February 15, 2025
Mrs. Right (Lie to Love OST) By Rio Wang Rui汪睿

Mrs. Right (Lie to Love OST) By Rio Wang Rui汪睿

Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of Mrs. Right (Lie to Love OST) By Rio Wang Rui汪睿

Info/About “Mrs. Right”

Song NameMrs. Right (Lie to Love OST)
Artist Rio Wang Rui汪睿
LyricistChen Huan; Li Zhaoxuan
ComposerQiu Yancheng
Released 2021
Genre Pop/Soundtrack

Background Story of “Mrs. Right”

This song was an interlude of the TV Series “Lie to Love良言写意“, and it was released on November 30, 2021.

“Lie to Love良言写意” Soundtrack Listing

Memory of Last Life寂静之忆Curley G希林娜依·高Opening Song
How Have You Been Lately你最近好吗 Silence Wang汪苏泷Ending Song
Because of YouLuo Yunxi罗云熙Interlude
There is Light in the Tree Hole树洞有光Li Runqi李润祺Interlude
Circle of LoveTien Chong张天Interlude
Underestimate The Enemy轻敌Chen Qidong陈琪东Interlude
Your MoonAriel Ann安唯绫Interlude
My Sun我的太阳Si Nan司南Interlude
Mrs. Right Rio Wang Rui汪睿Interlude
I Promise YouWei Fan范薇Interlude

Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “Mrs. Right”

So open your mind

Give me some time

ài wán měi yī fèn yī miǎo dōu xū yào jì suàn
爱 完 美 一 分 一 秒 都 需 要 计 算
For love to be perfect, every minute and every second need to be calculated

nǐ yǒu méi yǒu diǎn qī dài
你 有 没 有 点 期 待
Do you have some expectations

First I’ll tease your eyes

Tell sweet little lies

fān bù xié de gāo dù gāng hǎo shì hé xuán zhuǎn
帆 布 鞋 的 高 度 刚 好 适 合 旋 转
The height of canvas shoes is just right for spinning

nǐ jiù shì wǒ de wǔ tái
你 就 是 我 的 舞 台
You are my stage

zhè shì ài bié zài cāi
这 是 爱 别 再 猜
This is love, stop guessing

děng nǐ hū rán míng bái
等 你 忽 然 明 白
Wait until you suddenly understand

yǐ jīng duì wǒ yī lài
已 经 对 我 依 赖
You’ll have developed a reliance on me

Don’t be shypà shī bài
Don’t be shy怕 失 败
Don’t be shy, don’t be afraid of failures

yào shēn hū xī and give me five
要 深 呼 吸 and give me five
Take a deep breath, and give me five

wǒ yào gěi nǐ wán měi dú jiā jué duì chǒng ài
我 要 给 你 完 美 独 家 绝 对 宠 爱
I’ll give you a perfect, exclusive and absolute love

kāi xīn shí jiù hěn guāi
开 心 时 就 很 乖
I’m very well-behaved when I’m happy

shēng qì shí yòu hěn huài
生 气 时 又 很 坏
and very bad when I’m upset

Make you smile

Oh then make you cry

jiù zhè yàng jiàn jiàn dì bǎ nǐ guàn huài
就 这 样 渐 渐 地 把 你 惯 坏
Just like this, I gradually spoiled you

ràng nǐ bú néng bú ài
让 你 不 能 不 爱
Make you unable to stop loving

yǎn jīng wéi wǒ tíng bǎi
眼 睛 为 我 停 摆
Eyes stop rolling for me

xīn tiào wéi wǒ péng bài
心 跳 为 我 澎 拜
Heartbeats surge for me

bié yì wài
别 意 外
Don’t be surprised

chǒng ài lǐ dài diǎn huài
宠 爱 里 带 点 坏
There’s a little evil in love

I am your Mrs. Right

So open your mind

I’ll give you some time

xué xí shuō ài wǒ biǎo dá bú xū yào zhuǎi
学 习 说 爱 我 表 达 不 需 要 跩
Learn to say you love me, don’t pretend to be cool

wǒ shì yǒu yī diǎn qī dài
我 是 有 一 点 期 待
I do have some expectations

Flash my shining eyes

Give you butterflies

ài wǒ de cóng jiā mén qián pái duì dào hǎi wài
爱 我 的 从 家 门 前 排 队 到 海 外
People who love me make a very long queue

wǒ gěi nǐ liú hào mǎ pái
我 给 你 留 号 码 牌
I’ll give you my door number

zhè shì ài bié zài cāi
这 是 爱 别 再 猜
This is love, stop guessing

děng nǐ hū rán míng bái
等 你 忽 然 明 白
Wait until you suddenly understand

yǐ jīng duì wǒ yī lài
已 经 对 我 依 赖
You’ll have developed a reliance on me

Don’t be shypà shī bài
Don’t be shy怕 失 败
Don’t be shy, don’t be afraid of failures

yào shēn hū xī and give me five
要 深 呼 吸 and give me five
Take a deep breath, and give me five

wǒ yào gěi nǐ wán měi dú jiā jué duì chǒng ài
我 要 给 你 完 美 独 家 绝 对 宠 爱
I’ll give you a perfect, exclusive and absolute love

kāi xīn shí jiù hěn guāi
开 心 时 就 很 乖
I’m very well-behaved when I’m happy

shēng qì shí yòu hěn huài
生 气 时 又 很 坏
and very bad when I’m upset

Make you smile

Oh then make you cry

jiù zhè yàng jiàn jiàn dì bǎ nǐ guàn huài
就 这 样 渐 渐 地 把 你 惯 坏
Just like this, I gradually spoiled you

ràng nǐ bú néng bú ài
让 你 不 能 不 爱
Make you unable to stop loving

yǎn jīng wéi wǒ tíng bǎi
眼 睛 为 我 停 摆
Eyes stop rolling for me

xīn tiào wéi wǒ péng bài
心 跳 为 我 澎 拜
Heartbeats surge for me

bié yì wài
别 意 外
Don’t be surprised

chǒng ài lǐ dài diǎn huài
宠 爱 里 带 点 坏
There’s a little evil in love

I am your Mrs. Right


Covers & Versions of “Mrs. Right”

Indo sub version

Cover by Ai

Vietsub version (1 hour loop)

MV Version

Chords of “Mrs. Right”

Sorry, I can’t find any yet, but I’ll keep looking, please come back later.

Download/MP3 of “Mrs. Right”

Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you

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