February 12, 2025
Rising Against The Wind逆风而上(Ni Feng Er Shang) Rising With the Wind OST By CD Rev天府事变 & Zhu Chen朱辰

Rising Against The Wind逆风而上(Ni Feng Er Shang) Rising With the Wind OST By CD Rev天府事变 & Zhu Chen朱辰

Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of Rising Against The Wind逆风而上(Ni Feng Er Shang) Rising With the Wind OST By CD Rev天府事变 & Zhu Chen朱辰

Info/About “Rising Against The Wind”

Song NameRising Against The Wind逆风而上(Ni Feng Er Shang)
Artist CD Rev天府事变 & Zhu Chen朱辰
LyricistCD Rev/Zhu Chen/Wei Xing/Chen Tian
ComposerCD Rev/Zhu Chen/Wei Xing/Chen Tian
Released 2023
Genre Pop/Soundtrack

Background Story of “Rising Against The Wind”

This song was an interlude of the TV Series “Rising With the Wind我要逆风去“, and it was released on October 29, 2023.

“Rising With the Wind我要逆风去” Soundtrack Listing

Making Waves造浪YUQI宋雨琦Theme Song/Ending Song
Making Waves造浪831八三夭乐团Interlude
All Good Things Come For You所有美好为你慕名而来Eason Shen Yicheng沈以诚Opening Song
Three Poem Lines For The Moon给月亮的三行诗A-Lin黄丽玲Ending Song
Song of Faith信仰之歌Betty Wu Xuanyi吴宣仪Ending Song
Lost You遗失了你Li Qi李琦Ending Song
Once Accompanied You To Chase Wind我曾陪你追过风Betty Wu Xuanyi吴宣仪Interlude
This Love这份爱Simon Gong Jun龚俊Interlude
Soft Thorn柔软的刺Elaine Zhong Chuxi钟楚曦Interlude
Stay With Me伴Ju Jingyi鞠婧祎 & Steven Zhang Xincheng张新成Interlude
Rising Against The Wind逆风而上CD Rev天府事变 & Zhu Chen朱辰Interlude

Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “Rising Against The Wind”

rú guǒ wǒ tuì duì yī qiē wú suǒ wèi
如 果 我 退 对 一 切 无 所 谓
If I retreat and don’t care about anything

nà me hēi àn biàn huì jiāng wǒ kěn shì jiāng wǒ bāo wéi
那 么 黑 暗 便 会 将 我 啃 噬 将 我 包 围
then the darkness will eat me up and surround me

zuò yī kē piān zhí de liú xīng zhuǎn shùn jí shì de zhuì
做 一 颗 偏 执 的 流 星 转 瞬 即 逝 的 坠
I become a paranoid meteor that falls fleetingly

rán shāo zhè yī cì wǒ de juè qiáng bú yǔn xǔ hòu huǐ
燃 烧 这 一 次 我 的 倔 强 不 允 许 后 悔
Burning this time, my stubbornness does not allow regrets

zài zhàn dòu zhōng yù huǒ zhòng shēng rè xuè zài pēn yǒng
在 战 斗 中 浴 火 重 生 热 血 在 喷 涌
In the battle, reborn from the ashes, blood is gushing out

yíng zhe fēng yī zhí wǎng shàng jué bú huì rèn sǒng
迎 着 风 一 直 往 上 绝 不 会 认 怂
I face the wind and keep going up, never giving up

huí tóu kàn yī yǎn yī lù shàng de kǎn kě hé qí qū
回 头 看 一 眼 一 路 上 的 坎 坷 和 崎 岖
I look back at the ups and downs along the way

bèi zhǎn duàn de jīng jí jiù shì chéng zhǎng de yì yì
被 斩 断 的 荆 棘 就 是 成 长 的 意 义
The cut-off thorns are the meaning of growth

(yào zuò jiù zuò )
(要 做 就 做 )
(Just do it if you want to)

bǎ xìn niàn zhuā wěn zài shǒu lǐ
把 信 念 抓 稳 在 手 里
Keep your faith in your hands

(zuì zhēn de wǒ )
(最 真 的 我 )
(The most authentic me)

nì fēng xiàng shàng yìng zhe tóu pí
逆 风 向 上 硬 着 头 皮
I brace myself to rise against the wind

(jué bú wéi xīn de huó zhe )
(绝 不 违 心 的 活 着 )
(I will never live against my will)

děng yī shù guāng zhào liàng qián fāng de shān dǐng
等 一 束 光 照 亮 前 方 的 山 顶
I wait for a beam of light to illuminate the top of the mountain ahead

zhǔn bèi chū rén tóu dì
准 备 出 人 头 地
and I prepare to stand out

wǒ qī dài nà yī tiān guāng máng jiàng lín
我 期 待 那 一 天 光 芒 降 临
I look forward to that day when the light comes

yǎng wàng tiān jì biān cuǐ càn de yān huā
仰 望 天 际 边 璀 璨 的 烟 花
and I look up at the bright fireworks in the sky

gāi míng jì de guò wǎng chōng pò ní zhǎo
该 铭 记 的 过 往 冲 破 泥 沼
The past that should be remembered; only when I break through the quagmire

