February 12, 2025
Mirage海市蜃楼(Hai Shi Shen Lou) By San Shu Shuo三叔说

Mirage海市蜃楼(Hai Shi Shen Lou) By San Shu Shuo三叔说

Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of Mirage海市蜃楼(Hai Shi Shen Lou) By San Shu Shuo三叔说

Info/About “Mirage”

Song NameMirage海市蜃楼(Hai Shi Shen Lou)
Artist San Shu Shuo三叔说
LyricistZhang Zhiyu/Zhi Weibiao
ComposerSong Zichu
Released 2021
Genre Pop

Background Story of “Mirage”

This song was released on December 21, 2021, it’s one of the most popular songs of San Shu Shuo三叔说, since release, it has been covered by many other artists, and very popular on Tik Tok and other social media.

Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “Mirage”

rú guǒ mó tiān dà lóu huì bēng tā
如 果 摩 天 大 楼 会 崩 塌
If skyscrapers were to collapse

jiù bú yào zài qù tān liàn xuán yá
就 不 要 再 去 贪 恋 悬 崖
Then we shouldn’t greedily pursue the cliffs

zài jiàn bú guò shì yī zhǒng biǎo dá
再 见 不 过 是 一 种 表 达
Goodbye is just a form of expression

bié pà
别 怕
Don’t be afraid

càn làn xīng hé rú guǒ néng luò xià
灿 烂 星 河 如 果 能 落 下
If the brilliant Milky Way could fall

jiù bú bì děng dài màn tiān yān huā
就 不 必 等 待 漫 天 烟 花
Then there’s no need to wait for fireworks in the sky

wǒ men de ài sàn luò mǎn dì
我 们 的 爱 散 落 满 地
Our love scatters all over the ground

bèi shí jiān tóng huà
被 时 间 同 化
Assimilated by time

nǐ zǒng xí guàn ruò jí ruò lí shān qíng zhě de xì mǎ
你 总 习 惯 若 即 若 离 煽 情 者 的 戏 码
You always get used to being neither near nor far, the drama of sentimentalist

duǒ zài miàn jù hòu zhuāng lóng zuò yǎ
躲 在 面 具 后 装 聋 作 哑
Hiding behind a mask pretending to be deaf and dumb

wǒ jìn liàng ràng biǎo qíng zì rán jiǎ zhuāng de hěn yōu yǎ
我 尽 量 让 表 情 自 然 假 装 的 很 优 雅
I try my best to let my expressions be natural, pretending to be elegant

dài bú zǒu de jiù liú xià
带 不 走 的 就 留 下
Leave behind what can’t be taken away

So calm down

mèng lǐ hǎi shì yún xiá
梦 里 海 市 云 霞
In the dream, mirage of a vibrant city

mèng wài yǔ huà chéng tā
梦 外 羽 化 成 她
Outside the dream, transforming into her

hǎi shàng lóu yuè jìng zhōng huā
海 上 楼 月 镜 中 花
The flower in the mirror on the sea

dào dǐ shuí ài shuí hèn shuí pà
到 底 谁 爱 谁 恨 谁 怕
In the end, who loves, who hates, who fears

jié jú dòng liè bēng tā
结 局 冻 裂 崩 塌
The ending freezes, cracks, and collapses

hé bì bào shài zài róng huà
何 必 暴 晒 再 融 化
Why bother being scorched and then melt again

wú rén de bì lán hǎi yù shì tú tūn xià
无 人 的 碧 蓝 海 域 试 图 吞 下
The uninhabited turquoise sea trying to engulf

wǒ mèng jìng lǐ de shèng shì yǔ fú huá
我 梦 境 里 的 盛 世 与 浮 华
The prosperity and extravagance in my dreamland

hǎi shì shèn lóu duō xiàng gè tóng huà
海 市 蜃 楼 多 像 个 童 话
The mirage of the city is so much like a fairy tale

kè huà chéng wǒ yǎn lǐ de nián huá
刻 画 成 我 眼 里 的 年 华
Etched into the time in my eyes

càn làn xīng hé rú guǒ néng luò xià
灿 烂 星 河 如 果 能 落 下
In the dream, mirage of a vibrant city

jiù bú bì děng dài màn tiān yān huā
就 不 必 等 待 漫 天 烟 花
Then there’s no need to wait for fireworks in the sky

wǒ men de ài sàn luò mǎn dì
我 们 的 爱 散 落 满 地
Our love scatters all over the ground

