February 15, 2025
I Just Want To Be With You只想和你在一起(Zhi Xiang He Ni Zai Yi Qi) My Love and Stars OST By J.G Gao Jialang高嘉朗

I Just Want To Be With You只想和你在一起(Zhi Xiang He Ni Zai Yi Qi) My Love and Stars OST By J.G Gao Jialang高嘉朗

Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of I Just Want To Be With You只想和你在一起(Zhi Xiang He Ni Zai Yi Qi) My Love and Stars OST By J.G Gao Jialang高嘉朗

Info/About “I Just Want To Be With You”

Song NameI Just Want To Be With You只想和你在一起(Zhi Xiang He Ni Zai Yi Qi)
Artist J.G Gao Jialang高嘉朗
LyricistLuna Yin Ziyue; Zhu Jintai; Lin Qingrang; Mei Zhen
ComposerHe Liang
Released 2022
Genre Pop/Soundtrack

Background Story of “I Just Want To Be With You”

This song was the ending song of the TV Series “My Love and Stars我的爱与星辰“, and it was released on March 10, 2022.

Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “I Just Want To Be With You”

dǎo tuì lí kāi chéng shì biān yuán
倒 退 离 开 城 市 边 缘
Back off the edge of the city

yào qù wǎng nǐ zài de zhōng diǎn
要 去 往 你 在 的 终 点
to the end where you are

yī lù shàng lèi yǎn yào yǎn
一 路 上 泪 眼 耀 眼
Along the way, the tears are dazzling

diǎn liàng le lù dēng jiàn jiàn qīng xī nǐ de cè liǎn
点 亮 了 路 灯 渐 渐 清 晰 你 的 侧 脸
the street lights are lit, gradually clear your profile

rén men dōu zài yī wǎng wú qián
人 们 都 在 一 往 无 前
People are moving forward

wǒ què tíng zhù cǐ kè shí jiān
我 却 停 住 此 刻 时 间
Yet I stopped at this moment

tíng zhǐ zài yōng bào shùn jiān
停 止 在 拥 抱 瞬 间
stopped at the moment of hugging

xiǎng yào nǐ dǒng wǒ wǒ yī zhí méi biàn
想 要 你 懂 我 我 一 直 没 变
I want you to understand me, I have never changed

zhī xiǎng yào hé nǐ zài yī qǐ
只 想 要 和 你 在 一 起
I just want to be with you

zhī xiǎng yào hǎo hǎo qù ài nǐ
只 想 要 好 好 去 爱 你
just want to love you

nǐ hái zài děng ma xīn hái nán guò ma
你 还 在 等 吗 心 还 难 过 吗
Are you still waiting? Are you still sad?

jīng lì suǒ yǒu bié wú tā qiú zhī bào jǐn nǐ
经 历 所 有 别 无 他 求 只 抱 紧 你
Experienced everything, ask for nothing, just hold you tight

zhī xiǎng yào hé nǐ zài yī qǐ
只 想 要 和 你 在 一 起
I just want to be with you

rè liè píng dàn dōu shēn ài nǐ
热 烈 平 淡 都 深 爱 你
I love you warmly or plainly

Baby bì shàng yǎn jīng
Baby 闭 上 眼 睛
Baby, close your eyes

zhè jiù shì wǒ suǒ yǒu
这 就 是 我 所 有
That’s all I have

In Loving You

gāi zěn me kòng zhì zhè gǎn jiào
该 怎 么 控 制 这 感 觉
How to control this feeling

gāi zěn me yīng fù zhè suì yuè
该 怎 么 应 付 这 岁 月
How to deal with the years

shēng mìng zǒng wéi ài rè qiē
生 命 总 为 爱 热 切
Life is always eager for love

wǒ bú zài shǎn duǒ
我 不 再 闪 躲
I no longer dodge

ài bú gāi nuò ruò
爱 不 该 懦 弱
Love should not be cowardly

zhī xiǎng yào hé nǐ zài yī qǐ
只 想 要 和 你 在 一 起
I just want to be with you

zhī xiǎng yào hǎo hǎo qù ài nǐ
只 想 要 好 好 去 爱 你
just want to love you

nǐ hái zài děng ma xīn hái nán guò ma
你 还 在 等 吗 心 还 难 过 吗
Are you still waiting? Are you still sad?

jīng lì suǒ yǒu bié wú tā qiú zhī bào jǐn nǐ
经 历 所 有 别 无 他 求 只 抱 紧 你
Experienced everything, ask for nothing, just hold you tight

zhī xiǎng yào hé nǐ zài yī qǐ
只 想 要 和 你 在 一 起
I just want to be with you

rè liè píng dàn dōu shēn ài nǐ
热 烈 平 淡 都 深 爱 你
I love you warmly or plainly

Baby bì shàng yǎn jīng
Baby 闭 上 眼 睛
Baby, close your eyes

zhè jiù shì wǒ suǒ yǒu
这 就 是 我 所 有
That’s all I have

In Loving You

nǐ tái tóu kàn xīng kōng wéi nǐ shǎn shuò de
你 抬 头 看 星 空 为 你 闪 烁 的
You look up and look at the starry sky, shining for you

shì wǒ xiǎng gěi nǐ de hái bú shì suǒ yǒu
是 我 想 给 你 的 还 不 是 所 有
It’s what I want to give you, not all

céng jīng wǒ xí guàn le yī gè rén tuì suō
曾 经 我 习 惯 了 一 个 人 退 缩
Once I was used to retreat alone

shì nǐ gěi wǒ xiàng xìn měi hǎo de zhǒng zhǒng lǐ yóu
是 你 给 我 相 信 美 好 的 种 种 理 由
It’s you who gave me all the reasons to believe in beauty

zhī yào nǐ zhī yǒu nǐ bǐ wǒ dǒng wǒ
只 要 你 只 有 你 比 我 懂 我
As long as you are the only one who understands me better than me

zhī xiǎng yào hé nǐ zài yī qǐ
只 想 要 和 你 在 一 起
I just want to be with you

zài huāng luàn zhī zhōng bào jǐn nǐ
在 慌 乱 之 中 抱 紧 你
hold you tight in the panic

hái zài děng ma xīn hái nán guò ma
还 在 等 吗 心 还 难 过 吗
Are you still waiting? Are you still sad?

jīng lì suǒ yǒu bié wú tā qiú love just for you
经 历 所 有 别 无 他 求 love just for you
Experienced everything, ask for nothing, love just for you

zhī yào néng hé nǐ zài yī qǐ
只 要 能 和 你 在 一 起
As long as I can be with you

yī shēng yī shì dōu shǒu hù nǐ
一 生 一 世 都 守 护 你
I will protect you forever

Baby bì shàng yǎn jīng
Baby 闭 上 眼 睛
Baby, close your eyes

ràng wǒ shǒu hù nǐ de mèng
让 我 守 护 你 的 梦
And let me guard your dreams

I’m Loving You ~

Covers & Versions of “I Just Want To Be With You

Official Lyric Video

English sub version

Chords of “I Just Want To Be With You”

Sorry, I can’t find any yet, but I’ll keep looking, please come back later.

Download/MP3 of “I Just Want To Be With You”

Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you

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