June 26, 2024
Shining Days闪耀的日子(Shan Yao De Ri Zi) Waiting For You In The Future OST By Mikey Jiao Maiqi焦迈奇

Shining Days闪耀的日子(Shan Yao De Ri Zi) Waiting For You In The Future OST By Mikey Jiao Maiqi焦迈奇

Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of Shining Days闪耀的日子(Shan Yao De Ri Zi) Waiting For You In The Future OST By Mikey Jiao Maiqi焦迈奇

Info/About “Shining Days”

Song NameShining Days闪耀的日子(Shan Yao De Ri Zi)
Artist Mikey Jiao Maiqi焦迈奇
LyricistLiu Tong
ComposerYang Jionghan
Released 2019
Genre Pop; Soundtrack

Background Story of “Shining Days”

This song was the friendship theme song of the TV Series “Waiting For You In The Future我在未来等你“, and it was released on October 14, 2019.

Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “Shining Days”

méi yǒu shí me huì bǐ nà tiān gèng jiā shǎn yào
没 有 什 么 会 比 那 天 更 加 闪 耀
Nothing will be more shiny than that day

xiàn zài xiǎng qǐ hái huì fàng sì dà xiào dà jiào
现 在 想 起 还 会 放 肆 大 笑 大 叫
Just by thinking of it now, I would still laugh and shout loudly

nǎo hǎi pán xuán bìng bú tè bié
脑 海 盘 旋 并 不 特 别
Spinning in my brain, that’s not special

zhè yǒu qíng de jì niàn
这 友 情 的 纪 念
This is the memory of friendship

nǚ hái fā guāng nán hái fā liàng
女 孩 发 光 男 孩 发 亮
Illuminating girls, shinning boys

wǒ men zài yī qǐ biàn dé tè bié
我 们 在 一 起 变 得 特 别
We become special when we are together

zhuī gǎn pǎo tiào xī nào yī qǐ chuī kǒu shào
追 赶 跑 跳 嬉 闹 一 起 吹 口 哨
Chasing, jumping, playing, and whistling together

bì yǎn xǔ yuàn dǎo lì chéng liáng
闭 眼 许 愿 倒 立 乘 凉
Close eyes, make a wish, stand upside down, relax in a cool place

tiān qì biàn qíng niǎo
天 气 变 晴 鸟
The sky turns sunny

tíng zhǐ bú yào jì xù bēn pǎo
停 止 不 要 继 续 奔 跑
Stop, don’t keep running

zhuī zhú huī shǒu zài jiàn yōng bào
追 逐 挥 手 再 见 拥 抱
Chasing, waving hands, have a goodbye hug

nǐ zài shēn biān bié de
你 在 身 边 别 的
As long as you are by my side

shí me bú zhòng yào
什 么 不 重 要
Nothing else is important

yǒu qíng ài qíng shāng xīn biàn xīn
友 情 爱 情 伤 心 变 心
Friendship, love, sorrow, change of heart

zhǎ yǎn jiù hěn hǎo
眨 眼 就 很 好
It will be fine just by blinking

wàng jì fàng xià tiào yuè wēi xiào
忘 记 放 下 跳 跃 微 笑
Forget, let go, jump, smile

gǎi biàn zhǎng dà zhòng féng yōng bào ā
改 变 长 大 重 逢 拥 抱 啊
Change, grow up, reunite, embrace

shǎn zhe guāng de wǒ men ā
闪 着 光 的 我 们 啊
The shinning us

méi yǒu shí me huì bǐ nà tiān gèng jiā shǎn yào
没 有 什 么 会 比 那 天 更 加 闪 耀
Nothing will be more shiny than that day

xiàn zài xiǎng qǐ hái huì fàng sì dà xiào dà jiào
现 在 想 起 还 会 放 肆 大 笑 大 叫
Just by thinking of it now, I would still laugh and shout loudly

