January 24, 2025
Light Years Away光年之外(Guang Nian Zhi Wai) Passengers OST (Chinese Version) By G.E.M.邓紫棋

Light Years Away光年之外(Guang Nian Zhi Wai) Passengers OST (Chinese Version) By G.E.M.邓紫棋

Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of Light Years Away光年之外(Guang Nian Zhi Wai) Passengers OST (Chinese Version) By G.E.M.邓紫棋

Info/About “Light Years Away”

Song NameLight Years Away光年之外(Guang Nian Zhi Wai)
Artist G.E.M.邓紫棋
Released 2016
Genre Pop/Soundtrack

Background Story of “Light Years Away”

This song was the theme song (China Region) of the Movie “Passengers太空旅客“, and it was released on December 30, 2016.

This song is one of the most popular songs of G.E.M.邓紫棋, since release, it has been covered by many other artists, and very popular on Tik Tok and other social media.

Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “Light Years Away”

gǎn shòu tíng zài wǒ fā duān de zhǐ jiān
感 受 停 在 我 发 端 的 指 尖
(I) feel the fingers that stop in my hair

rú hé shùn jiān dòng jié shí jiān
如 何 瞬 间 冻 结 时 间
How a moment freezes time

jì zhù wàng zhe wǒ jiān dìng de shuāng yǎn
记 住 望 着 我 坚 定 的 双 眼
(I) see the pair of eyes looking steadily at me

yě xǔ yǐ jīng méi yǒu míng tiān
也 许 已 经 没 有 明 天
Maybe there already is no tomorrow

miàn duì hào hàn de xīng hǎi
面 对 浩 瀚 的 星 海
Facing a vast sea of stars

wǒ men wēi xiǎo dé xiàng chén āi
我 们 微 小 得 像 尘 埃
We are as small as dust

piāo fú zài yī piàn wú nài
漂 浮 在 一 片 无 奈
Floating in helplessness

yuán fèn ràng wǒ men xiàng yù luàn shì yǐ wài
缘 分 让 我 们 相 遇 乱 世 以 外
Fate had us meet outside a chaotic world

mìng yùn què yào wǒ men wēi nán zhōng xiàng ài
命 运 却 要 我 们 危 难 中 相 爱
Destiny made us fall in love in the middle of danger

yě xǔ wèi lái yáo yuǎn zài guāng nián zhī wài
也 许 未 来 遥 远 在 光 年 之 外
Maybe in the future, far beyond light years

wǒ yuàn shǒu hòu wèi zhī lǐ wéi nǐ děng dài
我 愿 守 候 未 知 里 为 你 等 待
I am willing to guard an unknown location, waiting for you

wǒ méi xiǎng dào wéi le nǐ wǒ néng fēng kuáng dào
我 没 想 到 为 了 你 我 能 疯 狂 到
I never thought that for your sake, I would go insane to the point of

shān bēng hǎi xiào méi yǒu nǐ gēn běn bú xiǎng táo
山 崩 海 啸 没 有 你 根 本 不 想 逃
Landslides, tidal waves. without you, I don’t want to escape

wǒ de dà nǎo wéi le nǐ yǐ jīng fēng kuáng dào
我 的 大 脑 为 了 你 已 经 疯 狂 到
My own mind. For your sake, I’ve already gone insane to the point of

mò bó xīn tiào méi yǒu nǐ gēn běn bú zhòng yào
脉 搏 心 跳 没 有 你 根 本 不 重 要
(feeling like) my pulse and heartbeat are totally unimportant without you

yī shuāng wéi zài wǒ xiōng kǒu de bì wān
一 双 围 在 我 胸 口 的 臂 弯
A pair of arms encircling my chest

zú gòu dǐ dǎng tiān xuán dì zhuǎn
足 够 抵 挡 天 旋 地 转
are sufficient for resisting the rotation/revolution of the Earth

yī zhǒng zhí mí bú fàng shǒu de juè qiáng
一 种 执 迷 不 放 手 的 倔 强
A type of stubborn persistence not willing to let go

zú yǐ diǎn rán suǒ yǒu xī wàng
足 以 点 燃 所 有 希 望
Is enough to light up all hopes

yǔ zhòu páng bó ér lěng mò
宇 宙 磅 礴 而 冷 漠
The universe is immense and cold

wǒ men de ài wēi xiǎo què shǎn shuò
我 们 的 爱 微 小 却 闪 烁
Our love is small yet shining

