February 12, 2025
Mulan Said木兰说(Mu Lan Shuo) Soul Land OST By Sunnee杨芸晴 & Yamy & Vera Wei Jin魏瑾 & Cyclone Ge Jiahui (JU! iE)葛佳慧 & Chiao Man-ting焦曼婷 & Naomi Wang Ju王菊

Mulan Said木兰说(Mu Lan Shuo) Soul Land OST By Sunnee杨芸晴 & Yamy & Vera Wei Jin魏瑾 & Cyclone Ge Jiahui (JU! iE)葛佳慧 & Chiao Man-ting焦曼婷 & Naomi Wang Ju王菊

Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of Mulan Said木兰说(Mu Lan Shuo) Soul Land OST By Sunnee杨芸晴 & Yamy & Vera Wei Jin魏瑾 & Cyclone Ge Jiahui (JU! iE)葛佳慧 & Chiao Man-ting焦曼婷 & Naomi Wang Ju王菊

Info/About “Mulan Said”

Song NameMulan Said木兰说(Mu Lan Shuo)
Artist Sunnee杨芸晴 & Yamy & Vera Wei Jin魏瑾 & Cyclone Ge Jiahui (JU! iE)葛佳慧 & Chiao Man-ting焦曼婷 & Naomi Wang Ju王菊
LyricistSunnee杨芸晴 & Yamy & Vera Wei Jin魏瑾 & Cyclone Ge Jiahui (JU! iE)葛佳慧 & Chiao Man-ting焦曼婷 & Naomi Wang Ju王菊
ComposerSunnee杨芸晴 & Yamy & Vera Wei Jin魏瑾 & Cyclone Ge Jiahui (JU! iE)葛佳慧 & Chiao Man-ting焦曼婷 & Naomi Wang Ju王菊
Released 2018
Genre Pop/Soundtrack

Background Story of “Mulan Said”

This song was released in 2018, it’s the Ending Song of the Animation Series “Soul Land斗罗大陆“.

“Soul Land斗罗大陆” Soundtrack Listing

The Land of Warriors斗罗大陆Jam Hsiao萧敬腾Theme Song of Part I
Never Give Up不抛弃不放弃ONERElite Match Theme Song
Break the Cocoon破茧Angela Chang张韶涵2020 New Theme Song
Reluctant不舍LaLa Hsu徐佳莹Ending Song
Mulan Said木兰说Sunnee杨芸晴 & Yamy & Vera Wei Jin魏瑾 & Cyclone Ge Jiahui (JU! iE)葛佳慧 & Chiao Man-ting焦曼婷 & Naomi Wang Ju王菊Ending Song

Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “Mulan Said”

Na na na na

bú yào zài páo xiāo
不 要 再 咆 哮
Don’t roar again

Na na na na

bú dǒng wǒ bié chǎo
不 懂 我 别 吵
If you don’t understand me, then be quiet

Na na na na

qǐng gěi wǒ tīng hǎo
请 给 我 听 好
Please listen to me

wǒ yào nǐ men qǐ shēn wéi wǒ jiān jiào
我 要 你 们 起 身 为 我 尖 叫
I want you to stand up and scream for me

Na na na na

bāo fú dōu chī diào
包 袱 都 吃 掉
Take all my jokes

Na na na na

biāo zhǔn dōu chī diào
标 准 都 吃 掉
Eat all the standards

Na na na na

yú hé xióng zhǎng wǒ dōu yào
鱼 和 熊 掌 我 都 要
I want to have cake and eat it too

Hey you

gēn wǒ yī qǐ rán shāo
跟 我 一 起 燃 烧
Burn with me

cóng yī kāi shǐ zuò rén zuò shì
从 一 开 始 做 人 做 事
For everything I do from the very beginning

yī zhí méi yǒu bèi kàn hǎo
一 直 没 有 被 看 好
I have never been favored

bǐ ěr gài cí zěn me gān xīn
比 尔 盖 茨 怎 么 甘 心
How could Bill Gates be willing to

zhī zuò zuì jiā de pèi jiǎo
只 做 最 佳 的 配 角
be the best supporting actor

wéi le mèng xiǎng yī zhí nǔ lì br76
为 了 梦 想 一 直 努 力 br76
I’ve been working hard for my dreams, br76

bú huì wàng jì
不 会 忘 记
I will not forget

dàn què fā xiàn
但 却 发 现
But I found that

nǔ lì méi yǒu shōu huò
努 力 没 有 收 获
My work didn’t pay off

shí me dōu cuò
什 么 都 错
Everything I did was wrong

wǒ huái yí zì jǐ
我 怀 疑 自 己
I had doubt about myself

jiān chí dào dǐ hái yǒu shí me yì yì
坚 持 到 底 还 有 什 么 意 义
What’s the point of sticking to the end

zhè gè wǔ tái
这 个 舞 台
This stage

shì wǒ de xī wàng
是 我 的 希 望
is my hope

Eyybiǎo lǐ bú yī so what
Eyy表 里 不 一 so what
Eyy, inconsistent between outside and inside — so what

