February 12, 2025
Bridge of Fate缘分一道桥(Yuan Fen Yi Dao Qiao) The Great Wall OST By Tan Weiwei谭维维 and Wang Leehom王力宏

Bridge of Fate缘分一道桥(Yuan Fen Yi Dao Qiao) The Great Wall OST By Sitar Tan Weiwei谭维维 and Wang Leehom王力宏

Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of Bridge of Fate缘分一道桥(Yuan Fen Yi Dao Qiao) The Great Wall OST By Sitar Tan Weiwei谭维维 and Wang Leehom王力宏

Info/About “Bridge of Fate缘分一道桥”

Song NameBridge of Fate缘分一道桥(Yuan Fen Yi Dao Qiao)
Artist Sitar Tan Weiwei谭维维 & Wang Leehom王力宏
LyricistVincent Fang
ComposerWang Leehom
Released 2016
Genre Pop/Soundtrack

Background Story of “Bridge of Fate缘分一道桥”

This song was ending theme song of the Movie “The Great Wall长城“, and it was released on November 15, 2016.

“The Great Wall长城” Soundtrack Listing

Bridge of Fate缘分一道桥Sitar Tan Weiwei谭维维 & Wang Leehom王力宏Ending Song
Battlefield Jane Zhang张靓颖English Promotional Song
Gluttonous饕餮NZBZ南征北战Chinese Promotional Song

Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “Bridge of Fate缘分一道桥”

qín shí míng yuè hàn shí guān
秦 时 明 月 汉 时 关
The moon goes back to the time of Qin, the wall to the time of Han

wàn lǐ zhǎng zhēng rén wèi hái
万 里 长 征 人 未 还
And the road our troops are traveling goes back to three hundred miles

dàn shǐ lóng chéng fēi jiāng zài
但 使 龙 城 飞 将 在
Oh, for the Winged General at the Dragon City

bú jiāo hú mǎ dù yīn shān
不 教 胡 马 度 阴 山
That never a Tartar horseman might cross the Yin Mountains

láng yān qiān lǐ luàn zàng gǎng
狼 烟 千 里 乱 葬 岗
Billowing wolves’ smoke, a nameless tomb

luàn shì gū hún wú rén fǎng
乱 世 孤 魂 无 人 访
A lonely ghost, adrift, visited by no one

wú yán cāng tiān bǐ mò hán
无 言 苍 天 笔 墨 寒
Worldless heaven, a quill’s ink cold

bǐ dāo chūn qiū yǐ xuè cháng
笔 刀 春 秋 以 血 偿
A pen like a knife etches a bloody history

tán ài hèn bú néng liáo cǎo
谈 爱 恨 不 能 潦 草
Love or hate, must be taken seriously

zhàn gǔ qiāo ā qiāo
战 鼓 敲 啊 敲
The beating of battle drums

yòng xìn rèn lì xià shì yán wǒ lái áo
用 信 任 立 下 誓 言 我 来 熬
Use trust to make a vow that I will endure

zhè yuán fèn xiàng yī dào qiáo
这 缘 分 像 一 道 桥
This fate is like a bridge

jīng qí piāo ā piāo
旌 旗 飘 啊 飘
Lined with war banners

nǐ xiǎng zǒu jiù qǐng lì mǎ chōu dāo
你 想 走 就 请 立 马 抽 刀
If you want to leave, then withdraw your sword

ài yī bǐ gōu xiāo
爱 一 笔 勾 销
and love will vanish in one fell swoop

tán ài hèn bú néng liáo cǎo
谈 爱 恨 不 能 潦 草
Love or hate, must be taken seriously

hóng chén shāo ā shāo
红 尘 烧 啊 烧
The burning of scorched earth

yǐ shēng sǐ wú kuì zhèng míng shuí zhòng yào
以 生 死 无 愧 证 明 谁 重 要
Living or dying, time to prove one’s significance

