January 18, 2025
Song of Everlasting Hate长恨歌(Chang Hen Ge) Tiger and Crane OST By Song Yuning宋宇宁

Song of Everlasting Hate长恨歌(Chang Hen Ge) Tiger and Crane OST By Song Yuning宋宇宁

Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of Song of Everlasting Hate长恨歌(Chang Hen Ge) Tiger and Crane OST By Song Yuning宋宇宁

Info/About “Song of Everlasting Hate”

Song NameSong of Everlasting Hate长恨歌(Chang Hen Ge)
Artist Song Yuning宋宇宁
LyricistYuan Wenrui
ComposerYuan Wenrui
Released 2023
Genre Pop/Soundtrack

Background Story of “Song of Everlasting Hate”

This song was the opening song of the TV Series “Tiger and Crane虎鹤妖师录“, and it was released in 2023.

Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “Song of Everlasting Hate”

fēi chū qù
飞 出 去
Fly out

bú zhe biān jì
不 着 边 际
without boundaries

rèn yóu hū xī
任 由 呼 吸
Let the breath

xiāo sàn dài jìn
消 散 殆 尽
dissipate completely

shēng de yì yì
生 的 意 义
The meaning of life

chán rào yī cùn guāng yīn
缠 绕 一 寸 光 阴
is wrapped around an inch of time

zhí zhe yī duàn huí yì
执 着 一 段 回 忆
Clinging to a memory

yí hàn què mí rén de yuàn jǐng
遗 憾 却 迷 人 的 愿 景
a regretful but charming vision

mìng yùn de liú xīng duǎn zàn ér wú qíng
命 运 的 流 星 短 暂 而 无 情
The meteor of fate is short and ruthless

gū shēng wú jù zhī yuàn bìng jiān xiàng xī
孤 生 无 惧 只 愿 并 肩 相 惜
There is no fear in being alone, I just want to cherish you side by side

zhí zhì shēng mìng rán jìn
直 至 生 命 燃 烬
until life burns to ashes

yè kōng xià de fán xīng fǔ wèi mǎn shēn chuāng yí
夜 空 下 的 繁 星 抚 慰 满 身 疮 痍
The stars under the night sky soothe the wounds all over the body

sī suì shēn tǐ jì diàn měi yī cì guāng míng
撕 碎 身 体 祭 奠 每 一 次 光 明
Tear the body apart to pay homage to every light

xuè hé lèi de wēn dù róng huà chóu hèn kǔ chǔ
血 和 泪 的 温 度 融 化 仇 恨 苦 楚
The temperature of blood and tears melts hatred and pain

fēng suǒ tuì lù zài yòng xìn niàn kè xià
封 锁 退 路 再 用 信 念 刻 下
I lock up the escape route and make the final bet

zuì hòu de dǔ zhù
最 后 的 赌 注
with faith

yě xǔ shēng lái bèi fù zì yuàn shēn xiàn tān tú
也 许 生 来 背 负 自 愿 深 陷 滩 涂
Maybe I was born with a burden and voluntarily fell into the tidal flat

cóng wèi chóu chú dǔ dìng wèi lái de xìn tú
从 未 踌 躇 笃 定 未 来 的 信 徒
Believers never hesitate and are sure of the future

Covers & Versions of “Song of Everlasting Hate”

Lyrics Video

Eng sub version

MV Version

Vietsub version

Thai sub version

Indo sub version

Instrumental version

Chords of “Song of Everlasting Hate”

Sorry, I can’t find any yet, but I’ll keep looking, please come back later.

Download/MP3 of “Song of Everlasting Hate”

Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you

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