February 15, 2025
Ashes From Fireworks烟火里的尘埃(Yan Huo Li De Chen Ai) By Hua Chenyu华晨宇

Ashes From Fireworks烟火里的尘埃(Yan Huo Li De Chen Ai) By Hua Chenyu华晨宇

Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of Ashes From Fireworks烟火里的尘埃(Yan Huo Li De Chen Ai) By Hua Chenyu华晨宇

Info/About “Ashes From Fireworks”

Song NameAshes From Fireworks烟火里的尘埃(Yan Huo Li De Chen Ai)
Artist Hua Chenyu华晨宇
LyricistAlbert Leung
ComposerXi Lou
Released 2014
Genre Psychedelic Rock

Background Story of “Ashes From Fireworks”

This song was released on August 26, 2014, it’s one of the most popular songs of Hua Chenyu华晨宇, since release, it has been covered by many other artists, and very popular on Tik Tok and other social media.

Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “Ashes From Fireworks”

kàn zhe fēi wǔ de chén āi diào xià lái
看 着 飞 舞 的 尘 埃 掉 下 来
Watch the flying dust falling down

méi rén fā xiàn tā cún zài
没 人 发 现 它 存 在
No one is aware of its existence

duō zì yóu zì zài
多 自 由 自 在
How free it is

kě shì jiè dōu ài rè rè nào nào
可 世 界 都 爱 热 热 闹 闹
But all of the world loves company

róng bú xià wǒ bǎi wú liáo lài
容 不 下 我 百 无 聊 赖
There’s no place for me to be alone

bú yīng gāi yī gè rén fā dāi
不 应 该 一 个 人 发 呆
I shouldn’t be lost in thoughts all alone

zhī yǒu wǒ shǒu zhe ān jìng de shā mò
只 有 我 守 着 安 静 的 沙 漠
Only me waiting in the silent desert

děng dài zhe huā kāi
等 待 着 花 开
for the flowers to blossom

zhī yǒu wǒ kàn zhe bié rén de kuài lè
只 有 我 看 着 别 人 的 快 乐
Only me watching others having fun

jìng rán huì gǎn kǎi
竟 然 会 感 慨
and subconsciously sighing on my own

jiù ràng wǒ tīng zhe tiān dà de dào lǐ
就 让 我 听 着 天 大 的 道 理
Just let me listen to those grave rules

bú yuàn yì míng bái
不 愿 意 明 白
and not be willing to understand

yǒu shí me shì yīng gāi bú yīng gāi
有 什 么 是 应 该 不 应 该
There’s nothing I should or shouldn’t do

wǒ de xīn lǐ zhù zhe yī gè cāng lǎo de xiǎo hái
我 的 心 里 住 着 一 个 苍 老 的 小 孩
My heart houses an old child

rú guǒ shì jiè tīng bú míng bái duì yǐng zǐ biǎo bái
如 果 世 界 听 不 明 白 对 影 子 表 白
If the world doesn’t understand, I’ll confess to my own shadow

shì bú shì zhī yǒu wǒ hái zài wèn
是 不 是 只 有 我 还 在 问
Is it true that I’m the only one who’s still asking

wéi shí me míng tiān gèng jīng cǎi
为 什 么 明 天 更 精 彩
Why tomorrow will bring more

yān huǒ lǐ zhǎo bú dào tóng zhēn de cán hái
烟 火 里 找 不 到 童 真 的 残 骸
No remains of innocence can be found after the fireworks

zhī yǒu wǒ shǒu zhe ān jìng de shā mò
只 有 我 守 着 安 静 的 沙 漠
Only me waiting in the silent desert

děng dài zhe huā kāi
等 待 着 花 开
for the flowers to blossom

zhī yǒu wǒ kàn zhe bié rén de kuài lè
只 有 我 看 着 别 人 的 快 乐
Only me watching others having fun

jìng rán huì gǎn kǎi
竟 然 会 感 慨
and subconsciously sighing on my own

jiù ràng wǒ tīng zhe tiān dà de dào lǐ
就 让 我 听 着 天 大 的 道 理
Just let me listen to those grave rules

bú yuàn yì míng bái
不 愿 意 明 白
and not be willing to understand

zhī yǒu wǒ jiù shì wǒ hǎo qí guài
只 有 我 就 是 我 好 奇 怪
Only me, just me, how strange

hái zài gǎn kǎi
还 在 感 慨
I’m still sighing

fēng zhèn zhèn chuī guò lái wéi hé bú huí lái
风 阵 阵 吹 过 来 为 何 不 回 来
Gusts of wind are blowing at me, why does it never come back

fēng yī qù bú huí lái bēi bú bēi āi
风 一 去 不 回 来 悲 不 悲 哀
As it goes the wind never comes back, does it feel sad

má mù dé nà me kuài yīng bú yīng gāi
麻 木 得 那 么 快 应 不 应 该
that one can become numb so fast, should it

néng bú néng màn xià lái
能 不 能 慢 下 来
Can it slow down

xiào dé kāi huái kū dé tǎn lǜ
笑 得 开 怀 哭 得 坦 率
Laugh and don’t hold back your happy feelings, cry and don’t hold back your tears

wéi hé biǎo qíng yào ràng zhè shì jiè ān pái
为 何 表 情 要 让 这 世 界 安 排
Why should my facial expressions be arranged by the world

wǒ jiù shì wǒ wǒ zhī shì wǒ
我 就 是 我 我 只 是 我
I’m just me, I’m only me

zhī shì yī chǎng yān huǒ sàn luò de chén āi
只 是 一 场 烟 火 散 落 的 尘 埃
only the spraying dust after the fireworks

fēng zhèn zhèn chuī guò lái
风 阵 阵 吹 过 来
Gusts of wind are blowing at me

fēng yī qù bú huí lái
风 一 去 不 回 来
As it goes the wind never comes back

néng bú néng màn xià lái
能 不 能 慢 下 来
Can it slow down


Covers & Versions of “Ashes From Fireworks”

Official MV

Live performance in 2020

Live performance in 2017

Cover by Priscilla Abby蔡恩雨

Live performance in 2017

Live performance in 2022

Korean sub version

Live performance in 2018

Live performance in 2014

Cover by Huang Xiaoyun (Wink XY)黄霄云

Live performance in 2018

Live performance in 2023

Cover by Feng Timo冯提莫


Singing Tutorial

Cover by Yu Huan郁欢

Cover by Ai Chen艾辰

Cover by Liu Yuning刘宇宁

Chords of “Ashes From Fireworks”


Download/MP3 of “Ashes From Fireworks”

Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you

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