January 18, 2025
Fearless无畏(Wu Wei) Douluo Continent OST By Shin苏见信

Fearless无畏(Wu Wei) Douluo Continent OST By Shin苏见信

Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of Fearless无畏(Wu Wei) Douluo Continent OST By Shin苏见信

Info/About “Fearless”

Song NameFearless无畏(Wu Wei)
Artist Shin苏见信
LyricistCao Dezhi
ComposerSun Aizhi
Released 2021
Genre Pop/Soundtrack

Background Story of “Fearless”

This song was a character song of the TV Series “Douluo Continent斗罗大陆“, and it was released on February 13, 2021.

Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “Fearless”

dāng zhè gè shì jiè zài piāo líng
当 这 个 世 界 在 飘 零
When the world is falling apart

nǐ jiāng chén shuì de wǒ huàn xǐng
你 将 沉 睡 的 我 唤 醒
You wake me up from my slumber

zhēng kāi shuāng yǎn què hái shì kàn bú qīng
睁 开 双 眼 却 还 是 看 不 清
I open my eyes, but I still can’t see

hēi àn guāng míng
黑 暗 光 明
Darkness and light

dāng zhè xiǔ mìng zài jiāo tì
当 这 宿 命 在 交 替
When this destiny is alternating

zhēng zhàn wàn nián tài jiǔ zhēng cháo xī
征 战 万 年 太 久 争 朝 夕
The fighting won’t take long, I only strive for every day

wú wèi shì jiān fēn fēi cǎn liè
无 畏 世 间 纷 飞 惨 烈
Fearless, the world is full of chaos

jué bú tuì què
绝 不 退 却
Never retreat

cuǐ càn xīng dòu duì jué hēi yè
璀 璨 星 斗 对 决 黑 夜
Bright stars against the dark night

lán cǎo chán rào bú bài rè xuè
蓝 草 缠 绕 不 败 热 血
Blue grass, the blood of the undefeated

kuà yuè sī liè yǔ yì de shēn yuān
跨 越 撕 裂 羽 翼 的 深 渊
Across the abyss of torn wings

bú tíng xiē hōng hōng liè liè
不 停 歇 轰 轰 烈 烈
Non-stop roaring

xiōng yǒng hàn hǎi sì yì kuáng yě
汹 涌 瀚 海 肆 意 狂 野
Wild in the raging sea

hào tiān zhǐ yǐn yī wǎng wú qián
昊 天 指 引 一 往 无 前
The vast sky guiding the way forward

shǒu hù nǐ de mìng yùn zài hóng sè mèng jìng
守 护 你 的 命 运 在 红 色 梦 境
Guarding your destiny in the red dream

děng dài lí míng
等 待 黎 明
Waiting for dawn

dāng zhè xiǔ mìng zài jiāo tì
当 这 宿 命 在 交 替
When this destiny is alternating

zhēng zhàn wàn nián tài jiǔ zhēng cháo xī
征 战 万 年 太 久 争 朝 夕
The fighting won’t take long, I only strive for every day

wú wèi shì jiān fēn fēi cǎn liè
无 畏 世 间 纷 飞 惨 烈
Fearless, the world is full of chaos

jué bú tuì què
绝 不 退 却
Never retreat

cuǐ càn xīng dòu duì jué hēi yè
璀 璨 星 斗 对 决 黑 夜
Bright stars against the dark night

lán cǎo chán rào bú bài rè xuè
蓝 草 缠 绕 不 败 热 血
Blue grass, the blood of the undefeated

kuà yuè sī liè yǔ yì de shēn yuān
跨 越 撕 裂 羽 翼 的 深 渊
Across the abyss of torn wings

bú tíng xiē hōng hōng liè liè
不 停 歇 轰 轰 烈 烈
Non-stop roaring

xiōng yǒng hàn hǎi sì yì kuáng yě
汹 涌 瀚 海 肆 意 狂 野
Wild in the raging sea

hào tiān zhǐ yǐn yī wǎng wú qián
昊 天 指 引 一 往 无 前
The vast sky guiding the way forward

shǒu hù nǐ de mìng yùn zài hóng sè mèng jìng
守 护 你 的 命 运 在 红 色 梦 境
Guarding your destiny in the red dream

děng dài lí míng
等 待 黎 明
Waiting for dawn

tǎng ruò shì jiān mèng huàn pào yǐng
倘 若 世 间 梦 幻 泡 影
If the world is an illusion

suí fēng zhuī xún nǐ de shēn yǐng
随 风 追 寻 你 的 身 影
Follow the wind to chase your silhouette

chuān yuè màn zhǎng shí guāng dào guò qù
穿 越 漫 长 时 光 到 过 去
Long journey through time to the past

zhòng huí dào nà tiān xiàng yù
重 回 到 那 天 相 遇
Back to the day we met

cǐ shēng xiàng sī yǒng bú diāo líng
此 生 相 思 永 不 凋 零
In this life, longing will never die

cǐ ài xiàng bàn yǒng bú fèn lí
此 爱 相 伴 永 不 分 离
This love and companionship will never part

shí wàn nián de guāng jǐng
十 万 年 的 光 景
A hundred thousand years of scenery

yán tú dōu shì nǐ kè gǔ míng xīn
沿 途 都 是 你 刻 骨 铭 心
All along the way, you’re in my heart

Covers & Versions of “Fearless”

MV Version (with mm sub)

Eng/Indo sub version

Vietsub version

Portuguese sub version

Chords of “Fearless”

Sorry, I can’t find any yet, but I’ll keep looking, please come back later.

Download/MP3 of “Fearless”

Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you

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