diān bò què rú cǐ wàng wǒ
颠 簸 却 如 此 忘 我
precarious, yet selfless

yuán fèn ràng wǒ men xiàng yù luàn shì yǐ wài
缘 分 让 我 们 相 遇 乱 世 以 外
Fate had us meet outside a chaotic world

mìng yùn què yào wǒ men wēi nán zhōng xiàng ài
命 运 却 要 我 们 危 难 中 相 爱
Destiny made us fall in love in the middle of danger

yě xǔ wèi lái yáo yuǎn zài guāng nián zhī wài
也 许 未 来 遥 远 在 光 年 之 外
Maybe in the future, far beyond light years

wǒ yuàn shǒu hòu wèi zhī lǐ wéi nǐ děng dài
我 愿 守 候 未 知 里 为 你 等 待
I am willing to guard an unknown location, waiting for you

wǒ méi xiǎng dào wéi le nǐ wǒ néng fēng kuáng dào
我 没 想 到 为 了 你 我 能 疯 狂 到
I never thought that for your sake, I would go insane to the point of

shān bēng hǎi xiào méi yǒu nǐ gēn běn bú xiǎng táo
山 崩 海 啸 没 有 你 根 本 不 想 逃
Landslides, tidal waves. without you, I don’t want to escape

wǒ de dà nǎo wéi le nǐ yǐ jīng fēng kuáng dào
我 的 大 脑 为 了 你 已 经 疯 狂 到
My own mind. For your sake, I’ve already gone insane to the point of

mò bó xīn tiào méi yǒu nǐ gēn běn bú zhòng yào
脉 搏 心 跳 没 有 你 根 本 不 重 要
(feeling like) my pulse and heartbeat are totally unimportant without you

yě xǔ háng dào yǐ wài shì xǐng bú lái de mèng
也 许 航 道 以 外 是 醒 不 来 的 梦
Perhaps outside of this path is a dream from which (we) do not wake

luàn shì yǐ wài shì chún cuì de xiàng yōng
乱 世 以 外 是 纯 粹 的 相 拥
Outside of this chaotic worold is the most pure embrace

wǒ méi xiǎng dào wéi le nǐ wǒ néng fēng kuáng dào
我 没 想 到 为 了 你 我 能 疯 狂 到
I never thought that for your sake, I would go insane to the point of

shān bēng hǎi xiào méi yǒu nǐ gēn běn bú xiǎng táo
山 崩 海 啸 没 有 你 根 本 不 想 逃
Landslides, tidal waves. without you, I don’t want to escape

wǒ de dà nǎo wéi le nǐ yǐ jīng fēng kuáng dào
我 的 大 脑 为 了 你 已 经 疯 狂 到
My own mind. For your sake, I’ve already gone insane to the point of

mò bó xīn tiào méi yǒu nǐ gēn běn bú zhòng yào
脉 搏 心 跳 没 有 你 根 本 不 重 要
(feeling like) my pulse and heartbeat are totally unimportant without you

xiàng yù luàn shì yǐ wài wēi nán zhōng xiàng ài
相 遇 乱 世 以 外 危 难 中 相 爱
(We) met outside a choatic word, (we) fell in love in the midst of danger

xiàng yù luàn shì yǐ wài wēi nán zhōng xiàng ài
相 遇 乱 世 以 外 危 难 中 相 爱
(We) met outside a choatic word, (we) fell in love in the midst of danger

wǒ méi xiǎng dào
我 没 想 到
I never thought that


Covers & Versions of “Light Years Away”

MV Version

Live performance version

Live performance in 2023

Duet performance by G.E.M. & Hua Chenyu华晨宇

Passion Version by G.E.M. & AIR艾热

Live performance in 2018 (the second one)

Live performance in 2019

Live performance in 2022 (the first one)

Live performance of the rap version by G.E.M. & AIR艾热

Cover by 蔡恩雨 Priscilla Abby

Live streaming version

Fan Cover

Cover by Liu Yuning刘宇宁 (Live)

Chords of “Light Years Away”


Download/MP3 of “Light Years Away”

Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you

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