Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of Song of the Lute Player琵琶行(Pi Pa Xing) By Qi Ran奇然 & Mile Shen Miren沈谧仁
Info/About “Song of the Lute Player”
Song Name | Song of the Lute Player琵琶行(Pi Pa Xing) |
Artist | Qi Ran奇然 & Mile Shen Miren沈谧仁 |
Lyricist | Bai Juyi (A famous poet in Tang Dynasty) |
Composer | Tu Youqin |
Released | 2017 |
Genre | Chinoiserie |
Language | Mandarin |
Background Story of “Song of the Lute Player”
This song was released on May 2, 2017, it’s one of the most popular songs of Qi Ran奇然 & Mile Shen Miren沈谧仁, since release, it has been covered by many other artists, and very popular on Tik Tok and other social media.
Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “Song of the Lute Player”
xún yáng jiāng tóu yè sòng kè fēng yè dí huā qiū sè sè
浔 阳 江 头 夜 送 客 枫 叶 荻 花 秋 瑟 瑟
By the Xunyang River a guest is seen off on night; Chill autumn with maple leaves and flower of reeds;
zhǔ rén xià mǎ kè zài chuán
主 人 下 马 客 在 船
The host alights from his horse, the guest is aboard,
jǔ jiǔ yù yǐn wú guǎn xián zuì bú chéng huān cǎn jiāng bié
举 酒 欲 饮 无 管 弦 醉 不 成 欢 惨 将 别
They raise their cups to drink but have no music. Drunk without joy, in sadness they must part;
bié shí máng máng jiāng jìn yuè
别 时 茫 茫 江 浸 月
At the time of parting the river seems steeped in moonlight;
hū wén shuǐ shàng pí pá shēng zhǔ rén wàng guī kè bú fā
忽 闻 水 上 琵 琶 声 主 人 忘 归 客 不 发
Suddenly out on the water a lute is heard; The host forgets to turn back, the guest delays going.
xún shēng àn wèn dàn zhě shuí pí pá shēng tíng yù yǔ chí
寻 声 暗 问 弹 者 谁 琵 琶 声 停 欲 语 迟
Seeking the sound in the dark, we ask who is the player. The lute is silent; hesitant the reply.
yí chuán xiàng jìn yāo xiàng jiàn tiān jiǔ huí dēng zhòng kāi yàn
移 船 相 近 邀 相 见 添 酒 回 灯 重 开 宴
Rowing closer, we ask if we may meet the musician, Call for more wine, trim the lamp and resume our feast;
qiān hū wàn huàn shǐ chū lái yóu bào pí pá bàn zhē miàn
千 呼 万 唤 始 出 来 犹 抱 琵 琶 半 遮 面
Only after a thousand entreaties does she appear, Her face half-hidden behind the lute in her arms.
zhuǎn zhóu bō xián sān liǎng shēng wèi chéng qǔ diào xiān yǒu qíng
转 轴 拨 弦 三 两 声 未 成 曲 调 先 有 情
She tunes up and plucks the strings a few times, Touching our hearts before even the tune is played;
xián xián yǎn yì shēng shēng sī sì sù píng shēng bú dé zhì
弦 弦 掩 抑 声 声 思 似 诉 平 生 不 得 志
Each chord strikes a pensive note, As if voicing the disillusion of a lifetime;
dī méi xìn shǒu xù xù dàn shuō jìn xīn zhōng wú xiàn shì
低 眉 信 手 续 续 弹 说 尽 心 中 无 限 事
Her head is bent, her fingers stray over the strings, Pouring out the infinite sorrows of her heart.
qīng lǒng màn niǎn mò fù tiāo chū wéi ní shang hòu liù yāo
轻 拢 慢 捻 抹 复 挑 初 为 霓 裳 后 六 幺
Lightly she pinches in the strings, slowly she strums and plucks them; First The Rainbow Garments, then The Six Minor Notes.
dà xián cáo cáo rú jí yǔ xiǎo xián qiē qiē rú sī yǔ
大 弦 嘈 嘈 如 急 雨 小 弦 切 切 如 私 语
The high notes wail like pelting rain, The low notes whisper like soft confidences;
rú sī yǔ
如 私 语
like soft confidences
cáo cáo qiē qiē cuò zá dàn dà zhū xiǎo zhū luò yù pán
嘈 嘈 切 切 错 杂 弹 大 珠 小 珠 落 玉 盘
Wailing and whispering interweave, Like pearls large and small casading on a plate of jade,
luò yù pán
落 玉 盘
casading on a plate of jade
jiān guān yīng yǔ huā dǐ huá yōu yān quán liú bīng xià nán
间 关 莺 语 花 底 滑 幽 咽 泉 流 冰 下 难
Like a warbling oriole gliding below the blossom, Like a mountain brook purling down a bank,
bīng quán lěng sè xián níng jué níng jué bú tōng shēng zàn xiē
冰 泉 冷 涩 弦 凝 绝 凝 绝 不 通 声 暂 歇
Till the brook turns to ice , the strings seem about to snap, About to snap, and for one instant all is still
bié yǒu yōu chóu àn hèn shēng cǐ shí wú shēng shèng yǒu shēng
别 有 幽 愁 暗 恨 生 此 时 无 声 胜 有 声
Only an undertone of quiet grief; Is more poignant in the silence than any sound;
shèng yǒu shēng
胜 有 声
more poignant
yín píng zhà pò shuǐ jiāng bèng tiě qí tū chū dāo qiāng míng
银 瓶 乍 破 水 浆 迸 铁 骑 突 出 刀 枪 鸣
Then a silver bottle is smashed, out gushes the water, Armoured riders charge, their swords and lances clang!
