February 15, 2025
I'm Willing我愿(Wo Yuan) The White Haired Witch OST By Ricky Wang Ruiqi王瑞淇

I’m Willing我愿(Wo Yuan) The White Haired Witch OST By Ricky Wang Ruiqi王瑞淇

Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of I’m Willing我愿(Wo Yuan) The White Haired Witch OST By Ricky Wang Ruiqi王瑞淇

Info/About “I’m Willing”

Song NameI’m Willing我愿(Wo Yuan)
Artist Ricky Wang Ruiqi王瑞淇
LyricistRicky Wang Ruiqi
ComposerRicky Wang Ruiqi
Released 2020
Genre Pop/Soundtrack

Background Story of “I’m Willing”

This song was the theme song of the Movie “The White Haired Witch白发魔女外传“, and it was released on November 6, 2020.

“The White Haired Witch白发魔女外传” Soundtrack Listing

I’m Willing我愿Ricky Wang Ruiqi王瑞淇Theme Song
Send A Flower of Guilt送一朵愧疚的花The Landlord’s Cat房东的猫Interlude
Quatrain绝字句Hua Zhou花粥Interlude

Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “I’m Willing”

zhōng jiū hái shì nán táo zhè yī chǎng xiàng yù
终 究 还 是 难 逃 这 一 场 相 遇
Eventually it’s hard to avoid this encounter

wǒ shì nǐ jiàng fú de tiān dì
我 是 你 降 服 的 天 地
I’m a world conquered by you

xīn zài yě bú qīng yíng zhī zhuāng dé xià nǐ
心 再 也 不 轻 盈 只 装 得 下 你
My heart is no longer light, it can only contain you

wǒ shì nǐ pò chú de zhòu yǔ
我 是 你 破 除 的 咒 语
I’m the spell broken by you

piān piān wǒ shì yī kē juè qiáng de shí tóu
偏 偏 我 是 一 颗 倔 强 的 石 头
But I’m a stubborn stone

bēi wēi dào jiāo ào bèn zhuō dào yǒng yì
卑 微 到 骄 傲 笨 拙 到 勇 毅
From humble to proud, from clumsy to brave

piān piān wǒ zòng shēn tóu jìn nǐ
偏 偏 我 纵 身 投 进 你
But I decisively jump into your

shēn bú kě cè de xīn dǐ
深 不 可 测 的 心 底
fathomless heart

wǒ zhù jìn sì hǎi bā huāng lǐ
我 住 进 四 海 八 荒 里
I moved into the vast universe

cóng cǐ yǎo wú yīn xùn
从 此 杳 无 音 讯
Nowhere to be found ever since

wǒ yuàn shì nǐ de ěr pàn de qīng fēng
我 愿 是 你 的 耳 畔 的 清 风
I’m willing to be the clear breeze by your ears

péi nǐ tīng jìn shì jiān wàn dài chūn qiū
陪 你 听 尽 世 间 万 代 春 秋
Accompany you to listen to the history from ancient times

wǒ yuàn shì nǐ de bēi zhǎn de gū jiǔ
我 愿 是 你 的 杯 盏 的 沽 酒
I’m willing to be the wine in the cup of yours

cháng jìn bǎi wèi chèn zuì yì shàng xīn tóu
尝 尽 百 味 趁 醉 意 上 心 头
Tasting every flavor while I’m still tipsy


Covers & Versions of “I’m Willing”

Audio Version

Instrumental version

Chords of “I’m Willing”

Sorry, I can’t find any yet, but I’ll keep looking, please come back later.

Download/MP3 of “I’m Willing”

Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you

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