February 15, 2025
For You为你专属(Wei Ni Zhuan Shu) All Out of Love OST By Victor Wong品冠

For You为你专属(Wei Ni Zhuan Shu) All Out of Love OST By Victor Wong品冠

Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of For You为你专属(Wei Ni Zhuan Shu) All Out of Love OST By Victor Wong品冠

Info/About “For You”

Song NameFor You为你专属(Wei Ni Zhuan Shu)
Artist Victor Wong品冠
LyricistLi Yuzhe/He Mei
ComposerDa Sheng
Released 2018
Genre Pop/Soundtrack

Background Story of “For You”

This song was an interlude of the TV Series “All Out of Love凉生,我们可不可以不忧伤“, and it was released on October 12, 2018.

Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “For You”

yǐ wéi lí kāi shì zuì hǎo de tuì chū
以 为 离 开 是 最 好 的 退 出
I thought leaving is the best exit

shì zhe zhèng tuō yòu níng yuàn bèi kùn zhù
试 着 挣 脱 又 宁 愿 被 困 住
Trying to get out while willing to be trapped

ài xiě mǎn wù huì zěn me shuō qīng chǔ
爱 写 满 误 会 怎 么 说 清 楚
Love is full of misunderstandings, how to explain it clearly

duō xiǎng péi nǐ zǒu wán shèng xià de měi yī bù
多 想 陪 你 走 完 剩 下 的 每 一 步
I really want to finish every step with you

měi dāng yǎng wàng xīng kōng kāi shǐ dǎo shù
每 当 仰 望 星 空 开 始 倒 数
Every time I look up at the starry sky and start to count down

yǒu gè bèi yǐng xiào róng jiàn jiàn mó hú
有 个 背 影 笑 容 渐 渐 模 糊
There’s a figure and smile that is gradually blurred

nǐ chuǎng jìn wǒ yǎn lǐ de nà yī mù
你 闯 进 我 眼 里 的 那 一 幕
The image of you breaking into my sight

ài qíng jiù shì zhè yàng ràng rén jīng xǐ yòu wú zhù
爱 情 就 是 这 样 让 人 惊 喜 又 无 助
Love is like this, make you feel surprised and also helpless

zhuāng zuò juè qiáng dōu bú zài hū
装 作 倔 强 都 不 在 乎
Pretending to be tough and pretending not to care

kě shì qīng chūn suān sè dào yǒu rén xiǎng kū
可 是 青 春 酸 涩 到 有 人 想 哭
But the bitterness of youth makes me want to cry

yǒu rén xiǎng tuì chū
有 人 想 退 出
Someone wants to quit

tíng zài chéng shì jìn tóu fèn chà lù
停 在 城 市 尽 头 分 岔 路
Stop at the intersection at the end of the city

yě xǔ wǒ men dōu tài dān chún fǎn ér
也 许 我 们 都 太 单 纯 反 而
Maybe we are both too innocent

huì mí lù
会 迷 路
So we would get lost

yǎn kàn gù shì zhī chà yī bù
眼 看 故 事 只 差 一 步
It seems that the story is only one step away

ài nǐ ài dào jiàn jiàn xiǎng rèn shū kěn gū fù
爱 你 爱 到 渐 渐 想 认 输 肯 辜 负
Loving you to the point that I gradually want to admit defeat and willing to disappoint

hū rán shì xiàn mó hú wǒ de jì yì nǐ de wēn dù
忽 然 视 线 模 糊 我 的 记 忆 你 的 温 度
Suddenly my sight is blurred, my memory, your temperature

kàn nǐ yǎn dǐ de zhuān zhù
看 你 眼 底 的 专 注
Look at the focus in your eyes

wǒ zhuī zhú de xìng fú zhī wéi nǐ zhuān shǔ
我 追 逐 的 幸 福 只 为 你 专 属
The happiness I pursue is only for you

zhuāng zuò juè qiáng dōu bú zài hū
装 作 倔 强 都 不 在 乎
Pretending to be tough and pretending not to care

kě shì qīng chūn suān sè dào yǒu rén xiǎng kū
可 是 青 春 酸 涩 到 有 人 想 哭
But the bitterness of youth makes me want to cry

yǒu rén xiǎng tuì chū
有 人 想 退 出
Someone wants to quit

tíng zài chéng shì jìn tóu fèn chà lù
停 在 城 市 尽 头 分 岔 路
Stop at the intersection at the end of the city

yě xǔ wǒ men dōu tài dān chún fǎn ér huì mí lù
也 许 我 们 都 太 单 纯 反 而 会 迷 路
Maybe we are both too innocent, so we would get lost

yǎn kàn gù shì zhī chà yī bù
眼 看 故 事 只 差 一 步
It seems that the story is only one step away

ài nǐ ài dào jiàn jiàn xiǎng rèn shū kěn gū fù
爱 你 爱 到 渐 渐 想 认 输 肯 辜 负
Loving you to the point that I gradually want to admit defeat and willing to disappoint

hū rán shì xiàn mó hú wǒ de jì yì nǐ de wēn dù
忽 然 视 线 模 糊 我 的 记 忆 你 的 温 度
Suddenly my sight is blurred, my memory, your temperature

kàn nǐ yǎn dǐ de zhuān zhù
看 你 眼 底 的 专 注
Look at the focus in your eyes

wǒ zhuī zhú de xìng fú zhī wéi nǐ zhuān shǔ
我 追 逐 的 幸 福 只 为 你 专 属
The happiness I pursue is only for you

kàn nǐ yǎn dǐ de zhuān zhù
看 你 眼 底 的 专 注
Look at the focus in your eyes

wǒ zhuī zhú de xìng fú zhī wéi nǐ zhuān shǔ
我 追 逐 的 幸 福 只 为 你 专 属
The happiness I pursue is only for you


Covers & Versions of “For You”

Lyrics Video

Chords of “For You”


Download/MP3 of “For You”

Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you

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