February 15, 2025
Breaking The Silence打破沉默(Da Po Chen Mo) Bodies at Rest OST By Yang Zi杨紫 & Richie Jen Hsien-chi任贤齐 & MC Jin欧阳靖

Breaking The Silence打破沉默(Da Po Chen Mo) Bodies at Rest OST By Yang Zi杨紫 & Richie Jen Hsien-chi任贤齐 & MC Jin欧阳靖

Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of Breaking The Silence打破沉默(Da Po Chen Mo) Bodies at Rest OST By Yang Zi杨紫 & Richie Jen Hsien-chi任贤齐 & MC Jin欧阳靖

Info/About “Breaking The Silence”

Song NameBreaking The Silence打破沉默(Da Po Chen Mo)
Artist Yang Zi杨紫
LyricistLin Qiao; Liu Enxun
ComposerChen Xueran
Released 2019
Genre Pop/Soundtrack

Background Story of “Breaking The Silence”

This song was the theme song of the Movie “Bodies at Rest沉默的证人“, and it was released on July 25, 2019.

Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “Breaking The Silence”

rú guǒ shuō nà tòng kǔ shì shāng de shā bù
如 果 说 那 痛 苦 是 伤 的 纱 布
If the pain is the gauze of wound

rú guǒ shuō nà shēng cái shì sǐ de zhuī zhú
如 果 说 那 生 才 是 死 的 追 逐
If the life is the pursuit of death

rú māo hé lǎo shǔ yǐn cáng zhèng wù
如 猫 和 老 鼠 隐 藏 证 物
Like cat and mouse, hiding the evidence

pò jú zhī qián yóu xì hái méi jié shù
破 局 之 前 游 戏 还 没 结 束
The game is not over until the result shows

dāng nà zhèng yì cái shì xié è de yí zhǔ
当 那 正 义 才 是 邪 恶 的 遗 嘱
When justice is the will of evil

dāng nà zhēn cái shì jiǎ wéi yī de jiù shú
当 那 真 才 是 假 唯 一 的 救 赎
When truth is the only redemption of falsehood

miàn jù zhī xià huāng dàn duó mù
面 具 之 下 荒 诞 夺 目
Under the mask, everything is beyond ridiculous

zài wǎng qián yī bù chuān tòu mí wù jié shù
再 往 前 一 步 穿 透 迷 雾 劫 数
Take another step forward, through all the mist and calamities

ràng fēng biàn chéng le jīng hū
让 风 变 成 了 惊 呼
Let wind change into exclaim

jī zhàn bào fā chū
激 战 爆 发 出
Fierce battle breaks out

duì jué de xuè lù yì wú fǎn gù
对 决 的 血 路 义 无 反 顾
The blood path of rivalry is proceeded without hesitation



dǎ pò chén mò wǒ shuō bú
打 破 沉 默 我 说 不
Breaking the silence, I said no

jiù suàn wēi xiǎn duō me cì gǔ jiá féng
就 算 危 险 多 么 刺 骨 夹 缝
No matter how chilling is the danger, between the crack

xiān zhēn xiàng cán kù
掀 真 相 残 酷
Reveal the cruel truth



dǎ pò mìng yùn wǒ shuō bú
打 破 命 运 我 说 不
Breaking the destiny, I said no

mái zài xiōng táng zuì hòu bào fù fā hěn
埋 在 胸 膛 最 后 抱 负 发 狠
For the last ambition hidden in chest, be determined

jī suì le bú fú
击 碎 了 不 服
Break all the disabey into pieces


wǒ xiàng xìn shì jiè shàng
我 相 信 世 界 上
I believe in this life

mǎo rén én xiǎng zhǎng mìng bǎi suì
冇 人 唔 想 长 命 百 岁
There’s no one who doesn’t want longevity

xiǎng shòu rén shēng lè qù shēng
享 受 人 生 乐 趣 生
Enjoy life to the fullest

hái gé dǎo shù zǒng yào miàn duì
还 嘅 倒 数 总 要 面 对
Counting down, one has to face the reality eventually

wéi zuo zhēn xiàng wú lùn rú hé dōu yào jiān chí luò qù
为 咗 真 相 无 论 如 何 都 要 坚 持 落 去
For the sake of truth, we must hold on no matter what

wéi zuo dǎ pò chén mò jiù suàn xì zuì hòu jǐ jù
为 咗 打 破 沉 默 就 算 系 最 后 几 句
For the sake of breaking the silence, even if it’s the last words

