July 2, 2024
Heroes from Youngsters自古英雄出少年(Zi Gu Ying Xiong Chu Shao Nian) The Blood of Youth OST By Rex Li Xinyi李鑫一

Heroes from Youngsters自古英雄出少年(Zi Gu Ying Xiong Chu Shao Nian) The Blood of Youth OST By Rex Li Xinyi李鑫一

Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of Heroes from Youngsters自古英雄出少年(Zi Gu Ying Xiong Chu Shao Nian) The Blood of Youth OST By Rex Li Xinyi李鑫一

Info/About “Heroes from Youngsters”

Song NameHeroes from Youngsters自古英雄出少年(Zi Gu Ying Xiong Chu Shao Nian)
Artist Rex Li Xinyi李鑫一
LyricistTan Bing
ComposerHu Xiaoou
Released 2023
Genre Pop; Soundtrack

Background Story of “Heroes from Youngsters”

This song was an interlude of the TV Series “The Blood of Youth少年歌行“, and it was released on January 6, 2023.

Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “Heroes from Youngsters”

shān yǔ yù lái fēng mǎn lóu
山 雨 欲 来 风 满 楼
The mountain rain is about to come, the floor is full of wind

hóng zhú dòng yǐng yáo yè
红 烛 动 影 摇 曳
The red candle moves and the shadow flickers

cǎo mù jiē bīng jīng hóng fēi
草 木 皆 兵 惊 鸿 飞
Grass and wood are soilders who were startled away

tiān xià hún dùn fēng yún qián kūn jù
天 下 混 沌 风 云 乾 坤 聚
The world is in chaos, winds and clouds in cosmos

zhǎng xiào gē háng
长 啸 歌 行
Shout the ballad

juàn kuáng yì xíng bú jī
狷 狂 意 形 不 羁
Crazy and uninhibited

nián shǎo kuài yì
年 少 快 意
Young and happy

shuí néng bǎ ēn yǔ chóu
谁 能 把 恩 与 仇
Who can leave kindness and hatred

liú zài fēng lǐ
留 在 风 里
in the wind

shuí wén xiāo sè shēng
谁 闻 箫 瑟 声
Whoever hears the rustling of the flute

qiān cháng bǎi zhuǎn sī niàn
千 肠 百 转 思 念
misses you a thousand times

yī qǔ wú xīn zhòu
一 曲 无 心 咒
An unintentional curse

léi tíng yìng zhào xuě lián
雷 霆 映 照 雪 莲
the thunder reflects the snow lotus

hé jù dāo jiàn xuán
何 惧 刀 剑 悬
Why should you be afraid of the danging of knives and swords

zhī pàn xīn guà mèng qiān
只 盼 心 挂 梦 牵
Only long for dreams

yī hú jiǔ shēng sǐ xiàng xǔ
一 壶 酒 生 死 相 许
A jug of wine promises life and death

bú guǎn shì jiè biàn huàn
不 管 世 界 变 幻
no matter how the world changes

shuí shuō nián shǎo kuáng
谁 说 年 少 狂
Who says young people

bú zhī tiān wài yǒu tiān
不 知 天 外 有 天
don’t know what’s beyond the sky

xiōng huái líng yún zhì
胸 怀 凌 云 志
With ambition and loftiness in mind

zhī yào sì hǎi kàn jiàn
只 要 四 海 看 见
all that matters is to be seen by the world

shuí shuō jiāng hú xiǎn
谁 说 江 湖 险
Who said that the Wuxia World is dangerous

xīn ruò fú zǎo cāng lán
心 若 浮 藻 沧 澜
and the heart is like floating algae

wǒ jiù gū shēn yī rén
我 就 孤 身 一 人
I’m all alone

zhí niàn
执 念

bú tuì hái
不 退 还
and non-retreatable

shān yǔ yù lái fēng mǎn lóu
山 雨 欲 来 风 满 楼
The mountain rain is about to come, the floor is full of wind

hóng zhú dòng yǐng yáo yè
红 烛 动 影 摇 曳
The red candle moves and the shadow flickers

cǎo mù jiē bīng jīng hóng fēi
草 木 皆 兵 惊 鸿 飞
Grass and wood are soilders who were startled away

tiān xià hún dùn fēng yún qián kūn jù
天 下 混 沌 风 云 乾 坤 聚
The world is in chaos, winds and clouds in cosmos

zhǎng xiào gē háng
长 啸 歌 行
Shout the ballad

juàn kuáng yì xíng bú jī
狷 狂 意 形 不 羁
Crazy and uninhibited

nián shǎo kuài yì
年 少 快 意
Young and happy

shuí néng bǎ ēn yǔ chóu
谁 能 把 恩 与 仇
Who can leave kindness and hatred

liú zài fēng lǐ
留 在 风 里
in the wind

shuí wén xiāo sè shēng
谁 闻 箫 瑟 声
Whoever hears the rustling of the flute

qiān cháng bǎi zhuǎn sī niàn
千 肠 百 转 思 念
misses you a thousand times

yī qǔ wú xīn zhòu
一 曲 无 心 咒
An unintentional curse

léi tíng yìng zhào xuě lián
雷 霆 映 照 雪 莲
the thunder reflects the snow lotus

hé jù dāo jiàn xuán
何 惧 刀 剑 悬
Why should you be afraid of the danging of knives and swords

