February 15, 2025
Another Start另一种开始(Ling Yi Zhong Kai Shi) Guardian Angel OST By Isabelle Huang Ling黄龄 & Victor Wong品冠

Another Start另一种开始(Ling Yi Zhong Kai Shi) Guardian Angel OST By Isabelle Huang Ling黄龄 & Victor Wong品冠

Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of Another Start另一种开始(Ling Yi Zhong Kai Shi) Guardian Angel OST By Isabelle Huang Ling黄龄 & Victor Wong品冠

Info/About “Another Start另一种开始”

Song NameAnother Start另一种开始(Ling Yi Zhong Kai Shi)
Artist Isabelle Huang Ling黄龄 & Victor Wong品冠
LyricistShen Song
ComposerTian Changye; Yin Zhenxiao
Released 2018
Genre Pop/Soundtrack

Background Story of “Another Start另一种开始”

This song included two versions, the female version by Isabelle Huang Ling黄龄 and the male version by Victor Wong品冠, both which were interludes of the TV Series “Guardian Angel守护神之保险调查“, and it was released on December 3, 2018.

Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “Another Start另一种开始”

zhōng yú hái shì
终 于 还 是
Finally, still

wǒ màn màn dì fàng kāi le jiān chí
我 慢 慢 地 放 开 了 坚 持
I slowly let go of my persistence

wēi wēi xiào
微 微 笑
With a smile

yě xǔ néng
也 许 能

huàn gè fāng shì zhòng xīn zài kāi shǐ
换 个 方 式 重 新 再 开 始
I can change a way to start over

zhè yàng yě xǔ gèng hǎo
这 样 也 许 更 好
This my be better

nǐ wǒ de shì jiè
你 我 的 世 界
In the world between you and me

yī jìn yī tuì zài tuǒ xié
一 进 一 退 在 妥 协
One steps forward and the other one steps backward, we are making compromises

wǒ yǐ wéi wǒ fù chū
我 以 为 我 付 出
I thought if I make sacrifices

nǐ huì yǒu gǎn jiào
你 会 有 感 觉
You would feel it

zǒng shì zài
总 是 在
I always

mò mò jiǎ xiǎng nǐ huì bú huì
默 默 假 想 你 会 不 会
silently imagine, will you

hū rán xīn téng wǒ
忽 然 心 疼 我
suddenly care about me

huàn yī zhǒng fāng shì qù ài
换 一 种 方 式 去 爱
Change a way to love

biàn chéng péng yǒu
变 成 朋 友
Become friends

huàn yī gè jiǎo sè cún zài
换 一 个 角 色 存 在
Change a way to exist

duǒ kāi le shāng hài
躲 开 了 伤 害
Avoid getting hurt

duì bú qǐ
对 不 起

bú shì wǒ men ài de duì bái
不 是 我 们 爱 的 对 白
This is not a conversion about our love

zǎo gāi huàn chéng tǎn bái
早 该 换 成 坦 白
I should’ve been changed to confession

huàn yī zhǒng jiǎo dù duì dài
换 一 种 角 度 对 待
Change a perspective to handle things

jù lí lā kāi
距 离 拉 开
Keep a distance

huàn yī zhǒng xīn qíng guān huái
换 一 种 心 情 关 怀
Change a state of mind to care

yě xǔ dōu shì huái
也 许 都 释 怀
Maybe it’ll be relieving for both of us

xīn jiě kāi
心 解 开
Untie the knot in our hearts

ràng bǐ cǐ xiàng chù biàn yú kuài
让 彼 此 相 处 变 愉 快
Make us get long pleasantly

cóng xīn kāi shǐ
从 心 开 始
Start from the heart

gǎn xìng de shì jiè
感 性 的 世 界
In a sensitive world

lǐ zhì bèi rèn xìng hū luè
理 智 被 任 性 忽 略
Reasons get ignored by waywardness

yǐ wéi bú gù yī qiē
以 为 不 顾 一 切
If thought if I become desperate

nǐ huì yǒu gǎn jiào
你 会 有 感 觉
You would feel it

zǒng shì zài
总 是 在
I always

mò mò jiǎ xiǎng nǐ huì bú huì
默 默 假 想 你 会 不 会
silently imagine, will you

hū rán de ài wǒ
忽 然 的 爱 我
suddenly love me

huàn yī zhǒng fāng shì qù ài
换 一 种 方 式 去 爱
Change a way to love

biàn chéng péng yǒu
变 成 朋 友
Become friends

huàn yī gè jiǎo sè cún zài
换 一 个 角 色 存 在
Change a way to exist

duǒ kāi le shāng hài
躲 开 了 伤 害
Avoid getting hurt

duì bú qǐ
对 不 起

bú shì wǒ men ài de duì bái
不 是 我 们 爱 的 对 白
This is not a conversion about our love

zǎo gāi huàn chéng tǎn bái
早 该 换 成 坦 白
I should’ve been changed to confession

huàn yī zhǒng jiǎo dù duì dài
换 一 种 角 度 对 待
Change a perspective to handle things

jù lí lā kāi
距 离 拉 开
Keep a distance

huàn yī zhǒng xīn qíng guān huái
换 一 种 心 情 关 怀
Change a state of mind to care

yě xǔ dōu shì huái
也 许 都 释 怀
Maybe it’ll be relieving for both of us

xīn jiě kāi
心 解 开
Untie the knot in our hearts

ràng bǐ cǐ xiàng chù biàn yú kuài
让 彼 此 相 处 变 愉 快
Make us get long pleasantly

cóng xīn kāi shǐ
从 心 开 始
Start from the heart


Covers & Versions of “Another Start另一种开始”

MV Version (Isabelle Huang Ling黄龄)


MV Version (Victor Wong品冠)


Piano Cover

Ukulele Cover

Chords of “Another Start另一种开始”


Download/MP3 of “Another Start另一种开始”

Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you

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