cái huì gèng yōng bào jiāo ào fēi xiáng
才 会 更 拥 抱 骄 傲 飞 翔
can I embrace my pride and fly

nì jìng xià de fǎn gōng
逆 境 下 的 反 攻
I will run with all my strength

wǒ yào quán lì bēn pǎo
我 要 全 力 奔 跑
during the counterattack under adversity

kàn shèng lì jiù zài zhōng diǎn xīn zhōng yǒu xìn yǎng
看 胜 利 就 在 终 点 心 中 有 信 仰
Look, victory is at the end point. I have faith in my heart

dōng rì de jù diǎn chūn nuǎn huā kāi
冬 日 的 句 点 春 暖 花 开
winter is over and spring is full of blooming flowers

yào qǔ dé zhēn jīng yào jīng lì bā shí yī nán
要 取 得 真 经 要 经 历 八 十 一 难
To obtain the true scripture, I must experience eighty-one difficulties

bǎi rěn chéng jīn bú gū fù měi yī dī hàn
百 忍 成 金 不 辜 负 每 一 滴 汗
Perseverance turns into gold, I live up to every drop of sweat

jí shǐ yǒu kuáng fēng bào yǔ yě dǔ dìng rén dìng shèng tiān
即 使 有 狂 风 暴 雨 也 笃 定 人 定 胜 天
Even if there is a violent storm, I am sure that humans will conquer the sky

shèng lì jiù zài bú yuǎn chù yǒng bú huì gǎi biàn xìn niàn
胜 利 就 在 不 远 处 永 不 会 改 变 信 念
Victory is not far away, I will never change my belief

yī zhī dǎ bú dǎo de xiǎo qiáng zài dà de kùn nán wǒ káng
一 只 打 不 倒 的 小 强 再 大 的 困 难 我 扛
A little strong man who cannot be defeated; no matter how great the difficulty, I will bear it

nǎ pà shēng mìng duǎn zàn yě yòng jìn quán lì zhàn fàng
哪 怕 生 命 短 暂 也 用 尽 全 力 绽 放
Even if life is short, I try my best to bloom

yào xiǎng xué huì bēn pǎo xiān jīng lì jǐ cì diē dǎo
要 想 学 会 奔 跑 先 经 历 几 次 跌 倒
If you want to learn to run, you must first experience a few falls

nì fēng ér shàng de shǎo nián zhè cì zhǎn chì fēi xiáng
逆 风 而 上 的 少 年 这 次 展 翅 飞 翔
The juvenile who rose against the wind spread his wings and flew this time

(yào zuò jiù zuò )
(要 做 就 做 )
(Just do it if you want to)

bǎ xìn niàn zhuā wěn zài shǒu lǐ
把 信 念 抓 稳 在 手 里
Keep your faith in your hands

(zuì zhēn de wǒ )
(最 真 的 我 )
(The most authentic me)

nì fēng xiàng shàng yìng zhe tóu pí
逆 风 向 上 硬 着 头 皮
I brace myself to rise against the wind

(jué bú wéi xīn de huó zhe )
(绝 不 违 心 的 活 着 )
(I will never live against my will)

děng yī shù guāng zhào liàng qián fāng de shān dǐng
等 一 束 光 照 亮 前 方 的 山 顶
I wait for a beam of light to illuminate the top of the mountain ahead

zhǔn bèi chū rén tóu dì
准 备 出 人 头 地
and I prepare to stand out

wǒ qī dài nà yī tiān guāng máng jiàng lín
我 期 待 那 一 天 光 芒 降 临
I look forward to that day when the light comes

yǎng wàng tiān jì biān cuǐ càn de yān huā
仰 望 天 际 边 璀 璨 的 烟 花
and I look up at the bright fireworks in the sky

gāi míng jì de guò wǎng chōng pò ní zhǎo
该 铭 记 的 过 往 冲 破 泥 沼
The past that should be remembered; only when I break through the quagmire

cái huì gèng yōng bào jiāo ào fēi xiáng
才 会 更 拥 抱 骄 傲 飞 翔
can I embrace my pride and fly

nì jìng xià de fǎn gōng
逆 境 下 的 反 攻
I will run with all my strength

wǒ yào quán lì bēn pǎo
我 要 全 力 奔 跑
during the counterattack under adversity

kàn shèng lì jiù zài zhōng diǎn xīn zhōng yǒu xìn yǎng
看 胜 利 就 在 终 点 心 中 有 信 仰
Look, victory is at the end point. I have faith in my heart

dōng rì de jù diǎn chūn nuǎn huā kāi
冬 日 的 句 点 春 暖 花 开
winter is over and spring is full of blooming flowers

Covers & Versions of “Rising Against The Wind”

Audio Version

Eng sub version

Vietsub version

Thai sub version

Chords of “Rising Against The Wind”

Sorry, I can’t find any yet, but I’ll keep looking, please come back later.

Download/MP3 of “Rising Against The Wind”

Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you

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Rising Against The Wind逆风而上(Ni Feng Er Shang) Rising With the Wind OST By CD Rev天府事变 & Zhu Chen朱辰Rising Against The Wind逆风而上 (Rising With the Wind OST)

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