Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of Gluttonous饕餮(Tao Tie) The Great Wall OST By NZBZ南征北战
Info/About “Gluttonous”
Song Name | Gluttonous饕餮(Tao Tie) |
Artist | NZBZ南征北战 |
Lyricist | NZBZ |
Composer | NZBZ |
Released | 2016 |
Genre | Pop/Soundtrack |
Language | Mandarin |
Background Story of “Gluttonous”
This song was the Chinese promotional song of the Movie “The Great Wall长城“, and it was released on December 9, 2016.

“The Great Wall长城” Soundtrack Listing
Bridge of Fate缘分一道桥 | Sitar Tan Weiwei谭维维 & Wang Leehom王力宏 | Ending Song |
Battlefield | Jane Zhang张靓颖 | English Promotional Song |
Gluttonous饕餮 | NZBZ南征北战 | Chinese Promotional Song |
Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “Gluttonous”
qǐng bú yào bī wǒ xià shǒu yī shēng dà hǒu
请 不 要 逼 我 下 手 一 声 大 吼
Please don’t force me to take action, as I will roar loudly.
shēng hàn yà zhōu nǐ pà dào le fā dǒu
声 撼 亚 洲 你 怕 到 了 发 抖
My voice shakes Asia and makes you tremble in fear.
wǒ de huà zhōng yǒu huà
我 的 话 中 有 话
There is a hidden meaning behind my words.
tīng hǎo le hǎo xì wǒ men lái yā zhóu
听 好 了 好 戏 我 们 来 压 轴
Listen carefully, we are going to be the highlight of the show.
shān hé dōu bié chā shǒu fēng huǒ tái lái bǎ shǒu
山 河 都 别 插 手 烽 火 台 来 把 守
Keep away from our territory, let the beacon tower guard it.
zhàn luè zuì ná shǒu zhěng zhuāng dài fā wō
战 略 最 拿 手 整 装 待 发 喔
Our expertise lies in strategy, we are fully prepared and ready to go.
tā men xiū xiǎng kuà yuè
他 们 休 想 跨 越
They can’t surpass us.
miàn duì dí yì xié shǒu dǐ yù
面 对 敌 意 携 手 抵 御
Facing hostility, we join hands to resist.
shuí néng pǐ dí yī qí róng liàn xǐ lǐ
谁 能 匹 敌 一 齐 熔 炼 洗 礼
Who can rival us as we forge and purify together?
yī zhí hěn xī lì suǒ xiàng pī mí
一 直 很 犀 利 所 向 披 靡
We have always been sharp and unstoppable.
wú rén bǐ nǐ jí qí tiān shí dì lì
无 人 比 拟 集 齐 天 时 地 利
Unmatched, we possess all the favorable conditions.
xìn rèn cóng lái dōu bǎi zài dì yī
信 任 从 来 都 摆 在 第 一
Trust has always been our top priority.
tǐng qǐ le jǐ liáng wǒ fā dòng nì xí suǒ yǐ
挺 起 了 脊 梁 我 发 动 逆 袭 所 以
I straighten my backbone and launch a counterattack, therefore…
tā men xiū xiǎng kuà yuè
他 们 休 想 跨 越
They can’t surpass us.
shā chǎng shàng bìng jiān zuò zhàn
沙 场 上 并 肩 作 战
We fight side by side on the battlefield.
wéi le yì qì wǒ yuàn liǎng lèi chā dāo
为 了 义 气 我 愿 两 肋 插 刀
For loyalty, I’m willing to sacrifice even my own life.
yíng zhe fēng xiān qǐ bō lán
迎 着 风 掀 起 波 澜
Facing the wind, we create waves.
jìn guǎn fàng mǎ chōng wǒ lái
尽 管 放 马 冲 我 来
Even if they send their horses charging towards me.
tiān yá hǎi jiǎo yī qǐ chuǎng
天 涯 海 角 一 起 闯
Together, we explore every corner of the world.
bīng lái jiāng dǎng yī qǐ shàng
兵 来 将 挡 一 起 上
When the enemy comes, we stand together and fight.
lì jīng le cāng sāng huì chéng wàn lǐ zhǎng
历 经 了 沧 桑 汇 成 万 里 长
After experiencing countless changes, we gather to form a vast land.
xǐng lái chén shuì de jù lóng zhēng kāi yǎn
醒 来 沉 睡 的 巨 龙 睁 开 眼
The awakened sleeping dragon opens its eyes.
yī kē jiān yì sì jiàn de xīn xiàng wǒ zhào huàn
一 颗 坚 毅 似 箭 的 心 向 我 召 唤
A determined heart like an arrow calls out to me.
xuè mò níng jié le shì dài de qíng huái
血 脉 凝 结 了 世 代 的 情 怀
Our bloodline embodies generations of emotions.
chén mò shì wú yán de xìn lài xiǎng chè huāng yě
沉 默 是 无 言 的 信 赖 响 彻 荒 野
Silence is a wordless trust that resounds through the wilderness.
zhàn huǒ liáo yuán
战 火 燎 原
The fire of battle set the vast plain ablaze
tān dé wú yàn zhī rén
贪 得 无 厌 之 人
Those who are insatiable in their greed.
duó zǒu de yī qiē wǒ yào duó huí lái
夺 走 的 一 切 我 要 夺 回 来
I will reclaim everything that has been taken away.
wàng diào ēn yuàn wàn sǐ bú cí
忘 掉 恩 怨 万 死 不 辞
Forget about grievances and be ready to die a thousand deaths.
xuè qì fāng gāng yī zhì duì wài
血 气 方 刚 一 致 对 外
With youthful vigor, we unite against outsiders.
