February 15, 2025
Lost You遗失了你(Yi Shi Le Ni) Rising With the Wind OST By Li Qi李琦

Lost You遗失了你(Yi Shi Le Ni) Rising With the Wind OST By Li Qi李琦

Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of Lost You遗失了你(Yi Shi Le Ni) Rising With the Wind OST By Li Qi李琦

Info/About “Lost You”

Song NameLost You遗失了你(Yi Shi Le Ni)
Artist Li Qi李琦
LyricistChen Tian
ComposerLe Yifan
Released 2023
Genre Pop/Soundtrack

Background Story of “Lost You”

This song was the ending song of the TV Series “Rising With the Wind我要逆风去“, and it was released on November 18, 2023.

“Rising With the Wind我要逆风去” Soundtrack Listing

Making Waves造浪YUQI宋雨琦Theme Song/Ending Song
Making Waves造浪831八三夭乐团Interlude
All Good Things Come For You所有美好为你慕名而来Eason Shen Yicheng沈以诚Opening Song
Three Poem Lines For The Moon给月亮的三行诗A-Lin黄丽玲Ending Song
Song of Faith信仰之歌Betty Wu Xuanyi吴宣仪Ending Song
Lost You遗失了你Li Qi李琦Ending Song
Once Accompanied You To Chase Wind我曾陪你追过风Betty Wu Xuanyi吴宣仪Interlude
This Love这份爱Simon Gong Jun龚俊Interlude
Soft Thorn柔软的刺Elaine Zhong Chuxi钟楚曦Interlude
Stay With Me伴Ju Jingyi鞠婧祎 & Steven Zhang Xincheng张新成Interlude
Rising Against The Wind逆风而上CD Rev天府事变 & Zhu Chen朱辰Interlude

Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “Lost You”

dà yǔ néng chōng xǐ zú jì
大 雨 能 冲 洗 足 迹
Heavy rain can wash away footprints

xiàng shí jiān néng chōng dàn huí yì
像 时 间 能 冲 淡 回 忆
like how time can dilute memories

wǒ yǐ wéi wǒ kě yǐ
我 以 为 我 可 以
I thought I could

bú yòng zài xiǎng nǐ
不 用 再 想 你
stop thinking about you

lù biān qíng lǚ qiān shǒu lín yǔ
路 边 情 侣 牵 手 淋 雨
A couple being soaked in the rain while holding hands on the roadside

bào yuàn de huà méi shuō yī jù
抱 怨 的 话 没 说 一 句
did not say a word of complaint

sì céng xiàng shí de chǎng jǐng
似 曾 相 识 的 场 景
The familiar scene

bǎ huí yì huàn xǐng
把 回 忆 唤 醒
awakens memories

yīn lè shì cuī huà jì
音 乐 是 催 化 剂
Music is the catalyst

jiě dòng wǒ suǒ yǒu qíng xù
解 冻 我 所 有 情 绪
that unfreezes all my emotions

yī zì yī jù shì fàng wěi qū
一 字 一 句 释 放 委 屈
I release my grievances word for word

yě xǔ
也 许

rén men zǒng shì yào děng dào shī qù
人 们 总 是 要 等 到 失 去
people always have to wait until they lose

cái xiǎng qǐ zì jǐ
才 想 起 自 己
before they think that in the beginning

zuì kāi shǐ zhī shì zài dǔ qì
最 开 始 只 是 在 赌 气
they just did it out of anger

lái bú jí shuō
来 不 及 说
It’s too late to say it

qí shí wǒ yīng gāi chéng rèn dōu shì wǒ de cuò
其 实 我 应 该 承 认 都 是 我 的 错
In fact, I should have just admitted that it was all my fault

yě xǔ shī wàng lèi jī le tài duō duì huàn lěng mò
也 许 失 望 累 积 了 太 多 兑 换 冷 漠
Maybe the disappointment has accumulated too much in exchange for indifference

bǎ xīn shàng suǒ
把 心 上 锁
I keep my heart locked

gāi shì ruò shí fǎn bó gāi yǒng gǎn shí ruǎn ruò
该 示 弱 时 反 驳 该 勇 敢 时 软 弱
I refute when I need to be brave, and I show weakness when I need to be brave

lái bú jí shuō
来 不 及 说
It’s too late to say it

qí shí wǒ bú xiǎng jiù zhè me hé nǐ cuò guò
其 实 我 不 想 就 这 么 和 你 错 过
Actually, I didn’t want to miss you just like that

