January 24, 2025
Fate宿命(Su Ming) The Legends OST By Deng Gu邓鼓

Fate宿命(Su Ming) The Legends OST By Deng Gu邓鼓

Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of Fate宿命(Su Ming) The Legends OST By Deng Gu邓鼓

Info/About “Fate”

Song NameFate宿命(Su Ming)
Artist Deng Gu邓鼓
LyricistYi Bao
ComposerTuo Jinglin
Released 2019
Genre Pop/Soundtrack

Background Story of “Fate”

This song was an interlude of the TV Series “The Legends招摇“, and it was released on February 2, 2019.

“The Legends招摇” Soundtrack Listing

Flaunt招摇Chen Chusheng陈楚生 & Apple Hu Shasha胡莎莎Theme Song
The Road Is Far路之遥Sprite Ding Ding丁丁Ending Song
Night Hasn’t Ended未央夜Killy Yuan Ye袁野Male Role Interlude
Fate宿命Deng Gu邓鼓Interlude
Together一起 Sprite Ding Ding丁丁Interlude

Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “Fate”

měi yī gè xuǎn zé
每 一 个 选 择
Every choice we make

dōu bì dìng yǒu lǐ yóu
都 必 定 有 理 由
is bound to have a reason

tòng kǔ le zhī hòu
痛 苦 了 之 后
After the pain

chéng xiān huò chéng mó
成 仙 或 成 魔
Will I become an immortal or a demon

háng zhì shān shuǐ qióng
行 至 山 水 穷
Even after walking through mountains and rivers

yě jìn tuì liǎng nán shǒu
也 进 退 两 难 守
I’m still stuck in a dilemma

zhī liú xià āi chóu
只 留 下 哀 愁
Only leaving sorrow

kàn mìng yùn zào huà nòng
看 命 运 造 化 弄
as I watch fate make of fool of me

shì jiān lěng nuǎn dōu cháng biàn
世 间 冷 暖 都 尝 遍
Experiencing the ways of this world

qíng zǒng kàn bú chuān jiǎn bú duàn
情 总 看 不 穿 剪 不 断
Yet always unable to cut or break my affection

Oh oh oh oh oh oh

lí hé bēi huān chēn chī tān niàn
离 合 悲 欢 嗔 痴 贪 念
Meeting and separation, sorrow and joy, anger and longing

wǒ zài kǔ děng zhe nuò yán
我 在 苦 等 着 诺 言
I’m here bitterly waiting for our promise

rèn lèi zhū qīn wěn fā sī xiàn
任 泪 珠 亲 吻 发 丝 线
Allowing the tears to kiss my hair

Oh oh oh oh oh oh

zhè yī bié yòu jǐ jīng liú nián
这 一 别 又 几 经 流 年
Just how many years will this separation be again

měi yī gè xuǎn zé
每 一 个 选 择
Every choice we make

dōu bì dìng yǒu lǐ yóu
都 必 定 有 理 由
is bound to have a reason

tòng kǔ le zhī hòu
痛 苦 了 之 后
After the pain

chéng xiān huò chéng mó
成 仙 或 成 魔
Will I become an immortal or a demon

háng zhì shān shuǐ qióng
行 至 山 水 穷
Even after walking through mountains and rivers

yě jìn tuì liǎng nán shǒu
也 进 退 两 难 守
I’m still stuck in a dilemma

zhī liú xià āi chóu
只 留 下 哀 愁
Only leaving sorrow

kàn mìng yùn zào huà nòng
看 命 运 造 化 弄
as I watch fate make of fool of me

shì jiān lěng nuǎn dōu cháng biàn
世 间 冷 暖 都 尝 遍
Experiencing the ways of this world

qíng zǒng kàn bú chuān jiǎn bú duàn
情 总 看 不 穿 剪 不 断
Yet always unable to cut or break my affection

Oh oh oh oh oh oh

lí hé bēi huān chēn chī tān niàn
离 合 悲 欢 嗔 痴 贪 念
Meeting and separation, sorrow and joy, anger and longing

wǒ zài kǔ děng zhe nuò yán
我 在 苦 等 着 诺 言
I’m here bitterly waiting for our promise

rèn lèi zhū qīn wěn fā sī xiàn
任 泪 珠 亲 吻 发 丝 线
Allowing the tears to kiss my hair

Oh oh oh oh oh oh

zhè yī bié yòu jǐ jīng liú nián
这 一 别 又 几 经 流 年
Just how many years will this separation be again

xiǔ mìng lǐ diān dǎo
宿 命 里 颠 倒
Fate is capricious

hēi sè de jiàn qiào rǎn shàng cāng lǎo
黑 色 的 剑 鞘 染 上 苍 老
The black sword sheath stained by time

yè fēng zhōng hū xiào
夜 风 中 呼 啸
In the midst of the night who’s howling

ài hèn xiàng hù tūn shì yōng bào
爱 恨 相 互 吞 噬 拥 抱
Love and hate engulfing and embracing each other

qián shēng yǐ zhuì luò
前 生 已 坠 落
Struggling free from fate

bú guò shì tú láo
不 过 是 徒 劳
is but futile

suì yuè gèng piāo miǎo
岁 月 更 飘 渺
The passing years are hazy

ruò cóng tóu lái guò
若 从 头 来 过
If we could start all over

shě tiān xià péi jun1 xiāo yáo
舍 天 下 陪 君 逍 遥
I would give up the world to be with you carefree

Covers & Versions of “Fate”

Official Audio

MV (with English sub)

FMV Version

Korean sub version

Chords of “Fate”

Sorry, I can’t find any yet, but I’ll keep looking, please come back later.

Download/MP3 of “Fate”

Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you

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