June 21, 2024
Fine To Be Just Friends朋友多好(Peng You Duo Hao) Get Married or Not OST By Jeffrey Tung董又霖

Fine To Be Just Friends朋友多好(Peng You Duo Hao) Get Married or Not OST By Jeffrey Tung董又霖

Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of Fine To Be Just Friends朋友多好(Peng You Duo Hao) Get Married or Not OST By Jeffrey Tung董又霖

Info/About “Fine To Be Just Friends”

Song NameFine To Be Just Friends朋友多好(Peng You Duo Hao)
Artist Jeffrey Tung董又霖
LyricistYue Jianan
ComposerYue Jianan
Released 2020
Genre Pop; Soundtrack

Background Story of “Fine To Be Just Friends”

This song was an interlude of the TV Series “Get Married or Not谁说我结不了婚“, and it was released on May 28, 2020.

Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “Fine To Be Just Friends”

wǒ hài pà yī bú xiǎo xīn jiù ràng nǐ cóng shǒu xīn
我 害 怕 一 不 小 心 就 让 你 从 手 心
I’m afraid I would accidentally let you escape from the palm of my hand

táo chū zài yě zhuā bú jǐn de hū xī
逃 出 再 也 抓 不 紧 的 呼 吸
Then I can never hold your breath again

zhè gǎn jiào nà me shú xī wǒ yòu zěn me rěn xīn
这 感 觉 那 么 熟 悉 我 又 怎 么 忍 心
This feeling is so familiar, I don’t have the heart to do it

tuì huí péng yǒu guān xì shuí dōu bú gān xīn
退 回 朋 友 关 系 谁 都 不 甘 心
We are both reluctant to go back to being just friends

shì bǐ cǐ tài le jiě wù huì dōu bú wù jiě
是 彼 此 太 了 解 误 会 都 不 误 解
We understand each other so well, even a misunderstanding won’t really be misunderstanding

dōu bú xiǎng yào zài zhēng biàn
都 不 想 要 再 争 辩
Neither of us want to argue anymore

bú rěn xīn kàn jiàn zuì zhēn shí de yī miàn
不 忍 心 看 见 最 真 实 的 一 面
Don’t have the heart to see the true side

bú rú shì ér bú jiàn
不 如 视 而 不 见
Might as well ignore it

wǒ xiǎng nǐ méi yǒu shí me bú duì guān xì méi yǒu jué duì
我 想 你 没 有 什 么 不 对 关 系 没 有 绝 对
I think you are not wrong, there’s no such thing as ‘absolute’ in a relationship

nǐ hòu tuì tuì huí péng yǒu zhī qián
你 后 退 退 回 朋 友 之 前
You back down, go back to the time before we became friends

hái yǐ wéi hái néng gòu bǎ guān yú nǐ de dōu dài zǒu
还 以 为 还 能 够 把 关 于 你 的 都 带 走
I thought I can get rid of everything about you

kě wǒ hái shì yī wú suǒ yǒu
可 我 还 是 一 无 所 有
But I still have nothing

wǒ hài pà yī bú xiǎo xīn jiù ràng nǐ cóng shǒu xīn
我 害 怕 一 不 小 心 就 让 你 从 手 心
I’m afraid I would accidentally let you escape from the palm of my hand

táo chū zài yě zhuā bú jǐn de hū xī
逃 出 再 也 抓 不 紧 的 呼 吸
Then I can never hold your breath again

zhè gǎn jiào nà me shú xī wǒ yòu zěn me rěn xīn
这 感 觉 那 么 熟 悉 我 又 怎 么 忍 心
This feeling is so familiar, I don’t have the heart to do it

tuì huí péng yǒu guān xì shuí dōu bú gān xīn
退 回 朋 友 关 系 谁 都 不 甘 心
We are both reluctant to go back to being just friends

shì bǐ cǐ tài le jiě wù huì dōu bú wù jiě
是 彼 此 太 了 解 误 会 都 不 误 解
We understand each other so well, even a misunderstanding won’t really be misunderstanding

dōu bú xiǎng yào zài zhēng biàn
都 不 想 要 再 争 辩
Neither of us want to argue anymore

bú rěn xīn kàn jiàn zuì zhēn shí de yī miàn
不 忍 心 看 见 最 真 实 的 一 面
Don’t have the heart to see the true side

bú rú shì ér bú jiàn
不 如 视 而 不 见
Might as well ignore it

wǒ xiǎng nǐ méi yǒu shí me bú duì guān xì méi yǒu jué duì
我 想 你 没 有 什 么 不 对 关 系 没 有 绝 对
I think you are not wrong, there’s no such thing as ‘absolute’ in a relationship

nǐ hòu tuì tuì huí péng yǒu zhī qián
你 后 退 退 回 朋 友 之 前
You back down, go back to the time before we became friends

hái yǐ wéi hái néng gòu bǎ guān yú nǐ de dōu dài zǒu
还 以 为 还 能 够 把 关 于 你 的 都 带 走
I thought I can get rid of everything about you

kě wǒ hái shì yī wú suǒ yǒu
可 我 还 是 一 无 所 有
But I still have nothing

kě wǒ hái shì yī wú suǒ yǒu
可 我 还 是 一 无 所 有
But I still have nothing


Covers & Versions of “Fine To Be Just Friends”

Official Audio Version

Chords of “Fine To Be Just Friends”


Download/MP3 of “Fine To Be Just Friends”

Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you

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