July 1, 2024
Hometown Spring故里逢春(Gu Li Feng Chun) Believe in Love OST By A YueYue阿YueYue

Hometown Spring故里逢春(Gu Li Feng Chun) Believe in Love OST By A YueYue阿YueYue

Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of Hometown Spring故里逢春(Gu Li Feng Chun) Believe in Love OST By A YueYue阿YueYue

Info/About “Hometown Spring”

Song NameHometown Spring故里逢春(Gu Li Feng Chun)
Artist A YueYue阿YueYue
LyricistWo Wo
ComposerWo Wo
Released 2020
Genre Pop; Soundtrack

Background Story of “Hometown Spring”

This song was an interlude of the TV Series “Believe in Love花间新娘“, and it was released on July 29, 2020.

Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “Hometown Spring”

jiāng nán yòu mèng yān yǔ zhǎng hé liú rù gù lǐ
江 南 又 梦 烟 雨 长 河 流 入 故 里
I dream of misty rain in Jiangnan again, a long river flows into my hometown

chuī yān màn màn dù guò bǎi chuān qiān wàn lǐ ​
炊 烟 漫 漫 渡 过 百 川 千 万 里 ​
The cooking smoke slowly spreads across hundreds of rivers for thousands of miles

wǒ tīng zhe shēng dí qǔ rén jiān qīng huān kě qī ​
我 听 着 笙 笛 曲 人 间 清 欢 可 期 ​
I listen to the flute music, the happiness of mortal world can be expected

luò luò bīng chuān liú zhuǎn zhe qiān nián gǔ yì
落 落 冰 川 流 转 着 千 年 古 忆
Glaciers circulate around thousands of years of ancient memories

nǐ dī tóu méi jiān luò xià chǎng xuě
你 低 头 眉 间 落 下 场 雪
You lower your head and a scene of snow falls on your eyebrows

wǒ fǔ píng qíng sù wàn qiān
我 抚 平 情 愫 万 千
I soothe thousands of affectionate emotions

lián wài xiǎng qǐ shuāng jiāng qín shēng lěng què
帘 外 响 起 霜 将 琴 声 冷 却
Outside the curtain, the frost cools the sound of the zither

shā nà jiān guò wǎng shì jiē yān miè ​
刹 那 间 过 往 事 皆 湮 灭 ​
In an instant, the past is annihilated

jiāng nán yòu mèng yān yǔ zhǎng hé liú rù gù lǐ
江 南 又 梦 烟 雨 长 河 流 入 故 里
I dream of misty rain in Jiangnan again, a long river flows into my hometown

chuī yān màn màn dù guò bǎi chuān qiān wàn lǐ ​
炊 烟 漫 漫 渡 过 百 川 千 万 里 ​
The cooking smoke slowly spreads across hundreds of rivers for thousands of miles

wǒ tīng zhe shēng dí qǔ rén jiān qīng huān kě qī ​
我 听 着 笙 笛 曲 人 间 清 欢 可 期 ​
I listen to the flute music, the happiness of mortal world can be expected

luò luò bīng chuān liú zhuǎn zhe qiān nián gǔ yì
落 落 冰 川 流 转 着 千 年 古 忆
Glaciers circulate around thousands of years of ancient memories

fēng chuī guò dài zǒu suì yuè cuō tuó
风 吹 过 带 走 岁 月 蹉 跎
The wind blows and takes away the wasted years

huā bài luò què chéng guò cuò
花 败 落 却 成 过 错
Flowers fall but it is their fault

bèi yǐng de lún kuò wú fǎ xǔ xià chéng nuò
背 影 的 轮 廓 无 法 许 下 承 诺
The sihouette of the back cannot make promises

qiān bǎi nián děng nǐ zài kàn yī biàn ​
千 百 年 等 你 再 看 一 遍 ​
I waited thousands of years to see you again

jiāng nán yòu mèng yān yǔ zhǎng hé liú rù gù lǐ
江 南 又 梦 烟 雨 长 河 流 入 故 里
I dream of misty rain in Jiangnan again, a long river flows into my hometown

chuī yān màn màn dù guò bǎi chuān qiān wàn lǐ ​
炊 烟 漫 漫 渡 过 百 川 千 万 里 ​
The cooking smoke slowly spreads across hundreds of rivers for thousands of miles

wǒ tīng zhe shēng dí qǔ rén jiān qīng huān kě qī ​
我 听 着 笙 笛 曲 人 间 清 欢 可 期 ​
I listen to the flute music, the happiness of mortal world can be expected

luò luò bīng chuān liú zhuǎn zhe qiān nián gǔ yì
落 落 冰 川 流 转 着 千 年 古 忆
Glaciers circulate around thousands of years of ancient memories

jiāng nán yòu mèng yān yǔ zhǎng hé liú rù gù lǐ
江 南 又 梦 烟 雨 长 河 流 入 故 里
I dream of misty rain in Jiangnan again, a long river flows into my hometown

chuī yān màn màn dù guò bǎi chuān qiān wàn lǐ ​
炊 烟 漫 漫 渡 过 百 川 千 万 里 ​
The cooking smoke slowly spreads across hundreds of rivers for thousands of miles

wǒ tīng zhe shēng dí qǔ rén jiān qīng huān kě qī ​
我 听 着 笙 笛 曲 人 间 清 欢 可 期 ​
I listen to the flute music, the happiness of mortal world can be expected

luò luò bīng chuān liú zhuǎn zhe qiān nián gǔ yì
落 落 冰 川 流 转 着 千 年 古 忆
Glaciers circulate around thousands of years of ancient memories

jiāng nán yòu féng chūn yǔ jīng zhé zhōng rù gù lǐ
江 南 又 逢 春 雨 惊 蛰 终 入 故 里
I dream of misty rain in Jiangnan again, the awakening of insects finally enter my hometown

chuī yān màn màn jiě dòng bīng hé qiān wàn lǐ ​
炊 烟 漫 漫 解 冻 冰 河 千 万 里 ​
The cooking smoke slowly melts the cold ice from thousands of miles away

wǒ yì qǐ shēng dí qǔ què zhōng yǎo wú yīn xìn
我 忆 起 笙 笛 曲 却 终 杳 无 音 信
I remember the flute music, but there is no message in the end

luò luò bīng chuān liú zhuǎn zhe qiān nián gǔ yì
落 落 冰 川 流 转 着 千 年 古 忆
Glaciers circulate around thousands of years of ancient memories

nǐ zhí shǒu huà tiān xià yōu chóu rù jiǔ jǐ xǔ
你 执 手 画 天 下 忧 愁 入 酒 几 许
You paint the world with your hand, how much sorrow entered the wine

jǐ fān niàn qǐ shì shī piān dōu kōng xū
几 番 念 起 是 诗 篇 都 空 虚
After reading it several times, the poems are all empty

nǐ tí yī piě yī nà zhī guǎn yóu zǒu tiān yá
你 提 一 撇 一 捺 只 管 游 走 天 涯
You brushed a few strokes, yet you only care about wandering to the ends of the world

jǐ fān xiǎng qǐ shì shēn qíng huà yǔ
几 番 想 起 是 深 情 话 语
For a few times, I recall the affectionate words

Covers & Versions of “Hometown Spring”

English sub version

Khmer sub version

Chords of “Hometown Spring”


Download/MP3 of “Hometown Spring”

Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you

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