June 27, 2024
Palpitate With Excitement小悸动(Xiao Ji Dong) All Out of Love OST By Milk Coffee牛奶咖啡

Palpitate With Excitement小悸动(Xiao Ji Dong) All Out of Love OST By Milk Coffee牛奶咖啡

Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of Palpitate With Excitement小悸动(Xiao Ji Dong) All Out of Love OST By Milk Coffee牛奶咖啡

Info/About “Palpitate With Excitement”

Song NamePalpitate With Excitement小悸动(Xiao Ji Dong)
Artist Milk Coffee牛奶咖啡
LyricistLi Yuzhe; Zhang Liang
ComposerDa Sheng
Released 2018
Genre Pop; Soundtrack

Background Story of “Palpitate With Excitement”

This song was an interlude of the TV Series “All Out of Love凉生,我们可不可以不忧伤“, and it was released on October 2018.

Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “Palpitate With Excitement”

měi gè rén dōu yǒu dān chún měi mèng
每 个 人 都 有 单 纯 美 梦
Everyone has an innocent dream

měi kē xīn dōu xiǎng yào chǔn chǔn yù dòng
每 颗 心 都 想 要 蠢 蠢 欲 动
Every heart has the urge to do something

nián shǎo de lún kuò shuí mò míng liǎn hóng
年 少 的 轮 廓 谁 莫 名 脸 红
The young face gets blushed for no reason

xì xuě piāo zài fēng zhōng shì jiè suí zhī zhuǎn dòng
细 雪 飘 在 风 中 世 界 随 之 转 动
Snowflake floats in the wind and rotates with the world

wǒ tiào wàng nǐ nà yī piàn tiān kōng
我 眺 望 你 那 一 片 天 空
I gaze at the piece of sky of yours

xiǎng gǎn shòu nǐ suǒ yǒu zhí zhe de mèng
想 感 受 你 所 有 执 着 的 梦
I want to feel all the dreams that you are persistent with

nǐ qīng sè de liǎn ān jìng cóng róng
你 青 涩 的 脸 安 静 从 容
Your fresh face is peaceful and calm

ràng wǒ wú fǎ zì bá xīn kāi shǐ jì dòng
让 我 无 法 自 拔 心 开 始 悸 动
Make me obsessed and my heart begins to palpitate with excitement

xiǎng ràng nǐ kàn jiàn liǎn hóng xiǎng bèi nǐ hē hù zài huái zhōng
想 让 你 看 见 脸 红 想 被 你 呵 护 在 怀 中
I want you to see my blushed face, I want to be held in your arms

měi lì de gù shì dōu yīng gāi yǒu rén chuán sòng
美 丽 的 故 事 都 应 该 有 人 传 颂
Beatiful stories should be passed on by someone

xiàng hǎi niǎo yù jiàn cǎi hóng
像 海 鸟 遇 见 彩 虹
Like sea bird meeting rainbow

wǒ yù jiàn nǐ nà yī kè duō xīn dòng
我 遇 见 你 那 一 刻 多 心 动
The moment I met you was so heart-moving

děng nǐ zhuǎn shēn de xiào róng zài nǐ wēn nuǎn de yǎn zhōng
等 你 转 身 的 笑 容 在 你 温 暖 的 眼 中
Wait for the smile when you turn around, in your warm eyes

nà yī miǎo huà miàn zài nǎo hǎi wú shù cì fān yǒng
那 一 秒 画 面 在 脑 海 无 数 次 翻 涌
The image of that second surges in my mind for countless times

kāi bú le kǒu de jì dòng
开 不 了 口 的 悸 动
I palpitate with excitement but couldn’t say anything

dōu zài sù shuō nián shǎo de shì yán rú mèng
都 在 诉 说 年 少 的 誓 言 如 梦
All telling the dream-like vows made at young age

wǒ tiào wàng nǐ nà yī piàn tiān kōng
我 眺 望 你 那 一 片 天 空
I gaze at the piece of sky of yours

xiǎng gǎn shòu nǐ suǒ yǒu zhí zhe de mèng
想 感 受 你 所 有 执 着 的 梦
I want to feel all the dreams that you are persistent with

nǐ qīng sè de liǎn ān jìng cóng róng
你 青 涩 的 脸 安 静 从 容
Your fresh face is peaceful and calm

ràng wǒ wú fǎ zì bá xīn kāi shǐ jì dòng
让 我 无 法 自 拔 心 开 始 悸 动
Make me obsessed and my heart begins to palpitate with excitement

xiǎng ràng nǐ kàn jiàn liǎn hóng xiǎng bèi nǐ hē hù zài huái zhōng
想 让 你 看 见 脸 红 想 被 你 呵 护 在 怀 中
I want you to see my blushed face, I want to be held in your arms

měi lì de gù shì dōu yīng gāi yǒu rén chuán sòng
美 丽 的 故 事 都 应 该 有 人 传 颂
Beatiful stories should be passed on by someone

xiàng hǎi niǎo yù jiàn cǎi hóng
像 海 鸟 遇 见 彩 虹
Like sea bird meeting rainbow

wǒ yù jiàn nǐ nà yī kè duō xīn dòng
我 遇 见 你 那 一 刻 多 心 动
The moment I met you was so heart-moving

děng nǐ zhuǎn shēn de xiào róng zài nǐ wēn nuǎn de yǎn zhōng
等 你 转 身 的 笑 容 在 你 温 暖 的 眼 中
Wait for the smile when you turn around, in your warm eyes

nà yī miǎo huà miàn zài nǎo hǎi wú shù cì fān yǒng
那 一 秒 画 面 在 脑 海 无 数 次 翻 涌
The image of that second surges in my mind for countless times

kāi bú le kǒu de jì dòng
开 不 了 口 的 悸 动
I palpitate with excitement but couldn’t say anything

dōu zài sù shuō nián shǎo de shì yán rú mèng
都 在 诉 说 年 少 的 誓 言 如 梦
All telling the dream-like vows made at young age


Covers & Versions of “Palpitate With Excitement”

Official Lyrics Version

Chords of “Palpitate With Excitement”

Sorry, I can’t find any yet, but I’ll keep looking, please come back later.

Download/MP3 of “Palpitate With Excitement”

Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you

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