January 18, 2025
Exit退场(Tui Chang) By Ji Yanlin季彦霖

Exit退场(Tui Chang) By Ji Yanlin季彦霖

Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of Exit退场(Tui Chang) By Ji Yanlin季彦霖

Info/About “Exit”

Song NameExit退场(Tui Chang)
Artist Ji Yanlin季彦霖
LyricistZhong Jie
ComposerZhong Jie
Released 2019
Genre Pop/Sentimental/Lyrical

Background Story of “Exit”

This song was released on December 16, 2019, it’s one of the most popular songs of Ji Yanlin季彦霖, since release, it has been very popular on Tik Tok and other social media.

Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “Exit”

wǒ zuò bú dào lì luò de tuì chǎng
我 做 不 到 利 落 的 退 场
I can’t do a clean-cut exit

nǐ néng bú néng bié xiàng xìn wǒ huì jiān qiáng
你 能 不 能 别 相 信 我 会 坚 强
Can you not believe that I will be strong

zǎo zhī luò dé jīn rì xià chǎng
早 知 落 得 今 日 下 场
If I knew things would end up like this

gù shì kāi tóu rèn mìng shòu shāng
故 事 开 头 认 命 受 伤
I would accept my fate and get hurt at the beginning of the story

hēi yè jìng cóng lái méi yǒu rú cǐ màn zhǎng
黑 夜 竟 从 来 没 有 如 此 漫 长
Dark night has never been so long

xiǎng nǐ jiān áo yào hé wǒ yī yàng
想 你 煎 熬 要 和 我 一 样
I want you to suffer like me

qiān wàn bú yào zhī wǒ gū dú xiāo wáng
千 万 不 要 只 我 孤 独 消 亡
It should never be that I’m the only one dying from loneliness

zhuāng de sǎ tuō hái wù huì shēng xìng juè qiáng
装 的 洒 脱 还 误 会 生 性 倔 强
Pretend to be carefree and get mistaken as being born tough

hēi yè jiù cóng lái méi yǒu zhè me gǎn shāng
黑 夜 就 从 来 没 有 这 么 感 伤
The dark night has never been so sentimental

jiǔ jīng sī liè le líng hún tiāo dòu zhe xīn zāng
酒 精 撕 裂 了 灵 魂 挑 逗 着 心 脏
Alcohol tears up soul and teases the heart

wǒ zhēn bú shě dé yòng nà jì mò guò shèng
我 真 不 舍 得 用 那 寂 寞 过 剩
I really can’t bear to use that excessive loneliness

chuō pò nǐ yǐ wéi de gāo míng jì liǎng
戳 破 你 以 为 的 高 明 伎 俩
to tear that trick that you thought was wise

hái shì rì fù yī rì de qī liáng
还 是 日 复 一 日 的 凄 凉
Still bleak day after day

zài tiān hēi děng tiān huī tiān huī děng huāng táng
在 天 黑 等 天 灰 天 灰 等 荒 唐
Wait the day to change from dark to grey and from grey to ridiculous

zhēn de bú xiǎng dǒng shì shuō huǎng
真 的 不 想 懂 事 说 谎
I really don’t want to be considerate and lying

ài qíng kě bēi kuā jiǎng shàn liáng
爱 情 可 悲 夸 奖 善 良
Love is pathetic and praising the kindness

hēi yè jìng cóng lái méi yǒu rú cǐ màn zhǎng
黑 夜 竟 从 来 没 有 如 此 漫 长
Dark night has never been so long

xiǎng nǐ jiān áo yào hé wǒ yī yàng
想 你 煎 熬 要 和 我 一 样
I want you to suffer like me

qiān wàn bú yào zhī wǒ gū dú xiāo wáng
千 万 不 要 只 我 孤 独 消 亡
It should never be that I’m the only one dying from loneliness

zhuāng de sǎ tuō hái wù huì shēng xìng juè qiáng
装 的 洒 脱 还 误 会 生 性 倔 强
Pretend to be carefree and get mistaken as being born tough

hēi yè jiù cóng lái méi yǒu zhè me gǎn shāng
黑 夜 就 从 来 没 有 这 么 感 伤
The dark night has never been so sentimental

jiǔ jīng sī liè le líng hún tiāo dòu zhe xīn zāng
酒 精 撕 裂 了 灵 魂 挑 逗 着 心 脏
Alcohol tears up soul and teases the heart

wǒ zhēn bú shě dé yòng nà jì mò guò shèng
我 真 不 舍 得 用 那 寂 寞 过 剩
I really can’t bear to use that excessive loneliness

chuō pò nǐ yǐ wéi de gāo míng jì liǎng
戳 破 你 以 为 的 高 明 伎 俩
to tear that trick that you thought was wise

hēi yè jìng cóng lái méi yǒu rú cǐ màn zhǎng
黑 夜 竟 从 来 没 有 如 此 漫 长
Dark night has never been so long

xiǎng nǐ jiān áo yào hé wǒ yī yàng
想 你 煎 熬 要 和 我 一 样
I want you to suffer like me

qiān wàn bú yào zhī wǒ gū dú xiāo wáng
千 万 不 要 只 我 孤 独 消 亡
It should never be that I’m the only one dying from loneliness

zhuāng de sǎ tuō hái wù huì shēng xìng juè qiáng
装 的 洒 脱 还 误 会 生 性 倔 强
Pretend to be carefree and get mistaken as being born tough

hēi yè jiù cóng lái méi yǒu zhè me gǎn shāng
黑 夜 就 从 来 没 有 这 么 感 伤
The dark night has never been so sentimental

jiǔ jīng sī liè le líng hún tiāo dòu zhe xīn zāng
酒 精 撕 裂 了 灵 魂 挑 逗 着 心 脏
Alcohol tears up soul and teases the heart

wǒ zhēn bú shě dé yòng nà jì mò guò shèng
我 真 不 舍 得 用 那 寂 寞 过 剩
I really can’t bear to use that excessive loneliness

chuō pò nǐ yǐ wéi de gāo míng jì liǎng
戳 破 你 以 为 的 高 明 伎 俩
to tear that trick that you thought was wise


Covers & Versions of “Exit”

Lyrics Video

Live streaming version

Thai sub version

Vietsub version

Chords of “Exit”


Download/MP3 of “Exit”

Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you

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Exit退场(Tui Chang) By Ji Yanlin季彦霖Exit退场

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