February 12, 2025
Love of Three Lifetimes三生恋(San Sheng Lian) The Legends of Changing Destiny OST By Sa Dingding萨顶顶

Love of Three Lifetimes三生恋(San Sheng Lian) The Legends of Changing Destiny OST By Sa Dingding萨顶顶

Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of Love of Three Lifetimes三生恋(San Sheng Lian) The Legends of Changing Destiny OST By Sa Dingding萨顶顶

Info/About “Love of Three Lifetimes”

Song NameLove of Three Lifetimes三生恋(San Sheng Lian)
Artist Sa Dingding萨顶顶
LyricistCui Shixuan
ComposerQian Lei
Released 2023
Genre Pop/Soundtrack

Background Story of “Love of Three Lifetimes”

This song was the ending song of the TV Series “The Legends of Changing Destiny凌云志“, and it was released on April 18, 2023.

“The Legends of Changing Destiny凌云志” Soundtrack Listing

Wukong悟空Sitar Tan Weiwei谭维维 & Dai Quan戴荃Opening Song
Love of Three Lifetimes三生恋Sa Dingding萨顶顶Ending Song
Flower花 Kenji Wu吴克群Interlude
Two-life Heart两生心Queena Cui Zige崔子格Interlude

Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “Love of Three Lifetimes”

huā bú yán què wú cháng yī shēng yī miè shā nà jiān
花 不 言 却 无 常 一 生 一 灭 刹 那 间
The Flower remains silent, yet impermanent, fleeting in a moment

fēng wú yǔ què sì nǐ yī jǔ yī dòng qiān xīn xián
风 无 语 却 似 你 一 举 一 动 牵 心 弦
The Wind has no voice, yet it feels like every move you make tugs at my heartstrings

yuè jiǎo jié táo bú guò yīn qíng yuán quē rě rén lián
月 皎 洁 逃 不 过 阴 晴 圆 缺 惹 人 怜
The Moon shines brightly, but it cannot escape the cycle of waxing and waning, evoking pity

dié piān xiān fēi bú guò céng jīng cāng hǎi biàn sāng tián
蝶 翩 跹 飞 不 过 曾 经 沧 海 变 桑 田
The Butterfly dances gracefully, but it cannot fly across the changes of the world

wǒ fēi yuè
我 飞 越
I traverse

shàng xià wǔ qiān nián
上 下 五 千 年
Across five thousand years

xiān jiè yǔ rén jiān
仙 界 与 人 间
between the realm of gods and that of mortals

wǒ jīng guò
我 经 过
I witness

shēng sǐ lún liú zhuǎn
生 死 轮 流 转
The cycle of life and death

ài hèn yī xiàn qiān
爱 恨 一 线 牵
the thin line between love and hate

zhī yuàn fú shì tài qiǎn
只 愿 浮 世 太 浅
I only wish that the world was not so shallow

liú bú zhù sān shēng liàn
留 不 住 三 生 恋
unable to hold onto the love of three lifetimes

huí móu wàng yī yǎn
回 眸 望 一 眼
Looking back for just a moment

bēi huān lí hé huà yǔ yān
悲 欢 离 合 化 雨 烟
Joy and sorrow, separation and reunion, all dissolve into the mist

huā bú yán què wú cháng yī shēng yī miè shā nà jiān
花 不 言 却 无 常 一 生 一 灭 刹 那 间
The Flower remains silent, yet impermanent, fleeting in a moment

fēng wú yǔ què sì nǐ yī jǔ yī dòng qiān xīn xián
风 无 语 却 似 你 一 举 一 动 牵 心 弦
The Wind has no voice, yet it feels like every move you make tugs at my heartstrings

yuè jiǎo jié táo bú guò yīn qíng yuán quē rě rén lián
月 皎 洁 逃 不 过 阴 晴 圆 缺 惹 人 怜
The Moon shines brightly, but it cannot escape the cycle of waxing and waning, evoking pity

dié piān xiān fēi bú guò céng jīng cāng hǎi biàn sāng tián
蝶 翩 跹 飞 不 过 曾 经 沧 海 变 桑 田
The Butterfly dances gracefully, but it cannot fly across the changes of the world

wǒ fēi yuè
我 飞 越
I traverse

shàng xià wǔ qiān nián
上 下 五 千 年
Across five thousand years

xiān jiè yǔ rén jiān
仙 界 与 人 间
between the realm of gods and that of mortals

wǒ jīng guò
我 经 过
I witness

shēng sǐ lún liú zhuǎn
生 死 轮 流 转
The cycle of life and death

ài hèn yī xiàn qiān
爱 恨 一 线 牵
the thin line between love and hate

zhī yuàn fú shì tài qiǎn
只 愿 浮 世 太 浅
I only wish that the world was not so shallow

liú bú zhù sān shēng liàn
留 不 住 三 生 恋
unable to hold onto the love of three lifetimes

huí móu wàng yī yǎn
回 眸 望 一 眼
Looking back for just a moment

bēi huān lí hé huà yǔ yān
悲 欢 离 合 化 雨 烟
Joy and sorrow, separation and reunion, all dissolve into the mist

wǒ wú yán
我 无 言
I am speechless

zuì yōng cǎo mù mián
醉 拥 草 木 眠
Drunk, I embrace the trees and sleep

xǐng wǔ tiān dì jiān
醒 舞 天 地 间
Awake, I dance between heaven and earth

yī shuāng yǎn
一 双 眼
A pair of eyes

hóng chén lǐ fèn biàn
红 尘 里 分 辨
Discern the mortal from the divine

sú zǐ yǔ shén xiān
俗 子 与 神 仙
in this mundane world

ruò shì wàng wǒ liú lián
若 是 忘 我 流 连
If I lose myself in it,

shuí lìng wǒ xīn guà qiān
谁 令 我 心 挂 牵
who will anchor my heart?

sān shēng qǔ yī niàn
三 生 取 一 念
Three lifetimes, one thought

huà wéi shùn jiān de huǒ yàn
化 为 瞬 间 的 火 焰
Transforming into the flame of a moment

sān shēng qǔ yī niàn
三 生 取 一 念
Three lifetimes, one thought

huà wéi shùn jiān de huǒ yàn
化 为 瞬 间 的 火 焰
Transforming into the flame of a moment


Covers & Versions of “Love of Three Lifetimes”

MV Version

Instrumental version

Chords of “Love of Three Lifetimes”


Download/MP3 of “Love of Three Lifetimes”

Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you

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