June 27, 2024
Heartbroken心殇人(Xin Shang Ren) The Yin-Yang Master: Dream of Eternity OST By Isabelle Huang Ling黄龄

Heartbroken心殇人(Xin Shang Ren) The Yin-Yang Master: Dream of Eternity OST By Isabelle Huang Ling黄龄

Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of Heartbroken心殇人(Xin Shang Ren) The Yin-Yang Master: Dream of Eternity OST By Isabelle Huang Ling黄龄

Info/About “Heartbroken”

Song NameHeartbroken心殇人(Xin Shang Ren)
Artist Isabelle Huang Ling黄龄
LyricistEdward Guo Jingming (director of this movie)
ComposerKawai Kenji
Released 2020
Genre Pop; Soundtrack

Background Story of “Heartbroken”

This song was the theme song of the Movie “The Yin-Yang Master: Dream of Eternity晴雅集“, and it was released on December 3, 2020.

Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “Heartbroken”

kàn luò mù chén hūn cā liàng yī zhǎn gū dēng
看 落 暮 晨 昏 擦 亮 一 盏 孤 灯
Watching the setting sun, between dusk and dawn, illuminating a lone lantern

tīng mǎn chéng dí shēng chuī tòng zhe chī xīn rén
听 满 城 笛 声 吹 痛 着 痴 心 人
Listen to the satisfied sound of the flute all over the city, blows on the painful ache of those who are infatuated

qiū fēng de yú wēn yè yǔ lín shī guī chéng
秋 风 的 余 温 夜 雨 淋 湿 归 程
The remaining autumn wind is tenderly warm as the night rain falls and dampens the returning journey

jiù chéng mén qīng qīng suǒ shàng yī gè rén
旧 城 门 轻 轻 锁 上 一 个 人
The old palace gate lightly, gently locks one person inside alone

shēn yǒu sān qiān jí què wéi yǒu xiàng sī wú kě yī
身 有 三 千 疾 却 唯 有 相 思 无 可 医
The body has three thousand illnesses, yet it still seems that only this yearning is without a cure

qín xián zhī bié lí dàn xīn shuāng wú cóng jì
琴 弦 知 别 离 但 心 霜 无 从 寄
The strings of the zither knows to leave, yet this heart’s frost still cannot be sent away

qīng sī duàn chóu xù yǔ jun1 zhǔ jiǔ gòng hán yī
青 丝 断 愁 绪 与 君 煮 酒 共 寒 衣
As black hair breaks off, so does the melancholic end of being together with him, warming wine and sharing winter clothes

lái bú jí chàng wán zhè shǒu lí bié qǔ
来 不 及 唱 完 这 首 离 别 曲
Without enough time, the singing stops and this song departs unsatisfied

zhī yuàn zhè yī shēng děng yī gè yǒu xīn rén
只 愿 这 一 生 等 一 个 有 心 人
Only having one desire throughout this whole life: waiting for that person who has a sincere heart

bú pà suì yuè shēn niǎn guò wǒ de nián lún
不 怕 岁 月 深 碾 过 我 的 年 轮
Unafraid of the depths of time, even if it stagnates my layers of growth

wéi kǒng mèng zhōng rén chuī tòng yuán qiǎn qíng shēn
唯 恐 梦 中 人 吹 痛 缘 浅 情 深
Only afraid that the one inside this dream blowing on these wounds causes these shallow feelings to deepen

lái shì jīn shēng rén jiān wèn yī wèn
来 世 今 生 人 间 问 一 问
In the next life, this life, asking the world this one question

rì yuè xīng chén zhào bú jìn chī xīn rén
日 月 星 辰 照 不 尽 痴 心 人
The sun and moon, the early morning stars, shine endlessly on those who are infatuated

yuǎn shān fēng yǔ shēng qiāo dǎ shuí de xīn mén
远 山 风 雨 声 敲 打 谁 的 心 门
In the distant mountains, with the sound of that wind and rain just what door of whose heart can it knock on

yǎn qián liú lí dēng zhào bú liàng shēn shàng chén
眼 前 琉 璃 灯 照 不 亮 身 上 尘
Even before my own eyes, through the colored glass of this lantern, it is not bright enough to see the dust on my body

gū yǐng bàn gū shēn xiàng sī fú fú chén chén
孤 影 伴 孤 身 相 思 浮 浮 沉 沉
Having a single shadow as a companion remains lonely and the yearning wavers between lightly floating and sinking deeply

xīn shàng rén kě zhī xīn shāng duō shāng rén
心 上 人 可 知 心 殇 多 伤 人
The beloved may know just how much the heartbroken hurt

shēn yǒu sān qiān jí què wéi yǒu xiàng sī wú kě yī
身 有 三 千 疾 却 唯 有 相 思 无 可 医
The body has three thousand illnesses, yet it still seems that only this yearning is without a cure

qín xián zhī bié lí dàn xīn shuāng wú cóng jì
琴 弦 知 别 离 但 心 霜 无 从 寄
The strings of the zither knows to leave, yet this heart’s frost still cannot be sent away

chūn lái shān huā zuì yǔ jun1 zhú mǎ nòng qīng méi
春 来 山 花 醉 与 君 竹 马 弄 青 梅
Spring comes to the mountains with blossoms to intoxicate me with blossoms to intoxicate me with the thought of being together with him as childhood sweethearts playing childish games

zài yī huí qǔ zhōng rén sàn jiù mèng guī
再 一 回 曲 终 人 散 旧 梦 归
Once again, the song ends and that person scatters back into old dreams

wǒ yǒu xīn shàng rén bú pà suì yuè shēn
我 有 心 上 人 不 怕 岁 月 深
I have a beloved so I am unafraid of the depths of time

jiù suàn làng zhì zhè yī shēng yuán qiǎn qíng shēn
就 算 浪 掷 这 一 生 缘 浅 情 深
Even if I struggle and am tossed about in the waves of life, this lifetime is destined to have a shallow fate with a deep affection

qīng sī shuāng xuě rǎn liáng chén měi jǐng sì dāng nián
青 丝 霜 雪 染 良 辰 美 景 似 当 年
As black hair catches snow and becomes a frosty white, the time spent surrounded in beautiful scenery resembles those days long past

wǒ rú xīn yuè ér nǐ wǎn rú shǎo nián
我 如 新 月 而 你 宛 如 少 年
I am like a new moon and you seem to be as you were in your youth

shēn ruò jīng hóng xīn yǒu qīng zhǒng
身 若 惊 鸿 心 有 青 冢
Even though I seem graceful, inside the heart there is a tomb

ài hèn líng lóng qíng yǒu dú zhōng
爱 恨 玲 珑 情 有 独 钟
Loving, hating, the sound of an exquisite jade dragon I still have a fondless for

tiān dì hóng méng jiā suǒ zhòng zhòng
天 地 鸿 蒙 枷 锁 重 重
This vast world’s greatest suffering is to be locked in the depths layer by layer

qíng chī qíng dòng fú shēng yī mèng
情 痴 情 动 浮 生 一 梦
These feelings of infatuation are disturbed and they give life to a uselessly covetous dream

Covers & Versions of “Heartbroken”

MV Version

English lyrics version

Korean sub version

Instrumental version

Vietsub version

Chords of “Heartbroken”


Download/MP3 of “Heartbroken”

Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you

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