bèi shí jiān tóng huà
被 时 间 同 化
Assimilated by time

nǐ zǒng xí guàn ruò jí ruò lí shān qíng zhě de xì mǎ
你 总 习 惯 若 即 若 离 煽 情 者 的 戏 码
You always get used to being neither near nor far, the drama of sentimentalist

duǒ zài miàn jù hòu zhuāng lóng zuò yǎ
躲 在 面 具 后 装 聋 作 哑
Hiding behind a mask pretending to be deaf and dumb

wǒ jìn liàng ràng biǎo qíng zì rán jiǎ zhuāng de hěn yōu yǎ
我 尽 量 让 表 情 自 然 假 装 的 很 优 雅
I try my best to let my expressions be natural, pretending to be elegant

dài bú zǒu de jiù liú xià
带 不 走 的 就 留 下
Leave behind what can’t be taken away

So calm down

mèng lǐ hǎi shì yún xiá
梦 里 海 市 云 霞
In the dream, mirage of a vibrant city

mèng wài yǔ huà chéng tā
梦 外 羽 化 成 她
Outside the dream, transforming into her

hǎi shàng lóu yuè jìng zhōng huā
海 上 楼 月 镜 中 花
The flower in the mirror on the sea

dào dǐ shuí ài shuí hèn shuí pà
到 底 谁 爱 谁 恨 谁 怕
In the end, who loves, who hates, who fears

jié jú dòng liè bēng tā
结 局 冻 裂 崩 塌
The ending freezes, cracks, and collapses

hé bì bào shài zài róng huà
何 必 暴 晒 再 融 化
Why bother being scorched and then melt again

wú rén de bì lán hǎi yù shì tú tūn xià
无 人 的 碧 蓝 海 域 试 图 吞 下
The uninhabited turquoise sea trying to engulf

wǒ mèng jìng lǐ de shèng shì yǔ fú huá
我 梦 境 里 的 盛 世 与 浮 华
The prosperity and extravagance in my dreamland

hǎi shì shèn lóu duō xiàng gè tóng huà
海 市 蜃 楼 多 像 个 童 话
The mirage of the city is so much like a fairy tale

kè huà chéng wǒ yǎn lǐ de nián huá
刻 画 成 我 眼 里 的 年 华
Etched into the time in my eyes

mèng lǐ hǎi shì yún xiá
梦 里 海 市 云 霞
In the dream, mirage of a vibrant city

mèng wài yǔ huà chéng tā
梦 外 羽 化 成 她
Outside the dream, transforming into her

hǎi shàng lóu yuè jìng zhōng huā
海 上 楼 月 镜 中 花
The flower in the mirror on the sea

dào dǐ shuí ài shuí hèn shuí pà
到 底 谁 爱 谁 恨 谁 怕
In the end, who loves, who hates, who fears

jié jú dòng liè bēng tā
结 局 冻 裂 崩 塌
The ending freezes, cracks, and collapses

hé bì bào shài zài róng huà
何 必 暴 晒 再 融 化
Why bother being scorched and then melt again

wú rén de bì lán hǎi yù shì tú tūn xià
无 人 的 碧 蓝 海 域 试 图 吞 下
The uninhabited turquoise sea trying to engulf

wǒ mèng jìng lǐ de shèng shì yǔ fú huá
我 梦 境 里 的 盛 世 与 浮 华
The prosperity and extravagance in my dreamland

hǎi shì shèn lóu duō xiàng gè tóng huà
海 市 蜃 楼 多 像 个 童 话
The mirage of the city is so much like a fairy tale

kè huà chéng wǒ yǎn lǐ de nián huá
刻 画 成 我 眼 里 的 年 华
Etched into the time in my eyes


Covers & Versions of “Mirage”

Lyrics Video

Female Cover by Yi Ke Lang Xing一颗狼星

Tik Tok DJ Version

Slowed version

Thai sub version

Compilation of fan covers on Tik Tok

Another compilation of fan covers on Tik Tok

English cover by 肖恩 Shaun Gibson

Vietsub version

1 hour loop version

Live performance in 2022

Female Cover by Kiyo Qing Xiaoyao晴小瑶

Cover by BLING鱼闪闪

MM sub version

Chords of “Mirage”


Download/MP3 of “Mirage”

Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you

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Mirage海市蜃楼(Hai Shi Shen Lou) By San Shu Shuo三叔说Mirage海市蜃楼

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