shí nián mó le yī jiàn chōng fēng xiàn zhèn
十 年 磨 了 一 剑 冲 锋 陷 阵
After ten years of honing, we charge into the battlefront.
shā gè piàn jiǎ bú liú
杀 个 片 甲 不 留
Kill every last one of them, leaving no survivors.
mù tiān xí dì fù tāng dǎo huǒ
幕 天 席 地 赴 汤 蹈 火
We fearlessly face all challenges and obstacles.
xuán liáng cì gǔ yī sī bú gǒu
悬 梁 刺 股 一 丝 不 苟
We are meticulous, even hanging from a beam or stabbing the legs.
zhǔn bèi hǎo le yì dǎn zhōng gān
准 备 好 了 义 胆 忠 肝
We are prepared with courage and loyalty.
bǎi shé bú náo pò bú jí dài
百 折 不 挠 迫 不 及 待
We are determined and cannot wait any longer.
jīn gē tiě mǎ qì tūn wàn lǐ
金 戈 铁 马 气 吞 万 里
With golden weapons and iron horses, we dominate the vast land.
qiè ér bú shě tóng chóu dí kài
锲 而 不 舍 同 仇 敌 忾
We persistently unite against common enemies.
bié xiǎng hàn dòng wǒ de dì wèi
别 想 撼 动 我 的 地 位
Don’t try to shake my position.
shuí dōu zhī dào wǒ de lì hài
谁 都 知 道 我 的 厉 害
Everyone knows how capable I am.
yǒu wǒ gēn xiōng dì men huàn nán yǔ gòng
有 我 跟 兄 弟 们 患 难 与 共
With me and my brothers, we face adversity together.
bǎo shǒu zhè piàn dì dài
保 守 这 片 地 带
We protect this territory.
tā men xiū xiǎng kuà yuè
他 们 休 想 跨 越
They can’t surpass us.
kàn nà cán yáng sì xuè sāi wài láng yān jiàn qǐ
看 那 残 阳 似 血 塞 外 狼 烟 渐 起
Look at the setting sun that resembles blood, and the rising smoke signals on the frontier.
shēn hè qiào bì qín zhuān hàn wǎ dāo qiāng jiàn jǐ
深 壑 峭 壁 秦 砖 汉 瓦 刀 枪 剑 戟
In deep gorges and steep cliffs, the weapons of the Qin Dynasty and the Han Dynasty stand ready.
yín chàng zhè yī shǒu zhān mǎn le xiān xuè de shī
吟 唱 这 一 首 沾 满 了 鲜 血 的 诗
We sing this poem stained with fresh blood.
zhī wén nà dà mò de shēn chù zhǎng gē dāng kū
只 闻 那 大 漠 的 深 处 长 歌 当 哭
Only the sound of mournful songs can be heard from deep within the desert.
wū qiāo xiǎng le pí gǔ pī shàng zhàn jiǎ
呜 敲 响 了 鼙 鼓 披 上 战 甲
The sound of drums marks the beginning of war as we don our armor.
wū shù biān zhě héng sǎo qiān jun1 wàn mǎ
呜 戍 边 者 横 扫 千 军 万 马
We, the guardians of the border, sweep through thousands of enemies and horses.
tā men xiū xiǎng kuà yuè
他 们 休 想 跨 越
They can’t surpass us.
tiān yá hǎi jiǎo yī qǐ chuǎng
天 涯 海 角 一 起 闯
Together, we explore every corner of the world.
bīng lái jiāng dǎng yī qǐ shàng
兵 来 将 挡 一 起 上
When the enemy comes, we stand together and fight.
lì jīng le cāng sāng huì chéng wàn lǐ zhǎng
历 经 了 沧 桑 汇 成 万 里 长
After experiencing countless changes, we gather to form a vast land.
shuí dǒng nà gū dú de bēi zhuàng
谁 懂 那 孤 独 的 悲 壮
Who understands the loneliness and heroism?
xǐng lái chén shuì de jù lóng zhēng kāi yǎn
醒 来 沉 睡 的 巨 龙 睁 开 眼
The awakened sleeping dragon opens its eyes.
yī kē jiān yì sì jiàn de xīn xiàng wǒ zhào huàn
一 颗 坚 毅 似 箭 的 心 向 我 召 唤
A determined heart like an arrow calls out to me.
xuè mò níng jié le shì dài de qíng huái
血 脉 凝 结 了 世 代 的 情 怀
Our bloodline embodies generations of emotions.
chén mò shì wú yán de xìn lài xiǎng chè huāng yě
沉 默 是 无 言 的 信 赖 响 彻 荒 野
Silence is a wordless trust that resounds through the wilderness.
xǐng lái chén shuì de jù lóng zhēng kāi yǎn
醒 来 沉 睡 的 巨 龙 睁 开 眼
The awakened sleeping dragon opens its eyes.
yī kē jiān yì sì jiàn de xīn xiàng wǒ zhào huàn
一 颗 坚 毅 似 箭 的 心 向 我 召 唤
A determined heart like an arrow calls out to me.
xuè mò níng jié le shì dài de qíng huái
血 脉 凝 结 了 世 代 的 情 怀
Our bloodline embodies generations of emotions.
chén mò shì wú yán de xìn lài xiǎng chè huāng yě
沉 默 是 无 言 的 信 赖 响 彻 荒 野
Silence is a wordless trust that resounds through the wilderness.
Covers & Versions of “Gluttonous”
MV Version
Live performance in 2018
Live performance in 2020 (the first one)
Japanese sub version
Chords of “Gluttonous”
Download/MP3 of “Gluttonous”
Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you
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