying
Released 2023
Genre Pop; Soundtrack

Background Story of “Standard of Love”

This song was the opening song of the TV Series “Exploration Method of Love爱的勘探法“, and it was released on June 28, 2023.

Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “Standard of Love”

mèng xiǎng shì shàn dài suǒ de mén
梦 想 是 扇 带 锁 的 门
A dream is a door with a lock

rén rén dōu zài nǔ lì tàn wèn
人 人 都 在 努 力 探 问
Everyone is trying to find out

kě ruò xiǎng ràng míng lì yǒng héng
可 若 想 让 名 利 永 恒
But if you want fame and fortune to last forever

jiù yǒng yuǎn bǎ wò bú hǎo yào shí de fèn cùn
就 永 远 把 握 不 好 钥 匙 的 分 寸
I will never be able to grasp the size of the key

chéng gōng xiǎng yào zuàn wěn yùn qì shī le jǐ fèn
成 功 想 要 攥 稳 运 气 失 了 几 分
If you want to hold on to success, you lose a little bit of luck

nà xiē mò míng qí miào de liàn ài biāo zhǔn
那 些 莫 名 其 妙 的 恋 爱 标 准
That inexplicable standard of love

zhī huì ràng zì jǐ luàn le fèn cùn
只 会 让 自 己 乱 了 分 寸
It will only mess with your sense of proportion

jīng zhì zhuāng zhí yè zhuāng wài jiā gāo gēn
精 致 妆 职 业 装 外 加 高 跟
Exquisite makeup, professional attire and high heels

zuò zì jǐ cái néng zhǎng jiǔ de shēng cún
做 自 己 才 能 长 久 的 生 存
Be yourself to survive long

mài lì de xuán zhuǎn jiù suàn pí bèi bú néng tíng dùn
卖 力 的 旋 转 就 算 疲 惫 不 能 停 顿
Spin hard, even if you’re tired, you can’t stop

nà fǎng fó yù yán yòu zhǐ de shuāng chún
那 仿 佛 欲 言 又 止 的 双 唇
Lips that seem hesitant to speak

wǔ mèi de yǎn shén ràng kōng qì shēng wēn shēng gāo tǐ wēn
妩 媚 的 眼 神 让 空 气 升 温 升 高 体 温
and charming eyes make the air warm and body temperature rise

duō shǎo mì mì xiàn rù ní hóng chén lún
多 少 秘 密 陷 入 霓 虹 沉 沦
How many secrets are trapped within you

duǒ zài rén cháo jiù bú bì tǎo lùn
躲 在 人 潮 就 不 必 讨 论
There are a a lot of people on the street, so no need to discuss

bèi dìng yì de shēn fèn běn jiù méi yǒu biāo zhǔn
被 定 义 的 身 份 本 就 没 有 标 准
what defined. Status and identity have no standards

bié zài duō wèn shì zhě shēng cún
别 再 多 问 适 者 生 存
Don’t ask any question, survival of the fittest

mèng xiǎng shì shàn dài suǒ de mén
梦 想 是 扇 带 锁 的 门
A dream is a door with a lock

rén rén dōu zài nǔ lì tàn wèn
人 人 都 在 努 力 探 问
Everyone is trying to find out

kě ruò xiǎng ràng míng lì yǒng héng
可 若 想 让 名 利 永 恒
But if you want fame and fortune to last forever

jiù yǒng yuǎn bǎ wò bú hǎo yào shí de fèn cùn
就 永 远 把 握 不 好 钥 匙 的 分 寸
I will never be able to grasp the size of the key

chéng gōng xiǎng yào zuàn wěn yùn qì shī le jǐ fèn
成 功 想 要 攥 稳 运 气 失 了 几 分
If you want to hold on to success, you lose a little bit of luck

nà xiē mò míng qí miào de liàn ài biāo zhǔn
那 些 莫 名 其 妙 的 恋 爱 标 准
That inexplicable standard of love

zhī huì ràng zì jǐ luàn le fèn cùn
只 会 让 自 己 乱 了 分 寸
It will only mess with your sense of proportion

jīng zhì zhuāng zhí yè zhuāng wài jiā gāo gēn
精 致 妆 职 业 装 外 加 高 跟
Exquisite makeup, professional attire and high heels

zuò zì jǐ cái néng zhǎng jiǔ de shēng cún
做 自 己 才 能 长 久 的 生 存
Be yourself to survive long

mài lì de xuán zhuǎn jiù suàn pí bèi bú néng tíng dùn
卖 力 的 旋 转 就 算 疲 惫 不 能 停 顿
Spin hard, even if you’re tired, you can’t stop

nà fǎng fó yù yán yòu zhǐ de shuāng chún
那 仿 佛 欲 言 又 止 的 双 唇
Lips that seem hesitant to speak

wǔ mèi de yǎn shén ràng kōng qì shēng wēn shēng gāo tǐ wēn
妩 媚 的 眼 神 让 空 气 升 温 升 高 体 温
and charming eyes make the air warm and body temperature rise

duō shǎo mì mì xiàn rù ní hóng chén lún
多 少 秘 密 陷 入 霓 虹 沉 沦
How many secrets are trapped within you

liàn ài huā biān xīn wén zhì ruò wǎng wén
恋 爱 花 边 新 闻 置 若 罔 闻
fallen into the mire, drowned in love

bèi dìng yì bèi tán lùn bú guò yī zé xīn wén
被 定 义 被 谈 论 不 过 一 则 新 闻
neglected gossip defined and spoken of as nothing more than news

hǎo huài gòng cún shì xiàng duì lùn
好 坏 共 存 是 相 对 论
Good and bad social relations such as the theory of relativity

Covers & Versions of “Standard of Love”

Instrumental version

English/Indo sub version

Chords of “Standard of Love”


Download/MP3 of “Standard of Love”

Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you

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