February 15, 2025
As You Wish如你所想(Ru Ni Suo Xiang) The Blue Whisper OST By Sa Dingding萨顶顶 & Mao Buyi毛不易

As You Wish如你所想(Ru Ni Suo Xiang) The Blue Whisper OST By Sa Dingding萨顶顶 & Mao Buyi毛不易

Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of As You Wish如你所想(Ru Ni Suo Xiang) The Blue Whisper OST By Sa Dingding萨顶顶 & Mao Buyi毛不易

Info/About “As You Wish”

Song NameAs You Wish如你所想(Ru Ni Suo Xiang)
Artist Sa Dingding萨顶顶 & Mao Buyi毛不易
LyricistChen Huan
ComposerSa Dingding
Released 2022
Genre Pop/Soundtrack

Background Story of “As You Wish”

This song was a theme song of the TV Series “The Blue Whisper与君初相识“, it was composed and produced by Sa Dingding, including two versions, one by Mao Buyi毛不易 and the other one by Sa Dingding, and released on March 21, 2022 and March 23, 2022 respectively.

This song is one of the most popular songs of Sa Dingding萨顶顶 & Mao Buyi毛不易, since release, it has been very popular on Tik Tok and other social media.

The Blue Whisper与君初相识

“The Blue Whisper与君初相识” Soundtrack Listing

Leaping Fish鱼跃而上 Sa Dingding萨顶顶Freedom Theme Song
As You Wish如你所想Sa Dingding萨顶顶Love Theme Song
As You Wish如你所想Mao Buyi毛不易Love Theme Song
More Than Blanks留白是表白 Jin Zhiwen金志文Opening Song
Mermaid Song鲛人之歌Zhou Shen周深Ending Song

Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “As You Wish”

hēi rú guǒ
嘿 如 果
Hey, what if

nǐ bú shì nǐ wǒ bú shì wǒ
你 不 是 你 我 不 是 我
You weren’t you, and I wasn’t myself

hēi duō xiǎng duō xiǎng
嘿 多 想 多 想
Heh, how I wish this is true, but what a wishful thinking it is

hēi nǐ yào qù nǎ
嘿 你 要 去 哪
Hey, to where are you heading for

rèn chī xīn rén tái tóu wàng
任 痴 心 人 抬 头 望
Despite how your forlorn lover took towards you

liú bú zhù de guāng liàng
留 不 住 的 光 亮
you are the light that can never be retained

hēi suí tā liú làng
嘿 随 它 流 浪
Heh, why not let it roam freely then

yuàn nǐ dé suǒ cháng
愿 你 得 所 偿
May you get what you wish

qù guāng yàn dì fāng
去 光 艳 地 方
And make way to a place of radiance

yuǎn lí wǒ yuǎn lí le bēi shāng
远 离 我 远 离 了 悲 伤
Away from me, away from sorrow

cóng cǐ wú xū wàng
从 此 无 虚 妄
From there on, falsehood shall reach you no more

wàng què fán shēng
忘 却 凡 生
Pray forget that cheerless lifetime

ràng yí hàn bú shēng zhǎng
让 遗 憾 不 生 长
And leave no space for regret to grow

yuàn nǐ
愿 你
May you

cóng cǐ wú suǒ pà
从 此 无 所 怕
be fearful of none from then on

wú kuì yě wú huá
无 匮 也 无 华
And enjoy a modest life without shortage

xiàng yíng huǒ zhuī zhú zhe hǎi làng
像 萤 火 追 逐 着 海 浪
Like how the fireflies race freely alongside the sea waves

zhuō bú zhù de guāng
捉 不 住 的 光
Pray become that uncatchable glimmer

rèn yóu wǒ yī rén huí xiǎng
任 由 我 一 人 回 想
And I shall then be able to relish in the memories of us alone

yuàn nǐ sì yuè guāng
愿 你 似 月 光
May you be like the moonlight

wú tòng yě wú shāng
无 痛 也 无 伤
And be freed of all pain and hurt

yǒu yī shuāng jié bái de chì bǎng
有 一 双 洁 白 的 翅 膀
Pray have a pair of untainted wings

bú jīng lì yán shuāng
不 经 历 严 霜
That will never be put through the frost of humanity

zài yě bú yòng
再 也 不 用
And never again

bǎ zì jǐ dōu fēng cáng
把 自 己 都 封 藏
Shall you need to hide your true self away

yuàn nǐ
愿 你
May you

yǒng bú luò mí wǎng
永 不 落 迷 网
never be lost along the journey of life

shǎng rì yuè wèi yāng
赏 日 月 未 央
And always have the capacity to enjoy the sun and moon

jiāng shí guāng kè zài le shǒu zhǎng
将 时 光 刻 在 了 手 掌
Pray engrave the memories of those good times upon your palms as you age

rèn měi mèng zī yǎng
任 美 梦 滋 养
And be nourished by nothing but sweet dreams

gào bié zhè hēi yè màn zhǎng
告 别 这 黑 夜 漫 长
Do bid goodbye to these long, dark nights

fēng juàn juàn luò huā
风 卷 卷 落 花
As the wind swept up the falling flowers

yǔ táo táo fēi shā
雨 淘 淘 飞 沙
The rain washed away the flying sand

wǒ xiǎng nǐ zài mǒu gè tā fāng
我 想 你 在 某 个 他 方
I believe you have now reached somewhere unknown to me

zì yóu de huān chàng
自 由 的 欢 唱
And you must be singing carefreely, happily there

bié zài xiǎng qǐ
别 再 想 起
Pray do not recall

guān yú wǒ de guò wǎng
关 于 我 的 过 往
Those memories that you have of me

zhè lǐ fán huā yòu shèng fàng
这 里 繁 花 又 盛 放
Here, flowers have bloomed once again

rú nǐ bān míng lǎng
如 你 般 明 朗
And they are just as brilliant as you were then

zhuǎn yǎn guò jǐ wàn gè guāng nián
转 眼 过 几 万 个 光 年
In the blink of an eye, it seemed like light years have passed by

nǐ kě céng kàn jiàn zhè shì jiān
你 可 曾 看 见 这 世 间
Do you now see, how this world has become

rú nǐ suǒ xiǎng
如 你 所 想
as you have wished for

Covers & Versions of “As You Wish”

Mao Buyi Version

FMV Version (Sa Dingding)

English lyrics version

MV Version

IND Sub Version

Cover by Wimi Zhao Fangjing赵方婧/Interesting音阙诗听

Instrumental version

Cover by Jinzhi

Vietsub version

Piano Cover

Chords of “As You Wish”


Download/MP3 of “As You Wish”

Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you

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