June 26, 2024
Don't Cry不哭(Bu Ku) Cry Me A Sad River OST By Sunnee杨芸晴

Don’t Cry不哭(Bu Ku) Cry Me A Sad River OST By Sunnee杨芸晴

Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of Don’t Cry不哭(Bu Ku) Cry Me A Sad River OST By Sunnee杨芸晴

Info/About “Don’t Cry”

Song NameDon’t Cry不哭(Bu Ku)
Artist Sunnee杨芸晴
LyricistLi Chengyuan; Lin Qiao
ComposerJiang Haiwei
Released 2018
Genre Pop; Soundtrack

Background Story of “Don’t Cry”

This song was the promotional song of the Movie “Cry Me A Sad River悲伤逆流成河“, and it was released on September 20, 2018.

Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “Don’t Cry”

shuí xiǎng huàn shēn gàn jìng xiào fú
谁 想 换 身 干 净 校 服
Who wanted to change to a clean set of uniform

duǒ zài jiǎo luò kū
躲 在 角 落 哭
Yet hides in a corner to cry

shuí de shū bāo fēi chū chuāng hù
谁 的 书 包 飞 出 窗 户
Whose school bag flew out the window

bǐ jì hěn suān chǔ
笔 记 很 酸 楚
Notes filled with sorrows and grief

shuí de qīng chūn bèi shì jiè gū fù
谁 的 青 春 被 世 界 辜 负
Whose youth got betrayed by the world

shuí de nà hǎn bèi páng guān xiè dú
谁 的 呐 喊 被 旁 观 亵 渎
Whose screams got disrespected by the surrounding individuals

xiǎo hái zài gū dǎo méi chuán zhī bǎi dù
小 孩 在 孤 岛 没 船 只 摆 渡
A child on a lonely island with no ferry out

shuí de zhǎng xīn yì wài chén zhòng
谁 的 掌 心 意 外 沉 重
Whose palm feels unexpectedly heavy

zá jìn le shuāng mù
砸 进 了 双 目
Crashing into haze

shuí de xiào shēng bú huái hǎo yì
谁 的 笑 声 不 怀 好 意
Whose ill intentioned laughter was that

jiū chán le qián tú
纠 缠 了 前 途
Entangling the future

shuō duì bú qǐ yī liǎng miǎo gōng fū
说 对 不 起 一 两 秒 功 夫
Saying sorry takes a second or two

ér méi guān xì yī shēng niàn bú chū
而 没 关 系 一 生 念 不 出
Yet saying it’s alright takes more than a lifetime

zǒng hái shì bēi shāng nì liú chéng hé bàn qīng chūn jié shù
总 还 是 悲 伤 逆 流 成 河 伴 青 春 结 束
In the end, it’s still sadness that goes against the current, accompanying youth to its end

wǒ men xū yào měi hǎo shì jiè zāo gāo
我 们 需 要 美 好 世 界 糟 糕
We need happiness, even if the world is terrible

yě bú néng diān fù
也 不 能 颠 覆
We can’t subvert

gěi zì jǐ de yōng bào pī jīng zhǎn jí
给 自 己 的 拥 抱 披 荆 斩 棘
The hug gave yourself, overcoming the obstacles

duì kàng hēi àn bào fēng yī qiē cán kù
对 抗 黑 暗 暴 风 一 切 残 酷
Against the darkness, all is cruel

bǎ bēi shāng xiě chéng shī mò dú
把 悲 伤 写 成 诗 默 读
Take the sadness and write it into a poem, reading silently

wǒ men de qīng chūn bú yīng gāi dào cǐ jié shù
我 们 的 青 春 不 应 该 到 此 结 束
Our youth should not end here

shuí de zhǎng xīn yì wài chén zhòng
谁 的 掌 心 意 外 沉 重
Whose palm feels unexpectedly heavy

zá jìn le shuāng mù
砸 进 了 双 目
Crashing into haze

shuí de xiào shēng bú huái hǎo yì
谁 的 笑 声 不 怀 好 意
Whose ill intentioned laughter was that

jiū chán le qián tú
纠 缠 了 前 途
Entangling the future

shuō duì bú qǐ yī liǎng miǎo gōng fū
说 对 不 起 一 两 秒 功 夫
Saying sorry takes a second or two

ér méi guān xì yī shēng niàn bú chū
而 没 关 系 一 生 念 不 出
Yet saying it’s alright takes more than a lifetime

zǒng hái shì bēi shāng nì liú chéng hé bàn qīng chūn jié shù
总 还 是 悲 伤 逆 流 成 河 伴 青 春 结 束
In the end, it’s still sadness that goes against the current, accompanying youth to its end

wǒ men xū yào měi hǎo shì jiè zāo gāo
我 们 需 要 美 好 世 界 糟 糕
We need happiness, even if the world is terrible

yě bú néng diān fù
也 不 能 颠 覆
We can’t subvert

gěi zì jǐ de yōng bào pī jīng zhǎn jí
给 自 己 的 拥 抱 披 荆 斩 棘
The hug gave yourself, overcoming the obstacles

duì kàng hēi àn bào fēng yī qiē cán kù
对 抗 黑 暗 暴 风 一 切 残 酷
Against the darkness, all is cruel

bǎ bēi shāng xiě chéng shī mò dú
把 悲 伤 写 成 诗 默 读
Take the sadness and write it into a poem, reading silently

wǒ men de qīng chūn bú yīng gāi dào cǐ jié shù
我 们 的 青 春 不 应 该 到 此 结 束
Our youth should not end here

wǒ men yǐ jīng měi hǎo céng jīng zāo gāo
我 们 已 经 美 好 曾 经 糟 糕
We are not happy, putting the terrible past

dōu rēng jìn chén tǔ
都 扔 进 尘 土
behind us

gěi zì jǐ de yōng bào pī jīng zhǎn jí
给 自 己 的 拥 抱 披 荆 斩 棘
The hug gave yourself, overcoming the obstacles

yíng jiē xīng chén rì chū zài jiàn gū dú
迎 接 星 辰 日 出 再 见 孤 独
Welcoming the stars and sunrise while saying goodbye to loneliness

bǎ bēi shāng xiě chéng gē jiǎng shù
把 悲 伤 写 成 歌 讲 述
Take the sadness and write the story into a song

wǒ men de qīng chūn chōng pò rén qún wēi xiào bú kū
我 们 的 青 春 冲 破 人 群 微 笑 不 哭
Our youth, breaking through the smiles of the crowd, not crying

Covers & Versions of “Don’t Cry”

MV Version

Thai sub version

English sub version

Cover by Wu Jifeng吴季峰

Live performance version

Chords of “Don’t Cry”


Download/MP3 of “Don’t Cry”

Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you

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