February 15, 2025
Making Waves造浪(Zao Lang) Rising With the Wind OST By 831八三夭乐团 & YUQI宋雨琦

Making Waves造浪(Zao Lang) Rising With the Wind OST By 831八三夭乐团 & YUQI宋雨琦

Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of Making Waves造浪(Zao Lang) Rising With the Wind OST By 831八三夭乐团 & YUQI宋雨琦

Info/About “Making Waves”

Song NameMaking Waves造浪(Zao Lang)
Artist 831八三夭乐团 & YUQI宋雨琦
LyricistChen Tian/Wang Yixu
ComposerHu Zhen/CAME/Chen Tian
Released 2023
Genre Pop/Soundtrack

Background Story of “Making Waves”

This song was the theme song and ending song (performed by YUQI宋雨琦) and an interlude (performed by 831八三夭乐团) of the TV Series “Rising With the Wind我要逆风去“, and it was released on November 3, 2023.

“Rising With the Wind我要逆风去” Soundtrack Listing

Making Waves造浪YUQI宋雨琦Theme Song/Ending Song
Making Waves造浪831八三夭乐团Interlude
All Good Things Come For You所有美好为你慕名而来Eason Shen Yicheng沈以诚Opening Song
Three Poem Lines For The Moon给月亮的三行诗A-Lin黄丽玲Ending Song
Song of Faith信仰之歌Betty Wu Xuanyi吴宣仪Ending Song
Lost You遗失了你Li Qi李琦Ending Song
Once Accompanied You To Chase Wind我曾陪你追过风Betty Wu Xuanyi吴宣仪Interlude
This Love这份爱Simon Gong Jun龚俊Interlude
Soft Thorn柔软的刺Elaine Zhong Chuxi钟楚曦Interlude
Stay With Me伴Ju Jingyi鞠婧祎 & Steven Zhang Xincheng张新成Interlude
Rising Against The Wind逆风而上CD Rev天府事变 & Zhu Chen朱辰Interlude

Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “Making Waves”

wǒ piān yào nì liú ér shàng
我 偏 要 逆 流 而 上
I want to go against the current

nì fēng zào wǒ de làng
逆 风 造 我 的 浪
and make my own waves

ràng cháo shuǐ yǒng xiàng jiāng bèi wǒ kāi pì de tǔ rǎng
让 潮 水 涌 向 将 被 我 开 辟 的 土 壤
Let the tide flow to the soil that will be opened by me

zì diǎn lǐ méi yǒu tuì ràng
字 典 里 没 有 退 让
There is no giving in in the dictionary

yīn wéi shēng lái juè qiáng
因 为 生 来 倔 强
Because I am born to be stubborn

shì bú kě dǎng zhǔ dǎo shǔ yú wǒ de zhǔ chǎng
势 不 可 挡 主 导 属 于 我 的 主 场
Unstoppable, I dominate my home court

tuì cháo cái zhī dào shì shuí tóu jī qǔ qiǎo
退 潮 才 知 道 是 谁 投 机 取 巧
Only when the tide recedes will we know who is speculating and taking advantage of others

bú tīng quàn gào
不 听 劝 告
I don’t listen to advice

ér wǒ zhī quán xīn chuàng zào
而 我 只 全 心 创 造
but I just create with all my heart

què bǎo dēng chǎng shǎn yào
确 保 登 场 闪 耀
to ensure that I will appear and shine

háng dòng qián míng què mù biāo huàn zuì jiā miàn mào
行 动 前 明 确 目 标 换 最 佳 面 貌
I clear my goals before taking action, look my best

jué cè dōu jīng dé qǐ tuī qiāo
决 策 都 经 得 起 推 敲
and make decisions that can withstand scrutiny

jī huì bú huì děng dài shuí wán quán zhǔn bèi hǎo
机 会 不 会 等 待 谁 完 全 准 备 好
Opportunities will not wait for anyone, I am fully prepared

jiù zhēn xī měi fèn měi miǎo
就 珍 惜 每 分 每 秒
and cherish every minute

wǒ piān yào nì liú ér shàng
我 偏 要 逆 流 而 上
I want to go against the current

nì fēng zào wǒ de làng
逆 风 造 我 的 浪
and make my own waves

ràng cháo shuǐ yǒng xiàng jiāng bèi wǒ kāi pì de tǔ rǎng
让 潮 水 涌 向 将 被 我 开 辟 的 土 壤
Let the tide flow to the soil that will be opened by me

zì diǎn lǐ méi yǒu tuì ràng
字 典 里 没 有 退 让
There is no giving in in the dictionary