zhī pàn xīn guà mèng qiān
只 盼 心 挂 梦 牵
Only long for dreams

yī hú jiǔ shēng sǐ xiàng xǔ
一 壶 酒 生 死 相 许
A jug of wine promises life and death

bú guǎn shì jiè biàn huàn
不 管 世 界 变 幻
no matter how the world changes

shuí shuō nián shǎo kuáng
谁 说 年 少 狂
Who says young people

bú zhī tiān wài yǒu tiān
不 知 天 外 有 天
don’t know what’s beyond the sky

xiōng huái líng yún zhì
胸 怀 凌 云 志
With ambition and loftiness in mind

zhī yào sì hǎi kàn jiàn
只 要 四 海 看 见
all that matters is to be seen by the world

shuí shuō jiāng hú xiǎn
谁 说 江 湖 险
Who said that the Wuxia World is dangerous

xīn ruò fú zǎo cāng lán
心 若 浮 藻 沧 澜
and the heart is like floating algae

wǒ jiù gū shēn yī rén
我 就 孤 身 一 人
I’m all alone

zhí niàn
执 念

bú tuì hái
不 退 还
and non-retreatable

shuí de mí jú zhī shǒu zhē tiān
谁 的 迷 局 只 手 遮 天
Whose puzzle covers the sky with only one hand

shuí zài yè sè hū yǐn hū xiàn
谁 在 夜 色 忽 隐 忽 现
Who flickers in the night

jiù suàn qián fāng jīng jí xiǎn huán
就 算 前 方 荆 棘 险 环
Even if there are thorns and dangers ahead

wǒ zài lóng tán yī shì shēn qiǎn
我 在 龙 潭 一 试 深 浅
I tried out the depths of the abyss

mìng yùn duō kǎn bù bù wéi jiān
命 运 多 坎 步 步 为 艰
Fate is rough and every step is difficult

xiān yī nù mǎ háo qì dāng qián
鲜 衣 怒 马 豪 气 当 前
Fresh clothes and angry horses are proud

jiāng hú chuán shuō zì gǔ yīng xióng
江 湖 传 说 自 古 英 雄
Legends of Wuxia World have been heros since anticent times

shuí wén xiāo sè shēng
谁 闻 箫 瑟 声
Whoever hears the rustling of the flute

qiān cháng bǎi zhuǎn sī niàn
千 肠 百 转 思 念
misses you a thousand times

yī qǔ wú xīn zhòu
一 曲 无 心 咒
An unintentional curse

léi tíng yìng zhào xuě lián
雷 霆 映 照 雪 莲
the thunder reflects the snow lotus

hé jù dāo jiàn xuán
何 惧 刀 剑 悬
Why should you be afraid of the danging of knives and swords

zhī pàn xīn guà mèng qiān
只 盼 心 挂 梦 牵
Only long for dreams

yī hú jiǔ shēng sǐ xiàng xǔ
一 壶 酒 生 死 相 许
A jug of wine promises life and death

bú guǎn shì jiè biàn huàn
不 管 世 界 变 幻
no matter how the world changes

shuí shuō nián shǎo kuáng
谁 说 年 少 狂
Who says young people

bú zhī tiān wài yǒu tiān
不 知 天 外 有 天
don’t know what’s beyond the sky

xiōng huái líng yún zhì
胸 怀 凌 云 志
With ambition and loftiness in mind

zhī yào sì hǎi kàn jiàn
只 要 四 海 看 见
all that matters is to be seen by the world

shuí shuō jiāng hú xiǎn
谁 说 江 湖 险
Who said that the Wuxia World is dangerous

xīn ruò fú zǎo cāng lán
心 若 浮 藻 沧 澜
and the heart is like floating algae

wǒ jiù gū shēn yī rén
我 就 孤 身 一 人
I’m all alone

zhí niàn
执 念

bú tuì hái
不 退 还
and non-retreatable

shuí de mí jú zhī shǒu zhē tiān
谁 的 迷 局 只 手 遮 天
Whose puzzle covers the sky with only one hand

shuí zài yè sè hū yǐn hū xiàn
谁 在 夜 色 忽 隐 忽 现
Who flickers in the night

jiù suàn qián fāng jīng jí xiǎn huán
就 算 前 方 荆 棘 险 环
Even if there are thorns and dangers ahead

wǒ zài lóng tán yī shì shēn qiǎn
我 在 龙 潭 一 试 深 浅
I tried out the depths of the abyss

mìng yùn duō kǎn bù bù wéi jiān
命 运 多 坎 步 步 为 艰
Fate is rough and every step is difficult

xiān yī nù mǎ háo qì dāng qián
鲜 衣 怒 马 豪 气 当 前
Fresh clothes and angry horses are proud

jiāng hú chuán shuō zì gǔ yīng xióng
江 湖 传 说 自 古 英 雄
Legends of Wuxia World have been heros since anticent times

chū shǎo nián
出 少 年
are from youngsters

Covers & Versions of “Heroes from Youngsters”

FMV Version (with Vietsub)

English sub version

MV Version (with Thaisub)

Chords of “Heroes from Youngsters”


Download/MP3 of “Heroes from Youngsters”

Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you

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