zhè yuán fèn xiàng yī dào qiáo
这 缘 分 像 一 道 桥
This fate is like a bridge

gù shì qiáo yī qiáo
故 事 瞧 一 瞧
Take a look at this story

zǒu tiān yá nǐ wǒ xiè xià zhàn páo
走 天 涯 你 我 卸 下 战 袍
At the ends of earth, we remove our armor

mèng huí zhǎng chéng yáo
梦 回 长 城 谣
and return to innocence

qín shí míng yuè hàn shí guān
秦 时 明 月 汉 时 关
The moon goes back to the time of Qin, the wall to the time of Han

wàn lǐ zhǎng zhēng rén wèi hái
万 里 长 征 人 未 还
And the road our troops are traveling goes back to three hundred miles

dàn shǐ lóng chéng fēi jiāng zài
但 使 龙 城 飞 将 在
Oh, for the Winged General at the Dragon City

bú jiāo hú mǎ dù yīn shān
不 教 胡 马 度 阴 山
That never a Tartar horseman might cross the Yin Mountains

xuè ròu zhù chéng wàn jiàn chuān
血 肉 筑 城 万 箭 穿
A castle of corpses held together by broken arrows

kuī jiǎ rǎn xuè yìng yuè guāng
盔 甲 染 血 映 月 光
Bloodied armor reflects the moonlight

yuǎn fāng hú jiā cuī duàn cháng
远 方 胡 笳 催 断 肠
Distant nomad pipes are wrenching

láng háo zhòu qǐ zhèn biān guān
狼 嚎 骤 起 震 边 关
Howling of wolves suddenly shakes the frontier

tán ài hèn bú néng liáo cǎo
谈 爱 恨 不 能 潦 草
Love or hate, must be taken seriously

zhàn gǔ qiāo ā qiāo
战 鼓 敲 啊 敲
The beating of battle drums

yòng xìn rèn lì xià shì yán wǒ lái áo
用 信 任 立 下 誓 言 我 来 熬
Use trust to make a vow that I will endure

zhè yuán fèn xiàng yī dào qiáo
这 缘 分 像 一 道 桥
This fate is like a bridge

jīng qí piāo ā piāo
旌 旗 飘 啊 飘
Lined with war banners

nǐ xiǎng zǒu jiù qǐng lì mǎ chōu dāo
你 想 走 就 请 立 马 抽 刀
If you want to leave, then withdraw your sword

ài yī bǐ gōu xiāo
爱 一 笔 勾 销
and love will vanish in one fell swoop

tán ài hèn bú néng liáo cǎo
谈 爱 恨 不 能 潦 草
Love or hate, must be taken seriously

hóng chén shāo ā shāo
红 尘 烧 啊 烧
The burning of scorched earth

yǐ shēng sǐ wú kuì zhèng míng shuí zhòng yào
以 生 死 无 愧 证 明 谁 重 要
Living or dying, time to prove one’s significance

zhè yuán fèn xiàng yī dào qiáo
这 缘 分 像 一 道 桥
This fate is like a bridge

gù shì qiáo yī qiáo
故 事 瞧 一 瞧
Take a look at this story

zǒu tiān yá nǐ wǒ xiè xià zhàn páo
走 天 涯 你 我 卸 下 战 袍
At the ends of earth, we remove our armor

mèng huí zhǎng chéng yáo
梦 回 长 城 谣
and return to innocence

zhè yuán fèn xiàng yī dào qiáo
这 缘 分 像 一 道 桥
This fate is like a bridge

gù shì qiáo yī qiáo
故 事 瞧 一 瞧
Take a look at this story

zǒu tiān yá nǐ wǒ xiè xià zhàn páo
走 天 涯 你 我 卸 下 战 袍
At the ends of earth, we remove our armor

mèng huí zhǎng chéng yáo
梦 回 长 城 谣
and return to innocence

Covers & Versions of “Bridge of Fate缘分一道桥”

MV Version (with official English lyrics)

Live version by Sitar Tan Weiwei

Live version by Sitar Tan Weiwei and Wang Leehom

Another live version by Sitar Tan Weiwei

Chords of “Bridge of Fate缘分一道桥”


Download/MP3 of “Bridge of Fate缘分一道桥”

Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you

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