February 12, 2025
Among Ink Rain and Clouds墨雨云间(Mo Yu Yun Jian) The Double OST By Jing Long井胧 & Jing Di井迪

Among Ink Rain and Clouds墨雨云间(Mo Yu Yun Jian) The Double OST By Jing Long井胧 & Jing Di井迪 & Zhou Xuan周旋

Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of Among Ink Rain and Clouds墨雨云间(Mo Yu Yun Jian) The Double OST By Jing Long井胧 & Jing Di井迪 & Zhou Xuan周旋

Info/About “Among Ink Rain and Clouds”

Song NameAmong Ink Rain and Clouds墨雨云间(Mo Yu Yun Jian)
Artist Jing Long井胧 & Jing Di井迪 & Zhou Xuan周旋
LyricistYu Zheng
ComposerWang Ke
Released 2024
Genre Pop/Soundtrack

Background Story of “Among Ink Rain and Clouds”

This song was an interlude (performed by Jing Long井胧 & Jing Di井迪) and a promotional song (performed by Jing Long井胧 & Zhou Xuan周旋) of the TV Series “The Double墨雨云间“, and it was released on June 6, 2024.

“The Double墨雨云间” Soundtrack Listing

Watch the Snow观雪Cyndi Wang王心凌Opening Song
Live On, Love On活下去爱下去Zhong Chenle钟辰乐Ending Song
A Life of Wisdom一世聪明Faye詹雯婷Interlude
Among Ink Rain and Clouds墨雨云间Jing Long井胧 & Jing Di井迪Interlude
Withered凋零Huang Shifu黄诗扶Interlude
Return Home当归Jin Runji(A Run)金润吉 & Queena Cui Zige崔子格Interlude
When Fragrance Falls, Pear Blossoms Turn White芳菲落尽梨花白Mi Liang米靓Interlude
A Life of Wisdom一世聪明Queena Cui Zige崔子格Promotional Song
Among Ink Rain and Clouds墨雨云间Jing Long井胧 & Zhou Xuan周旋Promotional Song

Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “Among Ink Rain and Clouds”

bú shì ruò liǔ wú xū lǐ yóu
不 是 弱 柳 无 需 理 由
I’m not weak and I don’t need reasons

ài guò jiù xiàng hē le liè jiǔ
爱 过 就 像 喝 了 烈 酒
Having been in love is like drinking strong wine

xiǎng yī zuì fāng xiū bǎ mèng qiú
想 一 醉 方 休 把 梦 囚
I want to get drunk and imprison my dreams

dēng shàng le lóu kàn guò le qiū
登 上 了 楼 看 过 了 秋
I’ve climbed up the stairs and seen autumn

lèi shuǐ huì chéng yī tiáo xī liú
泪 水 汇 成 一 条 溪 流
Tears gather into a stream

rèn hún pò áo yóu bàn fǔ xiǔ
任 魂 魄 遨 游 半 腐 朽
letting the soul wander half-decayed

chuān suō zài mò yǔ yún jiān zhǎo bú dào qiān yǐn de xiàn
穿 梭 在 墨 雨 云 间 找 不 到 牵 引 的 线
Traveling among ink rain and clouds, I cannot find the thread of traction

yī qiān gè měi de cóng qián
一 千 个 美 的 从 前
A thousand beautiful pasts

dōu pái huái zài tòng de biān yán
都 徘 徊 在 痛 的 边 沿
are all hovering on the edge of pain

yǎng wàng zhe mò yǔ yún jiān wǒ shǐ zhōng shì nà gēn xiàn
仰 望 着 墨 雨 云 间 我 始 终 是 那 根 线
Gazing up among the ink rain and clouds, I have always been that thread

zhǎn duàn le nǐ de yī liàn
斩 断 了 你 的 依 恋
It cut off your attachment

zhǎn bú duàn wǒ xīn lǐ de qiàn
斩 不 断 我 心 里 的 欠
yet could not cut off the debt in my heart

hèn yě shì chán mián
恨 也 是 缠 绵
Hate is also lingering

bú shì ruò liǔ wú xū lǐ yóu
不 是 弱 柳 无 需 理 由
I’m not weak and I don’t need reasons

ài guò jiù xiàng hē le liè jiǔ
爱 过 就 像 喝 了 烈 酒
Having been in love is like drinking strong wine

xiǎng yī zuì fāng xiū bǎ mèng qiú
想 一 醉 方 休 把 梦 囚
I want to get drunk and imprison my dreams

dēng shàng le lóu kàn guò le qiū
登 上 了 楼 看 过 了 秋
I’ve climbed up the stairs and seen autumn

lèi shuǐ huì chéng yī tiáo xī liú
泪 水 汇 成 一 条 溪 流
Tears gather into a stream

rèn hún pò áo yóu bàn fǔ xiǔ
任 魂 魄 遨 游 半 腐 朽
letting the soul wander half-decayed

chuān suō zài mò yǔ yún jiān zhǎo bú dào qiān yǐn de xiàn
穿 梭 在 墨 雨 云 间 找 不 到 牵 引 的 线
Traveling among ink rain and clouds, I cannot find the thread of traction

yī qiān gè měi de cóng qián
一 千 个 美 的 从 前
A thousand beautiful pasts

dōu pái huái zài tòng de biān yán
都 徘 徊 在 痛 的 边 沿
are all hovering on the edge of pain

yǎng wàng zhe mò yǔ yún jiān wǒ shǐ zhōng shì nà gēn xiàn
仰 望 着 墨 雨 云 间 我 始 终 是 那 根 线
Gazing up among the ink rain and clouds, I have always been that thread

zhǎn duàn le nǐ de yī liàn
斩 断 了 你 的 依 恋
It cut off your attachment

zhǎn bú duàn wǒ xīn lǐ de qiàn
斩 不 断 我 心 里 的 欠
yet could not cut off the debt in my heart

hèn yě shì chán mián
恨 也 是 缠 绵
Hate is also lingering

zǒu chū le mò yǔ yún jiān xǐ què zài wéi wǒ qiān xiàn
走 出 了 墨 雨 云 间 喜 鹊 在 为 我 牵 线
I walked out of the ink rain and clouds, the magpies pull threads for me

hái yǒu rén tōu hóng le liǎn
还 有 人 偷 红 了 脸
There are also people who secretly blushed

yǒng gǎn dì qiān zhe wǒ wǎng qián
勇 敢 地 牵 着 我 往 前
and bravely led me forward

pò suì de mò yǔ yún jiān wǒ hé nǐ zài bú xiàng jiàn
破 碎 的 墨 雨 云 间 我 和 你 再 不 相 见
Among the shattered ink rain and clouds, you and I will never meet again

huí tóu kàn nǐ de xiào yán cuò guò de hé zhǐ yī diǎn diǎn
回 头 看 你 的 笑 颜 错 过 的 何 止 一 点 点
I turned back and saw your smile, what I missed was more than just a little bit

mìng yùn zài fū yǎn
命 运 在 敷 衍
Fate is being perfunctory

Covers & Versions of “Among Ink Rain and Clouds”

MV Version

English sub version

Vietsub version

Piano Cover

Promotional Song Version (performed by Jing Long井胧 & Zhou Xuan周旋)

Live streaming version

Cover by

Chords of “Among Ink Rain and Clouds”


Download/MP3 of “Among Ink Rain and Clouds”

Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you

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