February 12, 2025
Because of Wind因风起(Yin Feng Qi) Listening Snow Tower OST By Juno Su Shiding苏诗丁

Because of Wind因风起(Yin Feng Qi) Listening Snow Tower OST By Juno Su Shiding苏诗丁

Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of Because of Wind因风起(Yin Feng Qi) Listening Snow Tower OST By Juno Su Shiding苏诗丁

Info/About “Because of Wind”

Song NameBecause of Wind因风起(Yin Feng Qi)
Artist Juno Su Shiding苏诗丁
LyricistLiu Chang
ComposerZeng Di
Released 2019
Genre Pop/Soundtrack

Background Story of “Because of Wind”

This song was an interlude of the TV Series “Listening Snow Tower听雪楼“, and it was released on April 9, 2019.

“Listening Snow Tower听雪楼” Soundtrack Listing

Tower of Happiness and Sorrow悲喜楼Mickey He Shengming何晟铭Ending Song
Because of Wind因风起Juno Su Shiding苏诗丁Interlude
Embroidered Zither锦瑟Qin Junjie秦俊杰 & Yuan Bingyan袁冰妍Interlude
Heartless Yet Considerate无情有思Jin Runji(A Run)金润吉Interlude
Blood Rose血薇Ye Xuanqing叶炫清Interlude
Shadow of Sunset夕影Alex Xiao萧忆情Interlude

Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “Because of Wind”

fēng qǐ cùn cùn duàn mèng chén chén
风 起 寸 寸 断 梦 沉 沉
The wind rises from inch to inch, and the dream is heavy

tāng guò wǎng rì de bù luàn fēn fēn
蹚 过 往 日 的 步 乱 纷 纷
Wading through the chaos of the past

yán yǔ sēn sēn shāng tòng zhèn zhèn
言 语 森 森 伤 痛 阵 阵
Sorrowful words, painful

duì nǐ de ài bú wǎng shēn shēn
对 你 的 爱 不 枉 深 深
My deep love for you is not in vain

hóng chén gǔn gǔn xiàng zhī wēn wēn
红 尘 滚 滚 相 知 温 温
The mundane world is rolling, our understanding to each other is gentle

zěn yǐ liú yán rǎo nǐ xīn kěn kěn
怎 以 流 言 扰 你 心 恳 恳
How can you disturb your heart with rumors

shān shuǐ chéng chéng qíng yì céng céng
山 水 程 程 情 意 层 层
Scenery and layer of affection

yuàn yǔ nǐ gòng fèn xiǎng shēng shēng
愿 与 你 共 分 享 生 生
Willing to share life with you

jiāng shān yǒu xiàn wéi zhè fèn ài wú biān
江 山 有 限 唯 这 份 爱 无 边
The world is limited, but this love is boundless

bǐ yì xiàng dài dù yáo yè
比 翼 相 待 渡 遥 夜
Waiting for each other to cross the night

lái rì hái yuǎn suí nǐ pī fēng zhǎn yuè
来 日 还 远 随 你 劈 风 斩 月
Tomorrow is still far away, as you chop the wind and cut the moon

bú xìn yī shēng nán táo lí bié
不 信 一 生 难 逃 离 别
Do not believe that a lifetime is hard to escape

huí yì kōng qián zhǔ shāng nǐ de bì xuè
回 忆 空 前 煮 伤 你 的 碧 血
Unparalleled memories, burn your blue blood

wǒ yòng hóng chén lái mò mò xǔ yuàn
我 用 红 尘 来 默 默 许 愿
I use the red dust to silently make a wish

shēng sǐ zhī jiān yǔ nǐ shí zhǐ xiàng lián
生 死 之 间 与 你 十 指 相 连
Connect with your fingers between life and death

guī liè de xīn zhōng huì suí fēng màn yán
龟 裂 的 心 终 会 随 风 蔓 延
The cracked heart will eventually spread with the wind

yuè mǎ héng gē cì rù ài hé
跃 马 横 戈 刺 入 爱 河
Prancing horse, piercing into love

píng jìng yě nán dǎng xīn de zhòu zhě
平 静 也 难 挡 心 的 皱 褶
Calm and unstoppable wrinkles

bàn lù jiāo pò sì miàn chǔ gē
半 路 交 迫 四 面 楚 歌
Become half-way beaten on all sides

fēng yǔ jiān réng xiàng nǐ yì zhé
风 雨 间 仍 向 你 易 辙
I still change my way to you in wind and rain

wǒ de lěng mò yě xǔ jiān kè
我 的 冷 漠 也 许 尖 刻
My indifference may be acrimonious

néng wéi nǐ rào guò xiǎn è biàn kě
能 为 你 绕 过 险 恶 便 可
Can bypass the sinister for you

ruò nǐ jì dé xīn de qiān rě
若 你 记 得 心 的 牵 惹
If you remember the entanglement of the heart

dài wǒ nì fēng yǔ nǐ huì hé
待 我 逆 风 与 你 会 合
Wait for me to meet you against the wind

shí guò jìng qiān lèi róng huà chéng shì yán
时 过 境 迁 泪 融 化 成 誓 言
Time has changed, tears melted into oaths

wèi lái wǎn wǎn rú dāng nián
未 来 宛 宛 如 当 年
The future is just like it was

shì jié shì yuán wǒ men rèn píng kǎo yàn
是 劫 是 缘 我 们 任 凭 考 验
It’s a calamity or fate, we let it be tested

níng wéi yù suì bú wéi wǎ quán
宁 为 玉 碎 不 为 瓦 全
Rather stick to your guns

jīn shēng rú yuàn yǒu nǐ wéi ài jiā miǎn
今 生 如 愿 有 你 为 爱 加 冕
This life is true, with you crowned love

zài duō wù jiě dōu huà wéi yún yān
再 多 误 解 都 化 为 云 烟
No amount of misunderstandings will turn into smoke

xīn yǐ chéng dié shǒu nǐ bǎi suì xǐ yuè
心 已 成 蝶 守 你 百 岁 喜 悦
Heart has become a butterfly, keeping you a hundred years of joy

ài huì suí fēng qǐ yú nǐ de zhǐ jiān
爱 会 随 风 起 于 你 的 指 间
Love will start with the wind between your fingers

shí guò jìng qiān lèi róng huà chéng shì yán
时 过 境 迁 泪 融 化 成 誓 言
Time has changed, tears melted into oaths

wèi lái wǎn wǎn rú dāng nián
未 来 宛 宛 如 当 年
The future is just like it was

shì jié shì yuán wǒ men rèn píng kǎo yàn
是 劫 是 缘 我 们 任 凭 考 验
It’s a calamity or fate, we let it be tested

níng wéi yù suì bú wéi wǎ quán
宁 为 玉 碎 不 为 瓦 全
Rather stick to your guns

jīn shēng rú yuàn yǒu nǐ wéi ài jiā miǎn
今 生 如 愿 有 你 为 爱 加 冕
This life is true, with you crowned love

zài duō wù jiě dōu huà wéi yún yān
再 多 误 解 都 化 为 云 烟
No amount of misunderstandings will turn into smoke

xīn yǐ chéng dié shǒu nǐ bǎi suì xǐ yuè
心 已 成 蝶 守 你 百 岁 喜 悦
Heart has become a butterfly, keeping you a hundred years of joy

ài huì suí fēng qǐ yú nǐ de zhǐ jiān
爱 会 随 风 起 于 你 的 指 间
Love will start with the wind between your fingers

Covers & Versions of “Because of Wind”

MV Version

English sub version

Vietsub version

Thai sub version

Chords of “Because of Wind”


Download/MP3 of “Because of Wind”

Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you

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