wǒ men bú yī yàng
我 们 不 一 样
We are not the same

yǒu shí lì de
有 实 力 的
I have power

méi zài pà de
没 在 怕 的
I’m not afraid

bú guǎn nǐ zěn me xiǎng
不 管 你 怎 么 想
No matter how you think

wǒ bǎ huā mù lán de róng guāng
我 把 花 木 兰 的 荣 光
I will put the glory of Hua Mulan

pī zài wǒ shēn shàng
披 在 我 身 上
on my body

cóng bú shì dài fù cóng jun1
从 不 是 代 父 从 军
It’s never about joining the army for my father

zhàn yì shì wéi le zì jǐ
战 役 是 为 了 自 己
The battle is for myself

wǒ yǒu wǒ de mù de
我 有 我 的 目 的
I have my own purpose

bǎo chí guàn yǒu de sù lǜ
保 持 惯 有 的 速 率
Keeping the consistent speed

Watch out

zhù yì
注 意
Pay attention

kàn wǒ yòu gōu quán de tū jī
看 我 右 勾 拳 的 突 击
Watch my combination of right hook


mǎ yǐ xióng bīng de yì lì
蚂 蚁 雄 兵 的 毅 力
The resilience of ant soldiers

jù jué pà bèi yán lùn gōng jī
拒 绝 怕 被 言 论 攻 击
I reject the fear of being attacked by rumors

wǒ bú shì nǐ
我 不 是 你
I’m not you

shuō de nà zhǒng honey sweet
说 的 那 种 honey sweet
The honey sweet that others say

bú xū yào duō yú de shuō míng
不 需 要 多 余 的 说 明
There’s no need for extra explanation

I don’t care

yú shì ná zhe fàng dà jìng uh
于 是 拿 着 放 大 镜 uh
So I hold the amplifier, uh

qǐng nǐ kàn zǎi xì
请 你 看 仔 细
Please look carefully

Ohnǔ lì shì zuì hǎo de zhèng jù
Oh努 力 是 最 好 的 证 据
Oh, hard work is the best evidence

I will take my time

wú suǒ wèi jù
无 所 畏 惧
I have no fear

yǔ qí duǒ zài guī fáng děng dài
与 其 躲 在 闺 房 等 待
Instead of waiting in the maiden room

bú fáng shì zuò wén wǔ quán cái
不 妨 试 做 文 武 全 才
Might as well be a talent of both literary and military capacity

shàng běi xià nán gāo shān dà hǎi
上 北 下 南 高 山 大 海
Up north and down south, high mountains and big sea

yíng qǔ quán shì jiè de qī dài
赢 取 全 世 界 的 期 待
Win the expectations of the whole world

Na na na na

bú yào zài páo xiāo
不 要 再 咆 哮
Don’t roar again

Na na na na

bú dǒng wǒ bié chǎo
不 懂 我 别 吵
If you don’t understand me, then be quiet

Na na na na

qǐng gěi wǒ tīng hǎo
请 给 我 听 好
Please listen to me

wǒ yào nǐ men qǐ shēn wéi wǒ jiān jiào
我 要 你 们 起 身 为 我 尖 叫
I want you to stand up and scream for me

Na na na na

bāo fú dōu chī diào
包 袱 都 吃 掉
Take all my jokes

Na na na na

biāo zhǔn dōu chī diào
标 准 都 吃 掉
Eat all the standards

Na na na na

yú hé xióng zhǎng wǒ dōu yào
鱼 和 熊 掌 我 都 要
I want to have cake and eat it too

Hey you

gēn wǒ yī qǐ rán shāo
跟 我 一 起 燃 烧
Burn with me

jī jī fù jī jī
唧 唧 复 唧 唧
Ji Ji and Ji Ji (the sound of loom)

mù lán bú hù zhī
木 兰 不 户 织
Muland doesn’t do weaving

Iace girls

bú wéi xiàng fū jiāo zǐ
不 为 相 夫 教 子
Not for being a good wife and mother

bié zài zhǐ shǒu huà jiǎo
别 再 指 手 画 脚
Stop pointing your fingers

wǒ de chún gāo sè hào
我 的 唇 膏 色 号
about my lipstick color

xié gēn duō gāo
鞋 跟 多 高
and the height of my heel

Baby I got curve I got style but you are not

You don’t have to put a ring on me diamond ring

I can buy my own bling bling

Free your mind fight your fight

hán guāng zhào tiě yī tài dù huá lì
寒 光 照 铁 衣 态 度 华 丽
Cold light shines on my armor, with splendid attitude

wǒ de rén shēng wò zài zì jǐ de shǒu lǐ
我 的 人 生 握 在 自 己 的 手 里
My life is in my own hand

tā shuō bú wén yé niáng huàn nǚ shēng
她 说 不 闻 爷 娘 唤 女 声
She said she didn’t hear the call of the parents

zuò liú làng shī rén
做 流 浪 诗 人
Be the wandering poet

jì dé zhuàng yuán tái de huān hū shēng
记 得 状 元 台 的 欢 呼 声
Remember the cheers on the contest stage

