February 15, 2025

I Promise You (Lie to Love OST) By Wei Fan范薇

Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of I Promise You (Lie to Love OST) By Wei Fan范薇

Info/About “I Promise You”

Song NameI Promise You
Artist Wei Fan范薇
LyricistChen Bohe/Li Zhaoxuan
ComposerChen Bohe
Released 2019
Genre Pop/Soundtrack

Background Story of “I Promise You”

This song was an interlude of the TV Series “Lie to Love良言写意“, and it was released on February 19, 2019.

“Lie to Love良言写意” Soundtrack Listing

Memory of Last Life寂静之忆Curley G希林娜依·高Opening Song
How Have You Been Lately你最近好吗 Silence Wang汪苏泷Ending Song
Because of YouLuo Yunxi罗云熙Interlude
There is Light in the Tree Hole树洞有光Li Runqi李润祺Interlude
Circle of LoveTien Chong张天Interlude
Underestimate The Enemy轻敌Chen Qidong陈琪东Interlude
Your MoonAriel Ann安唯绫Interlude
My Sun我的太阳Si Nan司南Interlude
Mrs. Right Rio Wang Rui汪睿Interlude
I Promise YouWei Fan范薇Interlude

Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “I Promise You”

qī hēi de yè kōng dài zǒu guāng yūn tūn shì le tiān jì
漆 黑 的 夜 空 带 走 光 晕 吞 噬 了 天 际
The pitch-dark night sky takes away the glow and swallows the skyline

tā bàn zhe yǔ dī qīng qīng niǎn suì huā duǒ de shēng yīn
它 伴 着 雨 滴 轻 轻 碾 碎 花 朵 的 声 音
Accompanied by raindrops, it gently crushes the sound of flowers

kàn wēn nuǎn de hū xī luě guò chún biān níng jié chéng le bīng lěng de bái yān
看 温 暖 的 呼 吸 掠 过 唇 边 凝 结 成 了 冰 冷 的 白 烟
Watch the warm breath pass by the lips, and condensate into ice-cold white smoke

huá guò de liú xīng xiāo shī zài le nǎ
划 过 的 流 星 消 失 在 了 哪
Where the shooting star disappear

wǒ gǎn jiào chù pèng nǐ de zhǐ jiān hái zài chàn dǒu
我 感 觉 触 碰 你 的 指 尖 还 在 颤 抖
I feel the fingertip that touched you is still shaking

wǒ tīng jiàn nǐ xǔ xià de xīn yuàn hái zài fān yǒng
我 听 见 你 许 下 的 心 愿 还 在 翻 涌
I heard the wish you made is still surging

yǒu duō nán guò jiù duō zhí zhe hán zhe lèi jǐn wò bú shě
有 多 难 过 就 多 执 着 含 着 泪 紧 握 不 舍
The sadder I feel, the more persistent I become, holding tears, never give up

juè qiáng dì shǒu hòu
倔 强 地 守 候
Stubbornly waiting

I promise you

kàn zhe ní hóng wéi wū yún rǎn shàng guāng xiān de míng lǎng
看 着 霓 虹 为 乌 云 染 上 光 鲜 的 明 朗
Watch the neon lights dye bright colors to the dark clouds

tīng jiàn yíng huǒ chóng sù shuō fēng hé xià yè de bēi shāng
听 见 萤 火 虫 诉 说 风 和 夏 夜 的 悲 伤
I heard the fireflies telling the sorrows of wind and summer night

měi yī fù měi lì de huà miàn dōu huàn qǐ wǒ men chōng jǐng guò de yuǎn fāng
每 一 副 美 丽 的 画 面 都 唤 起 我 们 憧 憬 过 的 远 方
Every beautiful image recalls me of the faraway place that we longed for

shǎo le yī gè nǐ dōu biàn chéng liú làng
少 了 一 个 你 都 变 成 流 浪
Without you, it all becomes wandering

yīn wéi nǐ duì wǒ xiě xià zuì wēn róu de yán yǔ
因 为 你 对 我 写 下 最 温 柔 的 言 语
Because you wrote the most gentle words to me

lái bú jí dào bié zhuǎn yǎn dào xià yī gè shì jì
来 不 及 道 别 转 眼 到 下 一 个 世 纪
Too late to say goodbye, the next century is here in a blink of an eye

zhōng shēng xiǎng qǐ nǐ de xiāo xī
钟 声 响 起 你 的 消 息
The bell sounds your news

chū xiàn zài měi gè mèng lǐ
出 现 在 每 个 梦 里
appear in every dream

rú cǐ de qīng xī
如 此 的 清 晰
It’s so clear

zài yǎn dǐ zǒng wú fǎ mò qù
在 眼 底 总 无 法 抹 去
Always can’t erase in my eyes

nǐ zhuǎn shēn lí kāi de hén jì
你 转 身 离 开 的 痕 迹
The trace of you leaving

nà me ài yào zěn me qù wàng jì ne
那 么 爱 要 怎 么 去 忘 记 呢
Then how to forget love

wǒ gǎn jiào chù pèng nǐ de zhǐ jiān hái zài chàn dǒu
我 感 觉 触 碰 你 的 指 尖 还 在 颤 抖
I feel the fingertip that touched you is still shaking

wǒ tīng jiàn nǐ xǔ xià de xīn yuàn hái zài fān yǒng
我 听 见 你 许 下 的 心 愿 还 在 翻 涌
I heard the wish you made is still surging

yǒu duō nán guò jiù duō zhí zhe hán zhe lèi jǐn wò bú shě
有 多 难 过 就 多 执 着 含 着 泪 紧 握 不 舍
The sadder I feel, the more persistent I become, holding tears, never give up

tài shēn kè jiù zhí dé juè qiáng dì shǒu hòu
太 深 刻 就 值 得 倔 强 地 守 候
If it’s too deep, then it’s worth stubbornly waiting for


Covers & Versions of “I Promise You”

Audio Version

Indo sub version

Chords of “I Promise You”

Sorry, I can’t find any yet, but I’ll keep looking, please come back later.

Download/MP3 of “I Promise You”

Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you

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范薇I Promise You (Lie to Love OST)

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