February 15, 2025
Goodbye, My Ex再见前任(Zai Jian Qian Ren) Ex-File 3: The Return of the Exes OST By Feng Timo冯提莫

Goodbye, My Ex再见前任(Zai Jian Qian Ren) Ex-File 3: The Return of the Exes OST By Feng Timo冯提莫

Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of Goodbye, My Ex再见前任(Zai Jian Qian Ren) Ex-File 3: The Return of the Exes OST By Feng Timo冯提莫

Info/About “Goodbye, My Ex”

Song NameGoodbye, My Ex再见前任(Zai Jian Qian Ren)
Artist Feng Timo冯提莫
LyricistMeng Lingnan
ComposerLiu Zhou
Released 2017
Genre Pop/Soundtrack

Background Story of “Goodbye, My Ex”

This song was the promotional song of the Movie “Ex-File 3: The Return of the Exes前任3:再见前任“, and it was released on December 20, 2017.

“Ex-File 3: The Return of the Exes前任3:再见前任” Soundtrack Listing

Goodbye, My Ex再见前任Feng Timo冯提莫Promotional Song
Be Apart说散就散Tia Ray袁娅维Theme Song
Be Apart说散就散 (Rap Version) After Journey艾福杰尼 & BooM黄旭 & Tian Yusheng田羽生Theme Song
Dignified/Decency体面Kelly Yu Wenwen于文文Interlude

Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “Goodbye, My Ex”

tán gè liàn ài fèi nǎo lì
谈 个 恋 爱 费 脑 力
It kills so many brain cells for a relationship

fèn gè shǒu yòu yòng jìn tǐ lì
分 个 手 又 用 尽 体 力
and it uses up all my strength for a breakup

ài qíng yóu xì
爱 情 游 戏
In the game of love

rén shè bú shí jì bié tài zhe jí
人 设 不 实 际 别 太 着 急
The setting of character is not realistic, don’t rush it

jiě jiě mèi mèi yǎn chū xì
姐 姐 妹 妹 演 出 戏
Sisters, let’s put on a show

huàn xiǎng zhe fǎn zhuǎn ǒu xiàng jù qíng
幻 想 着 反 转 偶 像 剧 情
Fantasize the idol drama with all the twists and turns

wú nài shòu qì
无 奈 受 气
Frustrated and feeling wronged

qián nán yǒu yè yè shēng gē kāi xīn
前 男 友 夜 夜 笙 歌 开 心
Yet the ex is having a great time

cóng yī kāi shǐ de
从 一 开 始 的
From the beginning

bǎo bèi zǎo diǎn shuì hē rè shuǐ
宝 贝 早 点 睡 喝 热 水
Baby, sleep early, drink some hot water

dào hòu lái biàn chéng
到 后 来 变 成
to the end

kāi huì zài máng wú suǒ wèi
开 会 在 忙 无 所 谓
I’m having a meeting, it doesn’t matter

zuì hòu dào yī tuì zài tuì jí jí kě wēi
最 后 到 一 退 再 退 岌 岌 可 危
In the end, I compromise and compromise, until it’s too dangerous

qián rèn shuō zài jiàn jù jué zhěng rì mǎi zuì
前 任 说 再 见 拒 绝 整 日 买 醉
Say goodbye to ex, refuse to get drunk everyday

Darling bēng tā zài zhòng shēng de xiǔ mìng
Darling 崩 塌 再 重 生 的 宿 命
Darling, it’s a fate of collapse and then reborn

shī liàn de mó lì
失 恋 的 魔 力
It’s the magic of breakup

fàng shēng hé huí yì dào bú qīng xǐng
放 生 和 回 忆 到 不 清 醒
Rebirth and memory, until I’m intoxicated

zhuāng shí me wěi qū tán shí me zhé lǐ
装 什 么 委 屈 谈 什 么 哲 理
Why pretend to feel wronged, why talk life principles

zài jiàn qián rèn bié kào jìn
再 见 前 任 别 靠 近
Goodbye, my ex, don’t come closer

líng chén yī diǎn yī shí yī
凌 晨 一 点 一 十 一
At 1:11 am

yè chǎng ǒu yù quán kào yǎn jì
夜 场 偶 遇 全 靠 演 技
The sudden encounter at club requires all the acting skills

hēi yòu shì nǐ
嘿 又 是 你
Hey, it’s you again

hán xuān zhōng dài zhe yī sī yóu yù
寒 暄 中 带 着 一 丝 犹 豫
There’s some hesitation in the small talk

wǔ hòu liǎng diǎn sān shí qī
午 后 两 点 三 十 七
2:37 pm

shǒu jī lǐ kuī tàn le xiǎo mì mì
手 机 里 窥 探 了 小 秘 密
Peek a little sceret on the phone

bǎo bèi hā ní
宝 贝 哈 尼
Baby, honey

nǚ shēng yīng wén míng cóng Adào Z
女 生 英 文 名 从 A到 Z
The names of girls rank all the way from A to Z

cóng yī kāi shǐ de
从 一 开 始 的
From the beginning

bǎo bèi zǎo diǎn shuì hē rè shuǐ
宝 贝 早 点 睡 喝 热 水
Baby, sleep early, drink some hot water

dào hòu lái biàn chéng
到 后 来 变 成
to the end

kāi huì zài máng wú suǒ wèi
开 会 在 忙 无 所 谓
I’m having a meeting, it doesn’t matter

nǐ lěng mò wú qíng wú yì hū lái huàn qù
你 冷 漠 无 情 无 义 呼 来 唤 去
You boss me around with such a cold attitude

bú jiù shì yǒu zì xìn
不 就 是 有 自 信
Just because you are confident

wǒ yī rán ài zhe nǐ
我 依 然 爱 着 你
I’m still in love with you

yuán fèn xiàng mù mǎ xuán zhuǎn bú tíng
缘 分 像 木 马 旋 转 不 停
The fate of love rotates like a carousel

xiǎng tū wéi kùn jìng
想 突 围 困 境
I want to break out of the dilemma

jiǔ jīng xǐ nǎo yī gàn èr jìng
酒 精 洗 脑 一 干 二 净
Brainwashed by alcohol, I forgot everything

ài le jiù hòu huǐ wàng le wǒ de měi
爱 了 就 后 悔 忘 了 我 的 美
Feel regret once falling in love, forget my beauty

Baby nǐ shuō zài jiàn jiù zài jiàn ba
Baby 你 说 再 见 就 再 见 吧
Baby, if you say goodbye, then goodbye

wǒ men hái néng yǒu duō shǎo zhēn ài
我 们 还 能 有 多 少 真 爱
How many true love is there left between us

Goodbye my love

zài jiàn nǐ jiù shì wéi yī
再 见 你 就 是 唯 一
Goodbye, you are the one and only

zài jiàn wǒ de zhēn xīn
再 见 我 的 真 心
Goodbye, my innocent heart


Covers & Versions of “Goodbye, My Ex”

Official Audio

MV Version

Live streaming version

Chords of “Goodbye, My Ex”


Download/MP3 of “Goodbye, My Ex”

Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you

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