dāo qiāng míng
刀 枪 鸣
their swords and lances clang!
qǔ zhōng shōu bō dāng xīn huà sì xián yī shēng rú liè bó
曲 终 收 拨 当 心 画 四 弦 一 声 如 裂 帛
When the tune ends, she draws her pick full across, And the four strings give a sound like the tearing of silk.
rú liè bó
如 裂 帛
like the tearing of silk.
dōng chuán xī fǎng qiāo wú yán wéi jiàn jiāng xīn qiū yuè bái
东 船 西 舫 悄 无 言 唯 见 江 心 秋 月 白
Right and left of the boat all is silence. We see only the autumn moon, silver in midstream.
qiū yuè bái
秋 月 白
the autumn moon
chén yín fàng bō chā xián zhōng zhěng dùn yī shang qǐ liǎn róng
沉 吟 放 拨 插 弦 中 整 顿 衣 裳 起 敛 容
Pensively she puts the pick between the strings, Straightens her clothes, rises and composes herself.
zì yán běn shì jīng chéng nǚ jiā zài xiā má líng xià zhù
自 言 本 是 京 城 女 家 在 虾 蟆 陵 下 住
She is , she says, a girl from the capital, Whose family once lived at the foot of Toad Hill.
shí sān xué dé pí pá chéng míng shǔ jiāo fāng dì yī bù
十 三 学 得 琵 琶 成 名 属 教 坊 第 一 部
At thirteen she learned to play lute, And ranked first among the musicians;
chàng bà céng jiāo shàn cái fú zhuāng chéng měi bèi qiū niáng dù
唱 罢 曾 教 善 才 服 妆 成 每 被 秋 娘 妒
Her playing was admired by the old masters, Her looks were the envy of other courtesans;
wǔ líng nián shǎo zhēng chán tóu yī qǔ hóng xiāo bú zhī shù
五 陵 年 少 争 缠 头 一 曲 红 绡 不 知 数
Youths from wealthy districts vied in their gifts to engage her, A single song brought her countless rolls of red silk;
diàn tóu yín bì jī jiē suì xuè sè luó qún fān jiǔ wū
钿 头 银 篦 击 节 碎 血 色 罗 裙 翻 酒 污
Men smashed jewelled and silver trinkets to mark the beat; Silk skirts as red as blood were stained by spilt wine.
jīn nián huān xiào fù míng nián qiū yuè chūn fēng děng xián dù
今 年 欢 笑 复 明 年 秋 月 春 风 等 闲 度
Pleasure and laughter from one year to the next, While the autumn moon and spring breeze passed unheeded.
dì zǒu cóng jun1 ā yí sǐ mù qù cháo lái yán sè gù
弟 走 从 军 阿 姨 死 暮 去 朝 来 颜 色 故
Then her brother joined the army, her aunt died, The days and nights slipped by and her beauty faded,
mén qián lěng luò ān mǎ xī lǎo dà jià zuò shāng rén fù
门 前 冷 落 鞍 马 稀 老 大 嫁 作 商 人 妇
No more carriages and horsemen thronged her gate, And growing old she became a merchant’s wife.
shāng rén fù
商 人 妇
merchant’s wife
shāng rén zhòng lì qīng bié lí qián yuè fú liáng mǎi chá qù
商 人 重 利 轻 别 离 前 月 浮 梁 买 茶 去
The merchant thought only of profit, to seek it he leaves her. Two months ago he went to Fuliang to buy tea
mǎi chá qù
买 茶 去
to buy tea
qù lái jiāng kǒu shǒu kōng chuán rào chuán yuè míng jiāng shuǐ hán
去 来 江 口 守 空 船 绕 船 月 明 江 水 寒
Leaving her alone in the boat at the mouth of the river; around the boat s the bright moonlight and cold river water
jiāng shuǐ hán
江 水 寒
cold river water
yè shēn hū mèng shǎo nián shì mèng tí zhuāng lèi hóng lán gàn
夜 深 忽 梦 少 年 事 梦 啼 妆 泪 红 阑 干
All late at night, dreaming of her girlhood, She cries in her sleep, staining her rouged cheeks with tears.
