February 15, 2025
Meteor陨星(Yun Xing) The Trust OST By Li Qi李琦

Meteor陨星(Yun Xing) The Trust OST By Li Qi李琦

Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of Meteor陨星(Yun Xing) The Trust OST By Li Qi李琦

Info/About “Meteor”

Song NameMeteor陨星(Yun Xing)
Artist Li Qi李琦
LyricistHua Sheng
ComposerLin Yika
Released 2023
Genre Pop/Soundtrack

Background Story of “Meteor”

This song was an interlude of the TV Series “The Trust恩爱两不疑“, and it was released on April 6, 2023.

“The Trust恩爱两不疑” Soundtrack Listing

Fall In心游NINEONE乃万Theme Song/Opening
No Doubt in Us两不疑 Reyi Liu Renyu刘人语 & Zhang Xingte张星特Ending Song
Meteor陨星Li Qi李琦Interlude
Two Lovers两白首lafier染Interlude

Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “Meteor”

yōng tiān xià bú chēng chéng jiù huái yuè guāng bú suàn fù yǒu
拥 天 下 不 称 成 就 怀 月 光 不 算 富 有
Owning the world is not called an achievement, and having moonlight is not considered rich

yuàn pāo què yù yǔ qióng lóu
愿 抛 却 玉 宇 琼 楼
Willing to abandon the jade palace building

yǐ yī shēng zhuī yī kē
以 一 生 追 一 颗
using my lifetime to chase a meteor

yǔn xīng zú gòu
陨 星 足 够
is enough

tà jiǔ zhōu zhī dāng màn yóu yuè sì hǎi yì zuò dù kǒu
踏 九 州 只 当 漫 游 越 四 海 亦 作 渡 口
Stepping on the nine provinces is just like roaming, crossing the four seas is also a ferry

wǒ gū shēn qiān lǐ bēn zǒu zhī wéi nǐ dān yōu
我 孤 身 千 里 奔 走 只 为 你 担 忧
I run thousands of miles alone, only worrying about you

qián lù fēng gāo xuě hòu
前 路 风 高 雪 厚
The road ahead is full of high winds and thick snow

wǒ zhōng yú xué huì děng hòu wàng yǔ xīng chén xiè hòu
我 终 于 学 会 等 候 妄 与 星 辰 邂 逅
I finally learned to wait and encounter the stars

tā yǐ jīng diē luò cóng tiān jìn tóu
它 已 经 跌 落 从 天 尽 头
It has already fallen from the end of the sky

cǐ shēng bú kě qiú
此 生 不 可 求
I never asked for this life

nì háng guò xiōng yǒng rén liú xún bú dào nǐ shuāng shǒu
逆 行 过 汹 涌 人 流 寻 不 到 你 双 手
Going backward through the turbulent flow of people, I can’t find your hands

xìng mò rán huí shǒu dēng huǒ lán shān
幸 蓦 然 回 首 灯 火 阑 珊
Luckily looking back suddenly, the dim lights

shì nǐ de yǎn móu
是 你 的 眼 眸
are your eyes

duō shǎo rén qīng qí suǒ yǒu wàng tú jiāng yuè guāng sī yǒu
多 少 人 倾 其 所 有 妄 图 将 月 光 私 有
How many people spend all they have in an attempt to privately own moonlight

wǒ biàn yě máng mù zhuī qiú
我 便 也 盲 目 追 求
I also pursue blindly

qīng xǐng yào duō jiǔ
清 醒 要 多 久
How long will it take to wake up

fāng zhī nǐ yǐ yuǎn zǒu
方 知 你 已 远 走
before I know that you are far away

wǒ pāo què wú yòng chéng jiù bēn yī kē xīng wēn róu
我 抛 却 无 用 成 就 奔 一 颗 星 温 柔
I throw away useless achievements and sprint to a star with gentleness

chì zú mài yuè guò gāo shān hóng liú
赤 足 迈 越 过 高 山 洪 流
Cross the tall mountains

kuà huāng mò shā qiū
跨 荒 漠 沙 丘
and desert dunes barefoot

páng rén tán bēn bō yuán yóu yán cí diào kǎn yōu yōu
旁 人 谈 奔 波 缘 由 言 辞 调 侃 悠 悠
Others talk about the reasons for running around, and they make redicule of me

wǒ bú gǎn huí tóu chén mò tài jiǔ
我 不 敢 回 头 沉 默 太 久
I dare not turn my head, I have been silent for too long

wéi děng nǐ wèn hòu
为 等 你 问 候
waiting for your questioning

wǒ zhōng yú xué huì děng hòu wàng yǔ xīng chén xiè hòu
我 终 于 学 会 等 候 妄 与 星 辰 邂 逅
I finally learned to wait and encounter the stars

tā yǐ jīng diē luò cóng tiān jìn tóu
它 已 经 跌 落 从 天 尽 头
It has already fallen from the end of the sky

cǐ shēng bú kě qiú
此 生 不 可 求
I never asked for this life

nì háng guò xiōng yǒng rén liú xún bú dào nǐ shuāng shǒu
逆 行 过 汹 涌 人 流 寻 不 到 你 双 手
Going backward through the turbulent flow of people, I can’t find your hands

kě mò rán huí shǒu dēng huǒ lán shān
可 蓦 然 回 首 灯 火 阑 珊
But looking back suddenly, the dim lights

shì nǐ de yǎn móu
是 你 的 眼 眸
are your eyes

kě mò rán huí shǒu dēng huǒ lán shān
可 蓦 然 回 首 灯 火 阑 珊
But looking back suddenly, the dim lights

shì nǐ de yǎn móu
是 你 的 眼 眸
are your eyes

Covers & Versions of “Meteor”

English sub version

MM Sub version

Chords of “Meteor”


Download/MP3 of “Meteor”

Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you

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