yīn wéi shēng lái juè qiáng
因 为 生 来 倔 强
Because I am born to be stubborn

shì bú kě dǎng zhǔ dǎo shǔ yú wǒ de zhǔ chǎng
势 不 可 挡 主 导 属 于 我 的 主 场
Unstoppable, I dominate my home court

yǒng bú yán bài
永 不 言 败
Never say never



yǒng bú yán bài
永 不 言 败
Never say never



tí fáng lái lù bú míng de àn qiāng
提 防 来 路 不 明 的 暗 枪
I beware of hidden guns from unknown origins

pī shàng shàn yì wěi zhuāng
披 上 善 意 伪 装
and put on the disguise of good intentions

suí shí zhǔn bèi hǎo jiào liàng
随 时 准 备 好 较 量
I am always ready to compete

jiāng hú jiù gāi chuǎng dàng
江 湖 就 该 闯 荡
in the Martial World

kǔ nán bèi shí jiān áo chéng kǔ kǒu de liáng yào
苦 难 被 时 间 熬 成 苦 口 的 良 药
Time has turned suffering into a bitter medicine

chén nián jiù zhàng yī bǐ gōu xiāo
陈 年 旧 账 一 笔 勾 销
and old scores have been settled

bú tīng bú wèn bú fǎn bó wú néng de jiào xiāo
不 听 不 问 不 反 驳 无 能 的 叫 嚣
I don’t listen, don’t ask, don’t refute, incompetent shouting

wǒ dǒng shí me gèng zhòng yào
我 懂 什 么 更 重 要
What do I know is more important

wǒ piān yào nì liú ér shàng
我 偏 要 逆 流 而 上
I want to go against the current

nì fēng zào wǒ de làng
逆 风 造 我 的 浪
and make my own waves

ràng cháo shuǐ yǒng xiàng jiāng bèi wǒ kāi pì de tǔ rǎng
让 潮 水 涌 向 将 被 我 开 辟 的 土 壤
Let the tide flow to the soil that will be opened by me

zì diǎn lǐ méi yǒu tuì ràng
字 典 里 没 有 退 让
There is no giving in in the dictionary

yīn wéi shēng lái juè qiáng
因 为 生 来 倔 强
Because I am born to be stubborn

shì bú kě dǎng zhǔ dǎo shǔ yú wǒ de zhǔ chǎng
势 不 可 挡 主 导 属 于 我 的 主 场
Unstoppable, I dominate my home court

yǒng bú yán bài
永 不 言 败
Never say never



yǒng bú yán bài
永 不 言 败
Never say never



wǒ piān yào nì liú ér shàng
我 偏 要 逆 流 而 上
I want to go against the current

nì fēng zào wǒ de làng
逆 风 造 我 的 浪
and make my own waves

ràng cháo shuǐ yǒng xiàng jiāng bèi wǒ kāi pì de tǔ rǎng
让 潮 水 涌 向 将 被 我 开 辟 的 土 壤
Let the tide flow to the soil that will be opened by me

zì diǎn lǐ méi yǒu tuì ràng
字 典 里 没 有 退 让
There is no giving in in the dictionary

yīn wéi shēng lái juè qiáng
因 为 生 来 倔 强
Because I am born to be stubborn

shì bú kě dǎng zhǔ dǎo shǔ yú wǒ de zhǔ chǎng
势 不 可 挡 主 导 属 于 我 的 主 场
Unstoppable, I dominate my home court

wǒ piān yào nì liú ér shàng
我 偏 要 逆 流 而 上
I want to go against the current

nì fēng zào wǒ de làng
逆 风 造 我 的 浪
and make my own waves

ràng cháo shuǐ yǒng xiàng jiāng bèi wǒ kāi pì de tǔ rǎng
让 潮 水 涌 向 将 被 我 开 辟 的 土 壤
Let the tide flow to the soil that will be opened by me

zì diǎn lǐ méi yǒu tuì ràng
字 典 里 没 有 退 让
There is no giving in in the dictionary

cóng bú ān yú xiàn zhuàng
从 不 安 于 现 状
I am never content with the current situation

nì shì shèng fàng jiàn zhèng shǔ yú wǒ de róng guāng
逆 势 盛 放 见 证 属 于 我 的 荣 光
I bloom against the trend and witness the glory that belongs to me

nì shì shèng fàng jiàn zhèng shǔ yú wǒ de róng guāng
逆 势 盛 放 见 证 属 于 我 的 荣 光
I bloom against the trend and witness the glory that belongs to me

Covers & Versions of “Making Waves”

Official Audio (Theme song version by YUQI宋雨琦)

English sub version

Interlude version (performed by 831八三夭乐团)

Chords of “Making Waves”


Download/MP3 of “Making Waves”

Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you

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