nǎo hǎi pán xuán bìng bú tè bié
脑 海 盘 旋 并 不 特 别
Spinning in my brain, that’s not special

zhè yǒu qíng de jì niàn
这 友 情 的 纪 念
This is the memory of friendship

nǚ hái fā guāng nán hái fā liàng
女 孩 发 光 男 孩 发 亮
Illuminating girls, shinning boys

wǒ men zài yī qǐ biàn dé tè bié
我 们 在 一 起 变 得 特 别
We become special when we are together

zhuī gǎn pǎo tiào xī nào
追 赶 跑 跳 嬉 闹
Chasing, jumping, playing

yī qǐ chuī kǒu shào
一 起 吹 口 哨
and whistling together

bì yǎn xǔ yuàn dǎo lì chéng liáng
闭 眼 许 愿 倒 立 乘 凉
Close eyes, make a wish, stand upside down, relax in a cool place

tiān qì biàn qíng niǎo
天 气 变 晴 鸟
The sky turns sunny

tíng zhǐ bú yào jì xù bēn pǎo
停 止 不 要 继 续 奔 跑
Stop, don’t keep running

zhuī zhú huī shǒu zài jiàn yōng bào
追 逐 挥 手 再 见 拥 抱
Chasing, waving hands, have a goodbye hug

nǐ zài shēn biān bié de
你 在 身 边 别 的
As long as you are by my side

shí me bú zhòng yào
什 么 不 重 要
Nothing else is important

yǒu qíng ài qíng shāng xīn biàn xīn
友 情 爱 情 伤 心 变 心
Friendship, love, sorrow, change of heart

zhǎ yǎn jiù hěn hǎo
眨 眼 就 很 好
It will be fine just by blinking

wàng jì fàng xià tiào yuè wēi xiào
忘 记 放 下 跳 跃 微 笑
Forget, let go, jump, smile

gǎi biàn zhǎng dà zhòng féng yōng bào ā
改 变 长 大 重 逢 拥 抱 啊
Change, grow up, reunite, embrace

shǎn zhe guāng de wǒ men ā
闪 着 光 的 我 们 啊
The shinning us

zhuī gǎn pǎo tiào xī nào
追 赶 跑 跳 嬉 闹
Chasing, jumping, playing

yī qǐ chuī kǒu shào
一 起 吹 口 哨
and whistling together

bì yǎn xǔ yuàn dǎo lì chéng liáng
闭 眼 许 愿 倒 立 乘 凉
Close eyes, make a wish, stand upside down, relax in a cool place

tiān qì biàn qíng niǎo
天 气 变 晴 鸟
The sky turns sunny

tíng zhǐ bú yào jì xù bēn pǎo
停 止 不 要 继 续 奔 跑
Stop, don’t keep running

zhuī zhú huī shǒu zài jiàn yōng bào
追 逐 挥 手 再 见 拥 抱
Chasing, waving hands, have a goodbye hug

nǐ zài shēn biān bié de
你 在 身 边 别 的
As long as you are by my side

shí me bú zhòng yào
什 么 不 重 要
Nothing else is important

yǒu qíng ài qíng shāng xīn biàn xīn
友 情 爱 情 伤 心 变 心
Friendship, love, sorrow, change of heart

zhǎ yǎn jiù hěn hǎo
眨 眼 就 很 好
It will be fine just by blinking

wàng jì fàng xià tiào yuè wēi xiào
忘 记 放 下 跳 跃 微 笑
Forget, let go, jump, smile

gǎi biàn zhǎng dà zhòng féng yōng bào ā
改 变 长 大 重 逢 拥 抱 啊
Change, grow up, reunite, embrace

shǎn zhe guāng de
闪 着 光 的
The shinning

wǒ men ā
我 们 啊


Covers & Versions of “Shining Days”

MV Version

Instrumental version

Chords of “Shining Days”


Download/MP3 of “Shining Days”

Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you

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