rì yuè xīng chén
日 月 星 辰
The sun, moon and stars

bǎ shí zhēn dāng miǎo zhēn
把 时 针 当 秒 针
Take hour hand as second hand

yī piě yī nà dōu jiào zhēn
一 撇 一 捺 都 较 真
Every stroke is dead serious

shuí diǎn míng chì zhà fēng yún
谁 点 名 叱 咤 风 云
Who is calling the shot

xué hǎi wú yá
学 海 无 涯
There’s no bound of studying

wǒ làng jì tiān yá
我 浪 迹 天 涯
I wander through the world

jué shì wǔ gōng
绝 世 武 功
To practice the unparalleled Martial Art

pán qǐ xiù fā kāi shǐ xiū liàn
盘 起 秀 发 开 始 修 炼
Put up my hair and start to cultivate

shuí yǔ zhēng fēng
谁 与 争 锋
Wo can rival me

dōu shuō pǎo chǎng wáng tā xiǎng hóng
都 说 跑 场 王 她 想 红
They all said she wants to get popular so bad

Oh come on man

qù zhēng qǔ biǎo xiàn cóng bú dǎn qiè
去 争 取 表 现 从 不 胆 怯
To bravely perform and never be afraid

Wowjiāng shān rú cǐ duō jiāo
Wow江 山 如 此 多 娇
Wow, the land is so beautiful

fēng liú rén wù duō shǎo
风 流 人 物 多 少
There are so many great talents

mù lán xīn xiù hái kàn jīn cháo
木 兰 新 秀 还 看 今 朝
You need to look at today’s world for new Mulans

shí wǔ yǒu zhì dǎ xiǎng zhàn yì
十 五 有 志 打 响 战 役
Start the war at fifteen

èr shí chū qiào bú dǒng guī jǔ
二 十 出 鞘 不 懂 规 矩
Draw the sword at twenty without knowing the rules

mò cháo xiào wǒ tóng yán wú jì
莫 嘲 笑 我 童 言 无 忌
Don’t laugh at me for being young and fearless

dān qiāng pǐ mǎ dǐng tiān lì dì
单 枪 匹 马 顶 天 立 地
With a spear and a horse, I stand alone in the world

Na na na na

bú yào zài páo xiāo
不 要 再 咆 哮
Don’t roar again

Na na na na

bú dǒng wǒ bié chǎo
不 懂 我 别 吵
If you don’t understand me, then be quiet

Na na na na

qǐng gěi wǒ tīng hǎo
请 给 我 听 好
Please listen to me

wǒ yào nǐ men qǐ shēn wéi wǒ jiān jiào
我 要 你 们 起 身 为 我 尖 叫
I want you to stand up and scream for me

Na na na na

bāo fú dōu chī diào
包 袱 都 吃 掉
Take all my jokes

Na na na na

biāo zhǔn dōu chī diào
标 准 都 吃 掉
Eat all the standards

Na na na na

yú hé xióng zhǎng wǒ dōu yào
鱼 和 熊 掌 我 都 要
I want to have cake and eat it too

Hey yougēn wǒ yī qǐ
Hey you跟 我 一 起
Hey you, come with me

wǒ tuì xià yī shēn chén shuāng
我 褪 下 一 身 尘 霜
I remove a full body of dust and frost

huí xī rì shēn guī qīng zhàng
回 昔 日 深 闺 轻 帐
Return to the girl’s bedroom in the past

duì jìng shū zhuāng nán yǎn jiǎn mǎn zhǎng
对 镜 梳 妆 难 掩 茧 满 掌
Comb my air in front the mirror, but it’s hard to cover the callus on my palm

yǎn zhōng fēng máng yìng bìn jiǎo huā huáng
眼 中 锋 芒 映 鬓 角 花 黄
The sharpness in my eyes is accompanied with the ornament on my tample

Na na na na

bú yào zài páo xiāo
不 要 再 咆 哮
Don’t roar again

Na na na na

bú dǒng wǒ bié chǎo
不 懂 我 别 吵
If you don’t understand me, then be quiet

Na na na na

qǐng gěi wǒ tīng hǎo
请 给 我 听 好
Please listen to me

wǒ yào nǐ men qǐ shēn wéi wǒ jiān jiào
我 要 你 们 起 身 为 我 尖 叫
I want you to stand up and scream for me

Na na na na

bāo fú dōu chī diào
包 袱 都 吃 掉
Take all my jokes

Na na na na

biāo zhǔn dōu chī diào
标 准 都 吃 掉
Eat all the standards

Na na na na

yú hé xióng zhǎng wǒ dōu yào
鱼 和 熊 掌 我 都 要
I want to have cake and eat it too

Hey you

gēn wǒ yī qǐ rán shāo
跟 我 一 起 燃 烧
Burn with me


Covers & Versions of “Mulan Said”

Lyrics Video

Live performance in 2018

Chords of “Mulan Said”

Sorry, I can’t find any yet, but I’ll keep looking, please come back later.

Download/MP3 of “Mulan Said”

Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you

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