yě xǔ hé nǐ de gù shì zhī shì gào yī duàn luò
也 许 和 你 的 故 事 只 是 告 一 段 落
Maybe the story with you just comes to a conclusion

bú shì jié guǒ
不 是 结 果
It’s not the result

zài gěi yī cì jī huì ràng wǒ duì xiàn chéng nuò
再 给 一 次 机 会 让 我 兑 现 承 诺
Give me another chance and let me fulfill my promise

yīn lè shì cuī huà jì
音 乐 是 催 化 剂
Music is the catalyst

jiě dòng wǒ suǒ yǒu qíng xù
解 冻 我 所 有 情 绪
that unfreezes all my emotions

yī zì yī jù shì fàng wěi qū
一 字 一 句 释 放 委 屈
I release my grievances word for word

yě xǔ
也 许

rén men zǒng shì yào děng dào shī qù
人 们 总 是 要 等 到 失 去
people always have to wait until they lose

cái xiǎng qǐ zì jǐ
才 想 起 自 己
before they think that in the beginning

zuì kāi shǐ zhī shì zài dǔ qì
最 开 始 只 是 在 赌 气
they just did it out of anger

lái bú jí shuō
来 不 及 说
It’s too late to say it

qí shí wǒ yīng gāi chéng rèn dōu shì wǒ de cuò
其 实 我 应 该 承 认 都 是 我 的 错
In fact, I should have just admitted that it was all my fault

yě xǔ shī wàng lèi jī le tài duō duì huàn lěng mò
也 许 失 望 累 积 了 太 多 兑 换 冷 漠
Maybe the disappointment has accumulated too much in exchange for indifference

bǎ xīn shàng suǒ
把 心 上 锁
I keep my heart locked

gāi shì ruò shí fǎn bó gāi yǒng gǎn shí ruǎn ruò
该 示 弱 时 反 驳 该 勇 敢 时 软 弱
I refute when I need to be brave, and I show weakness when I need to be brave

lái bú jí shuō
来 不 及 说
It’s too late to say it

qí shí wǒ bú xiǎng jiù zhè me hé nǐ cuò guò
其 实 我 不 想 就 这 么 和 你 错 过
Actually, I didn’t want to miss you just like that

yě xǔ hé nǐ de gù shì zhī shì gào yī duàn luò
也 许 和 你 的 故 事 只 是 告 一 段 落
Maybe the story with you just comes to a conclusion

bú shì jié guǒ
不 是 结 果
It’s not the result

zài gěi yī cì jī huì ràng wǒ duì xiàn chéng nuò
再 给 一 次 机 会 让 我 兑 现 承 诺
Give me another chance and let me fulfill my promise

lái bú jí shuō
来 不 及 说
It’s too late to say it

qí shí wǒ yīng gāi chéng rèn dōu shì wǒ de cuò
其 实 我 应 该 承 认 都 是 我 的 错
In fact, I should have just admitted that it was all my fault

yě xǔ shī wàng lèi jī le tài duō duì huàn lěng mò
也 许 失 望 累 积 了 太 多 兑 换 冷 漠
Maybe the disappointment has accumulated too much in exchange for indifference

bǎ xīn shàng suǒ
把 心 上 锁
I keep my heart locked

gāi shì ruò shí fǎn bó gāi yǒng gǎn shí ruǎn ruò
该 示 弱 时 反 驳 该 勇 敢 时 软 弱
I refute when I need to be brave, and I show weakness when I need to be brave

lái bú jí shuō
来 不 及 说
It’s too late to say it

qí shí wǒ bú xiǎng jiù zhè me hé nǐ cuò guò
其 实 我 不 想 就 这 么 和 你 错 过
Actually, I didn’t want to miss you just like that

yě xǔ hé nǐ de gù shì zhī shì gào yī duàn luò
也 许 和 你 的 故 事 只 是 告 一 段 落
Maybe the story with you just comes to a conclusion

bú shì jié guǒ
不 是 结 果
It’s not the result

zài gěi yī cì jī huì ràng wǒ duì xiàn chéng nuò
再 给 一 次 机 会 让 我 兑 现 承 诺
Give me another chance and let me fulfill my promise

Covers & Versions of “Lost You”

English sub version

Vietsub version

Chords of “Lost You”


Download/MP3 of “Lost You”

Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you

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