July 2, 2024
Song of Words Unsaid忘言歌(Wang Yan Ge) Scumbag System OST By Ray Zhao Lei赵磊

Song of Words Unsaid忘言歌(Wang Yan Ge) Scumbag System OST By Ray Zhao Lei赵磊

Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of Song of Words Unsaid忘言歌(Wang Yan Ge) Scumbag System OST By Ray Zhao Lei赵磊

Info/About “Song of Words Unsaid”

Song NameSong of Words Unsaid忘言歌(Wang Yan Ge)
Artist Ray Zhao Lei赵磊
LyricistWei Jian Cha Tou Feng
ComposerZhao Xin
Released 2020
Genre Pop; Soundtrack

Background Story of “Song of Words Unsaid”

This song was the theme song of the Animation Series “Scumbag System穿书自救指南“, and it was released on October 1, 2020.

Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “Song of Words Unsaid”

shǎo nián yǔ shēng jù lái tiān zèng yī shēn jié ào
少 年 与 生 俱 来 天 赠 一 身 桀 骜
A youngster born with a character of arrogance

pī jīng zhǎn jí hé cí nà xīn láo
披 荆 斩 棘 何 辞 那 辛 劳
Clearing obstacles without complaining

chuǎng dàng hào hàn jiāng hú rè xuè quán quán xiàng bào
闯 荡 浩 瀚 江 湖 热 血 拳 拳 相 报
Journeying through the lands, fighting with his fists

dàn qiú kuài yì jiàn zhāo chāi zhāo
但 求 快 意 见 招 拆 招
only hoping to break the opponents defences

xīng hé dòu zhuǎn wǒ miǎo miǎo
星 河 斗 转 我 渺 渺
I am tiny in the vast galaxies

cāng hǎi pāi àn tīng làng tāo tāo
沧 海 拍 岸 听 浪 滔 滔
listening to the waves by the sea

hóng chén shì jiè fēn fēn rǎo rǎo
红 尘 世 界 纷 纷 扰 扰
The world of vanity is confusing

zhǎng jiàn bú rú yǒu qíng tóng dào
长 剑 不 如 有 情 同 道
The sword cannot be compared to brothers in arms

nǎ guǎn fán fū sú zǐ huò chén guī jiāo tiáo
哪 管 凡 夫 俗 子 或 陈 规 教 条
The ordinary person might break the law

fēng máng zì gǎn wèn tiān yǒu duō gāo
锋 芒 自 敢 问 天 有 多 高
The ability comes from the belief to reach the top

tiān dì róng wǒ suí xīn suǒ yù zǒu yī zāo
天 地 容 我 随 心 所 欲 走 一 遭
The world allows me to journey the lands however I want

kuáng gē jìng rì yuè zhèng chèn nián shǎo chèn nián shǎo
狂 歌 敬 日 月 正 趁 年 少 趁 年 少
I can be arrogant while I am still young

cóng lái xiá kè zhàng yì rě fēng yún hū xiào
从 来 侠 客 仗 义 惹 风 云 呼 啸
Being chivalrous will usually bring the storm

líng jué dǐng zhī shàng shuí pà jì liáo
凌 绝 顶 之 上 谁 怕 寂 寥
No one is scared of loneliness when they’re at the top

piān yào qīng fēng míng yuè yǔ nǐ rù huái bào
偏 要 清 风 明 月 与 你 入 怀 抱
But I want to live a peaceful life with you

fǔ kàn rén jiān wǒ sàn bù jiǔ xiāo
俯 瞰 人 间 我 散 步 九 霄
and look at everyone from the top of the world

qīng jun4 zhú lín bú yǎn chūn fēng qīng hán liào qiào
清 俊 竹 林 不 掩 春 风 轻 寒 料 峭
The bamboo forest reveal a handsome face, a chilly breeze cool the spring breeze

gù dì zhòng yóu yī jiù shí yī páo
故 地 重 游 依 旧 时 衣 袍
He wore the same robe to revisit the place from the old times