That’s right I gota let the world know

The power comes when the silence is broken

You can run and you can hide but

In the end no one is safe

So until my dying breath I seek the

Truth and live in faith

ràng fēng biàn chéng le jīng hū
让 风 变 成 了 惊 呼
Let wind change into exclaim

jī zhàn bào fā chū
激 战 爆 发 出
Fierce battle breaks out

duì jué de xuè lù yì wú fǎn gù
对 决 的 血 路 义 无 反 顾
The blood path of rivalry is proceeded without hesitation



dǎ pò chén mò wǒ shuō bú
打 破 沉 默 我 说 不
Breaking the silence, I said no

jiù suàn wēi xiǎn duō me cì gǔ jiá féng
就 算 危 险 多 么 刺 骨 夹 缝
No matter how chilling is the danger, between the crack

xiān zhēn xiàng cán kù
掀 真 相 残 酷
Reveal the cruel truth



dǎ pò mìng yùn wǒ shuō bú
打 破 命 运 我 说 不
Breaking the destiny, I said no

mái zài xiōng táng zuì hòu bào fù fā hěn
埋 在 胸 膛 最 后 抱 负 发 狠
For the last ambition hidden in chest, be determined

jī suì le bú fú
击 碎 了 不 服
Break all the disobey into pieces


ná shí me yǎn gài ruò yǒu zuì zhōng jiāng tǎn bái
拿 什 么 掩 盖 若 有 罪 终 将 坦 白
Get rid of the covers, if you are guilty, you’ll have to confess eventually

chén mò de zhèng rén bú shuō huà
沉 默 的 证 人 不 说 话
The silent witness doesn’t speak

yě gāi gěi chū yī gè jiāo dài
也 该 给 出 一 个 交 代
There have to be a result

pīn còu huí yì cán hái
拼 凑 回 忆 残 骸
Piece together the residual memories

The truth will come tonight

rén xìng kě yǐ wán bài
人 性 可 以 完 败
Human nature can lose completely

kě rén xīn mǐn miè bú le hēi bái
可 人 心 泯 灭 不 了 黑 白
But the loss of counsciousness can’t confuse black and white

chǒu è cán quē xiōng hàn fǔ huài
丑 恶 残 缺 凶 悍 腐 坏
The ugly, incomplete, fierce and corrupted

wǒ miàn sè bú gǎi
我 面 色 不 改
My face will not change color

zhì mìng de zhōu xuán
致 命 的 周 旋
The deadly circling around

zhèng bǎ mí dǐ yī céng yī céng jiě kāi
正 把 谜 底 一 层 一 层 解 开
is revealing the answer of mystery layer by layer

zǐ dàn de zhuǎn sù
子 弹 的 转 速
The rotating speed of bullet

zhuǎn bú chū nà piàn zhèng jù shí chén de hǎi
转 不 出 那 片 证 据 石 沉 的 海
can’t spin out of the sea where that piece of evidence sunk

yǒng gǎn ná qǐ liǔ yè dāo
勇 敢 拿 起 柳 叶 刀
Bravely take the lancet

Let me fighting for life



dǎ pò chén mò wǒ shuō bú
打 破 沉 默 我 说 不
Breaking the silence, I said no

jiù suàn wēi xiǎn duō me cì gǔ jiá féng
就 算 危 险 多 么 刺 骨 夹 缝
No matter how chilling is the danger, between the crack

xiān zhēn xiàng cán kù
掀 真 相 残 酷
Reveal the cruel truth



dǎ pò mìng yùn wǒ shuō bú
打 破 命 运 我 说 不
Breaking the destiny, I said no

mái zài xiōng táng zuì hòu bào fù fā hěn
埋 在 胸 膛 最 后 抱 负 发 狠
For the last ambition hidden in chest, be determined

jī suì le bú fú
击 碎 了 不 服
Break all the disobey into pieces


Covers & Versions of “Breaking The Silence”

MV Version

Chords of “Breaking The Silence”


Download/MP3 of “Breaking The Silence”

Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you

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