June 27, 2024
Little Planet小星球(Xiao Xing Qiu) In Love with Your Dimples OST By Estelle Chen Yihan陈意涵

Little Planet小星球(Xiao Xing Qiu) In Love with Your Dimples OST By Estelle Chen Yihan陈意涵

Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of Little Planet小星球(Xiao Xing Qiu) In Love with Your Dimples OST By Estelle Chen Yihan陈意涵

Info/About “Little Planet”

Song NameLittle Planet小星球(Xiao Xing Qiu)
Artist Estelle Chen Yihan陈意涵
LyricistEstelle Chen Yihan; Wang Xuefan
ComposerEstelle Chen Yihan
Released 2019
Genre Pop; Soundtrack

Background Story of “Little Planet”

This song was an interlude of the TV Series “In Love with Your Dimples恋恋小酒窝“, and it was released on September 12, 2019.

Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “Little Planet”

wǒ xiàng nǐ zǒu lái
我 向 你 走 来
I walk towards you

dài zhe yī shēn de yīn mái
带 着 一 身 的 阴 霾
With haze all over my body

wǒ wǎng qián pǎo kāi
我 往 前 跑 开
I run away

zì yóu dì hū huàn nǐ huí lái
自 由 地 呼 唤 你 回 来
Freely calling you to come back

shì bú shì zhī yǒu yī shǒu gē
是 不 是 只 有 一 首 歌
Is there only one song

ràng wǒ men bú zài diān bò
让 我 们 不 再 颠 簸
that can make us wander no more

shì bú shì shí kōng jiāo cuò
是 不 是 时 空 交 错
Is there misplaced time and space

huí yì ā bān bó bān bó
回 忆 啊 斑 驳 斑 驳
Memories, they are mottled

nǐ shì wǒ de háng háng guǐ jì
你 是 我 的 航 行 轨 迹
You are the track of my voyage

wǒ shì zhī wéi rào nǐ de xiǎo xīng qiú
我 是 只 围 绕 你 的 小 星 球
I’m just a little planet orbitting around you

xuán zhuǎn zhe tà jìn xīng hé lǐ
旋 转 着 踏 进 星 河 里
Rotating and stepping into the galaxy

xún zhǎo yǔ nǐ guān xì qiān sī wàn lǚ
寻 找 与 你 关 系 千 丝 万 缕
Finding all sorts of relations with you

wǒ xiàng nǐ zǒu lái dài zhe yī shēn de chén āi
我 向 你 走 来 带 着 一 身 的 尘 埃
I walk towards you, with haze all over my body

wǒ wǎng qián pǎo kāi jì yì shì suì piàn de hǎi
我 往 前 跑 开 记 忆 是 碎 片 的 海
I run away, memories are sea in pieces

shuí zài shēn páng tán xū gòu shuō fān shǒu wú bái zhòu
谁 在 身 旁 谈 虚 构 说 翻 手 无 白 昼
Who is by my side saying it’s false, and saying that there’s no day time

shuí shuō hēi yè méi jìn tóu liú làng qù kàn yǔ zhòu
谁 说 黑 夜 没 尽 头 流 浪 去 看 宇 宙
Who says there’s no end to dark night, wandering to see the universe

nǐ shì wǒ de háng háng guǐ jì
你 是 我 的 航 行 轨 迹
You are the track of my voyage

wǒ shì zhī wéi rào nǐ de xiǎo xīng qiú
我 是 只 围 绕 你 的 小 星 球
I’m just a little planet orbitting around you

xuán zhuǎn zhe tà jìn xīng hé lǐ
旋 转 着 踏 进 星 河 里
Rotating and stepping into the galaxy

xún zhǎo yǔ nǐ guān xì qiān sī wàn lǚ
寻 找 与 你 关 系 千 丝 万 缕
Finding all sorts of relations with you

wǒ kàn zhe shì jiān wù shùn shí jiān biàn bān bái
我 看 着 世 间 物 顺 时 间 变 斑 白
I watch everything in the world turn white with time

wǒ miǎo xiǎo rú chén āi yě yōng yǒu piàn kè péng pài
我 渺 小 如 尘 埃 也 拥 有 片 刻 澎 湃
I’m as tiny as dust, yet I also have a moment of surging

cháo xī luò zài nǎ gè fāng xiàng
潮 汐 落 在 哪 个 方 向
In which direction the tide will fall

nà lǐ shì nǐ qiān qǐ měi duǒ hǎi làng
那 里 是 你 牵 起 每 朵 海 浪
That is every wave you started

wàn yǒu dōu shì zài nǐ shǒu shàng
万 有 都 是 在 你 手 上
Everything is in your hand

zhè yī kē xiǎo xīng qiú zài yǒu nǐ de yuǎn fāng
这 一 颗 小 星 球 在 有 你 的 远 方
This little planet is in the far away place with you in it


Covers & Versions of “Little Planet”

Official Lyrics Version

Live performance version

Another live performance version (with Vietsub)

Another live performance

Another live performance

Arabic sub version

Chords of “Little Planet”


Download/MP3 of “Little Planet”

Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you

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