hóng lán gàn
红 阑 干
staining her rouged
wǒ wén pí pá yǐ tàn xī yòu wén cǐ yǔ zhòng jī jī
我 闻 琵 琶 已 叹 息 又 闻 此 语 重 唧 唧
The music of her lute has made me sigh, And now she tells this plaintive tale of sorrow;
tóng shì tiān yá lún luò rén xiàng féng hé bì céng xiàng shí
同 是 天 涯 沦 落 人 相 逢 何 必 曾 相 识
We are both ill-starred, drifting on the face of the earth; No matter if we were strangers before this encounter.
wǒ cóng qù nián cí dì jīng zhé jū wò bìng xún yáng chéng
我 从 去 年 辞 帝 京 谪 居 卧 病 浔 阳 城
Last year I bade the imperial city farewell; A demoted official, I lay ill in Xunyang;
xún yáng dì pì wú yīn lè zhōng suì bú wén sī zhú shēng
浔 阳 地 僻 无 音 乐 终 岁 不 闻 丝 竹 声
Xunyang is a paltry place without any music, For one year I heard no wind instruments, no strings.
zhù jìn pén jiāng dì dī shī huáng lú kǔ zhú rào zhái shēng
住 近 湓 江 地 低 湿 黄 芦 苦 竹 绕 宅 生
Now I live on the low , damp flat by the River Peng, Round my house yellow reeds and bitter bamboos grow rife;
qí jiān dàn mù wén hé wù dù juān tí xuè yuán āi míng
其 间 旦 暮 闻 何 物 杜 鹃 啼 血 猿 哀 鸣
From dawn till dusk I hear no other sounds, But the wailing of night-jars and the moaning of apes.
chūn jiāng huā cháo qiū yuè yè wǎng wǎng qǔ jiǔ hái dú qīng
春 江 花 朝 秋 月 夜 往 往 取 酒 还 独 倾
On a day of spring blossoms by the river or moonlit night in autumn, I often call for wine and drink alone;
qǐ wú shān gē yǔ cūn dí ǒu yǎ cháo zhā nán wéi tīng
岂 无 山 歌 与 村 笛 呕 哑 嘲 哳 难 为 听
Of course, there are rustic songs and village pipes, But their shrill discordant notes grate on my ears;
jīn yè wén jun1 pí pá yǔ rú tīng xiān lè ěr zàn míng
今 夜 闻 君 琵 琶 语 如 听 仙 乐 耳 暂 明
Tonight listening to your lute playing, Was like hearing fairy music; it gladdened my ears.
mò cí gèng zuò dàn yī qǔ wéi jun1 fān zuò pí pá háng
莫 辞 更 坐 弹 一 曲 为 君 翻 作 琵 琶 行
Don’t refuse, but sit down and play another tune, And I’ll write a Song of the Lute Player for you.
pí pá háng
琵 琶 行
a Song of the Lute Player
gǎn wǒ cǐ yán liáng jiǔ lì què zuò cù xián xián zhuǎn jí
感 我 此 言 良 久 立 却 坐 促 弦 弦 转 急
Touched by my words, she stands there for some time, Then goes back to her seat and plays with quickened tempo
xián zhuǎn jí
弦 转 急
quickened tempo
qī qī bú sì xiàng qián shēng mǎn zuò zhòng wén jiē yǎn qì
凄 凄 不 似 向 前 声 满 座 重 闻 皆 掩 泣
Music sadder far than the first melody, And at the sound not a man of us has dry eyes.
jiē yǎn qì
皆 掩 泣
not a man of us has dry eyes.
zuò zhōng qì xià shuí zuì duō jiāng zhōu sī mǎ qīng shān shī
座 中 泣 下 谁 最 多 江 州 司 马 青 衫 湿
The assistant prefect of Jiangzhou is so moved, That his blue coat is wet with tears.
qīng shān shī
青 衫 湿
blue coat is wet with tears
jiāng zhōu sī mǎ qīng shān shī
江 州 司 马 青 衫 湿
That his blue coat is wet with tears.
Covers & Versions of “Song of the Lute Player”
Lyrics Video
MV Version
Cover by Hebo河伯
Lyrical Version
Live performance in 2019 (with Vietsub)
Tik Tok DJ Version
Cover by Luo Yunxi罗云熙 (Live)
Cover by Allen Ren Jialun任嘉伦 (Live)
Dance Cover
Cover by Ai Chen艾辰
Vietsub version
FMV Version
Cover by Ukulele杨可爱
Chords of “Song of the Lute Player”
Download/MP3 of “Song of the Lute Player”
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