jí fēng jiàn yǔ zuò jiǔ yǐn bà gān dǎn xiàng zhào
疾 风 剑 雨 作 酒 饮 罢 肝 胆 相 照
Drinking with one another

huí shǒu wàng yán ēn yuàn gōu xiāo
回 首 忘 言 恩 怨 勾 销
unspoken words and resentment are let go

mèng lǐ hēi bái qíng jìn diān dǎo
梦 里 黑 白 情 尽 颠 倒
In my dreams, black and white are turned upside down

sì yě huāng wú chī xīn bú lǎo
四 野 荒 芜 痴 心 不 老
In the vast waste, infatuated heart are not old

hé wèi zhèng xié yán zhī záo záo
何 谓 正 邪 言 之 凿 凿
People are uncertain of what is right and evil

rén yún yì yún dāng zhēn kě xiào
人 云 亦 云 当 真 可 笑
They just repeat the words of other truly ridiculous

nǎ guǎn fán fū sú zǐ huò chén guī jiāo tiáo
哪 管 凡 夫 俗 子 或 陈 规 教 条
The ordinary person might break the law

fēng máng zì gǎn wèn tiān yǒu duō gāo
锋 芒 自 敢 问 天 有 多 高
The ability comes from the belief to reach the top

tiān dì róng wǒ suí xīn suǒ yù zǒu yī zāo
天 地 容 我 随 心 所 欲 走 一 遭
The world allows me to journey the lands however I want

kuáng gē jìng rì yuè zhèng chèn nián shǎo chèn nián shǎo
狂 歌 敬 日 月 正 趁 年 少 趁 年 少
I can be arrogant while I am still young

cóng lái xiá kè zhàng yì rě fēng yún hū xiào
从 来 侠 客 仗 义 惹 风 云 呼 啸
Being chivalrous will usually bring the storm

líng jué dǐng zhī shàng shuí pà jì liáo
凌 绝 顶 之 上 谁 怕 寂 寥
No one is scared of loneliness when they’re at the top

piān yào qīng fēng míng yuè yǔ nǐ rù huái bào
偏 要 清 风 明 月 与 你 入 怀 抱
But I want to live a peaceful life with you

fǔ kàn rén jiān wǒ sàn bù jiǔ xiāo
俯 瞰 人 间 我 散 步 九 霄
and look at everyone from the top of the world

nǎ guǎn fán fū sú zǐ huò chén guī jiāo tiáo
哪 管 凡 夫 俗 子 或 陈 规 教 条
The ordinary person might break the law

fēng máng zì gǎn wèn tiān yǒu duō gāo
锋 芒 自 敢 问 天 有 多 高
The ability comes from the belief to reach the top

tiān dì róng wǒ suí xīn suǒ yù zǒu yī zāo
天 地 容 我 随 心 所 欲 走 一 遭
The world allows me to journey the lands however I want

kuáng gē jìng rì yuè zhèng chèn nián shǎo chèn nián shǎo
狂 歌 敬 日 月 正 趁 年 少 趁 年 少
I can be arrogant while I am still young

cóng lái xiá kè zhàng yì rě fēng yún hū xiào
从 来 侠 客 仗 义 惹 风 云 呼 啸
Being chivalrous will usually bring the storm

líng jué dǐng zhī shàng shuí pà jì liáo
凌 绝 顶 之 上 谁 怕 寂 寥
No one is scared of loneliness when they’re at the top

piān yào qīng fēng míng yuè yǔ nǐ rù huái bào
偏 要 清 风 明 月 与 你 入 怀 抱
But I want to live a peaceful life with you

fǔ kàn rén jiān wǒ sàn bù jiǔ xiāo
俯 瞰 人 间 我 散 步 九 霄
and look at everyone from the top of the world

Covers & Versions of “Song of Words Unsaid”

MV Version

English lyrics version


Live Performance by Zhao Lei

Another live performance version

Piano Cover

Live streaming version

Chords of “Song of Words Unsaid”


Download/MP3 of “Song of Words Unsaid”

Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you

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